A Conversation for Ask h2g2

What can my we blame 2legs for?

Post 15921

Malabarista - now with added pony

I blame 2legs for the firemen that were here earlier, because they didn't know how to read a map smiley - headhurts

What can we blame 2legs for?

Post 15922

BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows

My stepmother once told me off for my childishness at thinking that the company who operate a van with 'Snap On Tools' emblazened along the side was hysterically funny.

I blame 2legs for peoples' rudeness, intolerance and road rage smiley - grr

What can my we blame 2legs for?

Post 15923


Those firemen sound pretty useless from everything you've said, Mal. smiley - laugh

I hope I never have to rely on them - if I do I'll blame 2legs.

What can my we blame 2legs for?

Post 15924

Malabarista - now with added pony

At least they remembered to bring bread for the ducks smiley - silly

What can my we blame 2legs for?

Post 15925



What can my we blame 2legs for?

Post 15926

Pit - ( Carpe Diem - Stay in Bed )

Come off it, KB - firemen are good. Very good. As long as your insurance pays for what they do to your house.smiley - winkeye

What can my we blame 2legs for?

Post 15927

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I blame 2legs for my lodger not having washed up, and my wanting to use the cooker to make naan bread, veg dharl/daal, chicken in yogart with fresh corianda, garlic, onion, mushroom, chilli, peppers, tomatos and things, and pilo rice smiley - wah

I also blame 2legs for my bothering to make Indian food from scratch when the really good Indian takeaway is two minutes walk from where I'm sitting at my PC smiley - dohsmiley - ermsmiley - drool

What can my we blame 2legs for?

Post 15928


I blame 2legs for indecision. At least, I think I do.

I don't know whether to go to Berlin or Rome. Or Vienna. Or Zurich, but then I may as well not know any German.

What can my we blame 2legs for?

Post 15929


I blame 2legs for not waking the Magratheans in time to save hootoo from auntie, and I blame him again for not doing it the second time !
I've said it.
Now bring me some mice to shoot, for which I'll blame 2legs as well.

Free?! Does that mean I can't get a Discount?
I thought I heard a Dolphin Wistle ...

What can my we blame 2legs for?

Post 15930

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Not sure who to blame in this one:


What can my we blame 2legs for?

Post 15931

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

blimey... what a weird storey... and a weird thing for a judge to have to decide on... I wonder if that deserves a thread in ask to get debat on the issues in it... which seem really complicated too smiley - headhurts
I blame 2legs for complicated legal things and for tiredness and hungryness...

What can my we blame 2legs for?

Post 15932

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I blame 2legs for no blames, and for love... smiley - loveblush and for vodka, and for guinness, and for it being too cold again smiley - brr and for tiredness and E-mails smiley - run

What can my we blame 2legs for?

Post 15933

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

No blames eh? Ok then, take the rap for bureaucracy smiley - winkeye, and dishes that I forgot to put in the dishwasher...again smiley - wah

What can my we blame 2legs for?

Post 15934

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

oh no, I'll have to take the last bit of that blame back, as the 'Butler' has just come on duty and started to clear the kitchen smiley - blush

smiley - biggrin

What can my we blame 2legs for?

Post 15935


I blame 2legs for this smiley - headhurts and for not knowing to wear to a h2g2 auction.

What can my we blame 2legs for?

Post 15936


I blame 2legs for it being Saturday tomorrow.......

smiley - winkeye

What can my we blame 2legs for?

Post 15937


I blame 2legs for it being Doobry tomorrow. smiley - winkeye

What can my we blame 2legs for?

Post 15938


I blame 2legs for not knowing about a h2g2 auction.

What can my we blame 2legs for?

Post 15939


I blame 2legs for the forecast rain tomorrow, threatening to spoil a hiking-hootoo meet, but I do have bacon butties ready to assuage the unpleasantness somewhat.

What can my we blame 2legs for?

Post 15940


I blame 2legs that there will be no pictures of the hiking-hootoo meet tomorrow.

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