A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Jesus is coming back. It could be sooner than you think!

Post 3221

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Bugger this for a game of soldiers. I'm going to go get an early night. Have a sweet night everybody.

Doc, I'll owe you that reply about consciousness.

Jesus is coming back. It could be sooner than you think!

Post 3222


No worries Clive. Have a good nightsmiley - magic

Jesus is coming back. It could be sooner than you think!

Post 3223


You have pretty much ignored my post 3192, the story of Mordecai, Ester and Xerxes, perhaps you know the point and realize that it blasts your ideas to hell.

The Story in a nutshell,

Mordecai a Jew and Esther's guardian hears of a plot to kill the Persian King Xerxes, so he tells Queen Esther, so the plot is foiled, the king is saved and Mordecai praised.
The next bit Haman is a ruler of a province of Persia and is a bit pissed off when Mordecai will not bow down to him, so much so that he dupes the king into passing stupid Laws that would allow him to kill the Jews, Esther finds out about this and tells king Xerxes that her people are about to be killed by Haman, this would include Mordecai, the king is a bit fed up and has Haman hung.

A similar story is presented with Darius being duped into stupid rules and being bound by them into putting Daniel into the lions den
duped by stupid men that insisted on stupid laws that the king was powerless to change.

Surely you get what I am saying, by trying to enforce your stupid laws you are preventing the king of the "jews" from acting in accordance with his own will.

This parallel doesn't need to be made but there are rumours that the British people include those from the bloodline of the tribe of Dan, so Jews, a long long time ago, that long ago it doesn't matter unless you have that Jewish bit still in your genes. But Religion aside.

The British people have saved the life of the king of these lands and I think that he'd be a bit pissed off with you and your religious muck.

Peace to those who live according to scripture but we will scare them half to death. Or at least try to.smiley - erm

Jesus is coming back. It could be sooner than you think!

Post 3224

warner - a new era of cooperation

The Beast (Dajjal) will attempt to misguide humanity into worshiping him and will perform miracles. He will say that he is God and created everything. The people that doubt their religion will follow him and people that have faith will not.

In fact, the Beast will be the biggest follower of satan that's ever been on earth (much worse than Hitler etc.).

I don't know about other people, but I CERTAINLY don't want to be duped into following evil. People who are atheists will easily be duped.
smiley - peacesign

Jesus is coming back. It could be sooner than you think!

Post 3225


'Deny! Deny!! Deny!!!'

always happy to deny that fantasy is reality.smiley - smiley


Post 3226


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Jesus is coming back. It could be sooner than you think!

Post 3227


>>People who are atheists will easily be duped.<<smiley - huh

We are atheist precisely because we're practiced in the ancient arts of skepticism.smiley - wizard

Jesus is coming back. It could be sooner than you think!

Post 3228

warner - a new era of cooperation

HonestIago smiley - smiley
Oh, you are so wrong! The proof of the pudding is in the eating. I was only saying earlier today, "How many times have I heard that?".
I was answering to "Show me the proof that God exists, and I will follow".

So there you have it. And of course, along with "his" miracles, he will invite people to follow JUST what their desires fancy and lead them into destruction.
smiley - peacesign

Jesus is coming back. It could be sooner than you think!

Post 3229


Just to throw a spanner into the works of this thread:

'Christians believe 'Christ' literally is the Light. In modern physics, the photon is the smallest packet of light. It has both wave and particle properties. Gnostics refer to Christ as the Divine Spark or the Divine Particle. What does this mean?

Modern science is well on the way to building the most sophisticated machine ever built - the massive particle accelerator at CERN, near Geneva, Switzerland - to discover the secrets of 'the God Particle'. Some physicists dismiss 'the God Particle' as just an annoying phrase coined partly to encourage Ronald Reagan and George Bush Senior into funding the Superconducting Super Collider in Texas because of their religious tendencies.

Others think it captures the true essence of the search. It may not be too far-fetched to say that the search for the God Particle is a religious quest disguised as science. There's certainly enough hyperbole and religious and mythological allegory attached to this project to make one wonder.

Because Christians think Christ as God, we can substitute the term 'Christ Particle' for 'God Particle'.

If Christ is a particle does that mean the Spear of Destiny is a particle accelerator that makes (identifies?) or manufactures this particle? Do we really need a multi-billion dollar science lab to make the Christ Particle? Or, do we simply need to learn how to use our body's ability to connect with this higher vibrational energy?'


smiley - laugh

Yep. I'll be easily duped.

Jesus is coming back. It could be sooner than you think!

Post 3230



This has to be the ultimate QOTD.

warner: you need professional help.


Post 3231


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Jesus is coming back. It could be sooner than you think!

Post 3232

warner - a new era of cooperation

>>believe in imaginary beings<<
You're all having a good laugh now. Perhaps if you'd lived through the war with Hitler, you wouldn't find it so amusing.

Was Hitler imaginary?
He must have thought he was God. The master race bla bla bla. Well that's nothing to this time round. You mark my words, it WILL happen, and the time is getting closer and closer.
smiley - peacesign

Jesus is coming back. It could be sooner than you think!

Post 3233

warner - a new era of cooperation

>>You are aware that that post makes no sense, aren't you?<<
What don't you understand?
smiley - peacesign

Jesus is coming back. It could be sooner than you think!

Post 3234


It doesn't make sense to me, either.

But that's no surprise, I guess.smiley - sadface

Jesus is coming back. It could be sooner than you think!

Post 3235

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

>>Mark my words? ' your all laughing now. -you'll see<<

Warner why you have descended to play the part of pantomime villain in a Scooby Doo episode? smiley - ghost

(And I'd have gotten away with it if it wasn't for those damn kids!)

Jesus is coming back. It could be sooner than you think!

Post 3236


>>You're all having a good laugh now<<

Yes. At your expense. I know I shouldn't be amused or offended by the delusional ravings of the mentally disturbed, but in your case I'll make an exception.

>>Perhaps if you'd lived through the war with Hitler, you wouldn't find it so amusing.<<

Whereas the murder of hundreds of thousands of homosexuals would have amused you no end. The irony of you referencing Hitler when you yourself seem to support some of his policies is rather delicious.

>>He must have thought he was God. The master race bla bla bla. Well that's nothing to this time round.<<

So your God is worse than Hitler. Nice.

>>You mark my words, it WILL happen, and the time is getting closer and closer.<<


Jesus is coming back. It could be sooner than you think!

Post 3237


>>What don't you understand?<<

It's not that I don't understand what the words mean. It's the fact that you seem to be replying to a post neither I, nor anyone else, made.

In the context of the thread, your words are gibberish. That's not opinion, it's objective fact, observable by everyone who isn't you. I ask again, in all sincerity, are you aware that your post made no sense?

Jesus is coming back. It could be sooner than you think!

Post 3238

warner - a new era of cooperation

>>why you have descended to play the part of pantomime villain<<
smiley - laugh Simply this. We haven't got all the time in the world. If I didn't care about others, then I wouldn't bother trying to get people to understand anything. I'd keep it to myself, and just "cash in".
smiley - peacesign

Jesus is coming back. It could be sooner than you think!

Post 3239

warner - a new era of cooperation

smiley - sorry post 3237 lies!


Post 3240


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