A Conversation for Ask h2g2
Just like a dodgy kebab and too much beer, Jesus is coming back.
Stealth "Jack" Azathoth Posted Oct 26, 2008
Just like a dodgy kebab and too much beer, Jesus is coming back.
pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? | Posted Oct 26, 2008
who is the pervert here?
Just like a dodgy kebab and too much beer, Jesus is coming back.
Taff Agent of kaos Posted Oct 26, 2008
Just like a dodgy kebab and too much beer, Jesus is coming back.
pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? | Posted Oct 26, 2008
read backlog, anagrammer!
Just like a dodgy kebab and too much beer, Jesus is coming back.
lostmonalisa Posted Oct 27, 2008
i think youre all a bunch of perverts. Its nice to have the company.
Just like a dodgy kebab and too much beer, Jesus is coming back.
Taff Agent of kaos Posted Oct 27, 2008
there is no such thing as a pervert
we are
differently stimulated
exotically arroused
alternative libido
see no perverts here
Just like a dodgy kebab and too much beer, Jesus is coming back.
lostmonalisa Posted Oct 27, 2008
well, you know, if it werent for the gutter, my mind would be homeless.
i like those euphemisms. (tho i wish there was a term for euphemism that was less judgemental)
Just like a dodgy kebab and too much beer, Jesus is coming back.
~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum Posted Oct 27, 2008
I am returned...
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Oct 27, 2008
For as one as for as the many did pass unto those that did partake that which was that which they partook
i am not packed yet.
lostmonalisa Posted Oct 28, 2008
i didnt' partake of the partakedness., but i did partake of the nakedness.
he's not coming, i have proof
lostmonalisa Posted Oct 28, 2008
Just teh other day, my choir director called me, and said "send a message to that magazine, and see if you can recall the ad for that messiah we're supposed to be doing in December. I'm pissed at my church."
So i said "sure, no problem"
Sent email to magazine, rec'd message saying that 'no problem, you were just in time to retract that ad'
so i replied "thank goodness, i'd hate for people to be waiting around for the messiah when he's not coming."
so, yeah, he's not coming, my choir director said so. cuz he's pissed at his church.
this is not a tangerine. This is not even an apple.
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Oct 28, 2008
Jesus is like a bus.
royalrcrompton Posted Oct 31, 2008
Hi Gif
re Matt. 16:28 "...coming in his kingdom."
That the interpretation of this verse refers to Jesus' Second Coming is not conclusive. The kingdom of God does not come by observation, but by the indwelling of believers (see Luke 17:20,21) and that indwelling came on the Day of Pentecost when the Holy Ghost descended and filled the disciples in the upper room (see John 14:16,17 ; Acts 2:1-4).
There were those present at that infilling who had walked with Jesus. One could therefore plausibly connect Matt. 16:28 with Acts 2. I would not go so far as to be dogmatic, but it seems a logical way to explain what Jesus meant.
Jesus is like a bus.
Effers;England. Posted Oct 31, 2008
I don't know....all this talk of infilling and coming. I'm surprised the BBC allows it...
Jesus is like a bus.
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Oct 31, 2008
I had a loverly infiling the other day.... I@m not goign to mention the coming... its a family site afterall.... Still no sign of Jesus here, I keep checking out the back as some hippyish sorts sometimes hang out there by the bins...
Jesus is like a bus.
kuzushi Posted Nov 3, 2008
In some ways Jesus is like a bus.
He's like the rescue bus we can flee to to escape the wrath of God.
I've allowed quite a backlog to build up. I see a lot of references to nuns.
Jesus is like a bus.
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Nov 3, 2008
You had to. YOu had to go mention Cliff Richard. We'll be doomed to infernal dalmnations forever now
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Just like a dodgy kebab and too much beer, Jesus is coming back.
- 301: Stealth "Jack" Azathoth (Oct 26, 2008)
- 302: pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? | (Oct 26, 2008)
- 303: Taff Agent of kaos (Oct 26, 2008)
- 304: pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? | (Oct 26, 2008)
- 305: lostmonalisa (Oct 27, 2008)
- 306: Taff Agent of kaos (Oct 27, 2008)
- 307: lostmonalisa (Oct 27, 2008)
- 308: ~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum (Oct 27, 2008)
- 309: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Oct 27, 2008)
- 310: lostmonalisa (Oct 28, 2008)
- 311: lostmonalisa (Oct 28, 2008)
- 312: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Oct 28, 2008)
- 313: royalrcrompton (Oct 31, 2008)
- 314: Effers;England. (Oct 31, 2008)
- 315: Effers;England. (Oct 31, 2008)
- 316: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Oct 31, 2008)
- 317: kuzushi (Nov 3, 2008)
- 318: lostmonalisa (Nov 3, 2008)
- 319: Effers;England. (Nov 3, 2008)
- 320: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Nov 3, 2008)
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