A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Jesus is like a bus.

Post 261


There he is! There he is! Jesus! He came back! Oh, father forgive me for my ignorant sins, I knew not what I did!

Gif smiley - angel

Jesus is like a bus.

Post 262


Sorry, my mistake, it's just 2legs.

Thought you were someone else for a moment there.

Gif smiley - geek

Jesus is like a bus.

Post 263


you know.. i've often wondered what the definition of imminent is. Does it have a specific time frame?
2legs is just as good as jesus. Just as difficult to understand.

Jesus is like a bus.

Post 264

Secretly Not Here Any More

I don't know, if somebody said "the next toilet break is imminent" and I had to wait a week to relieve myself, I'd be challenging the imminence of that statement.

Jesus is like a bus.

Post 265


Exactly what i mean. I think imminent should have a definite definition. Just like 'a few', or 'a moment', or 'a bunch'. It's all too airy fairy for me. Seems like JC has been coming back for some time now (another phrase that needs defining)

Jesus is like a bus.

Post 266


Fortunately, Matthew 16:28 narrows things down for us.

Jesus will return while some of his contemporaries are still alive.

Gif smiley - geek

Jesus is like a bus.

Post 267


hmmm.. who are his contemporaries.

Jesus is like a bus.

Post 268

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

nighthoover, natch, Alexy saile, and the Hawk king.
streth.... I thought everyone* knew that smiley - winkeye can we call him 2jesus's when he arrives?

Jesus is like a bus.

Post 269

Taff Agent of kaos


and on the morn of the sabbath he fell unto his knees in front of the font of all wisdom and did worship the lord in the manner taught to us by our fore father

he spake

Oh God!
Oh God!
Jesus Christ!
I am never drinking again
Oh God!
Oh God!
I don't remember eating that
Oh God!
Oh God
Please let me die now
Oh God!
Oh God!
My head is killing me
Jesus Christ!

and after his ablutions
he did venture forth to the temple known as the Pub and prepared himself for the act of worship that was to come the following morn

here endeth the lesson

smiley - bat

Jesus is like a bus.

Post 270


Thus spaketh the Taff
his word is the truth

Jesus is like a bus.

Post 271

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

All hail the meisier! smiley - zen

Let the lords drink floath into thi heart smiley - alesmiley - cheers

Jesus is like a bus, except they come when expected. Usually.

Post 272


i got nothin.

Jesus is like a bus, except they come when expected. Usually.

Post 273

Taff Agent of kaos

smiley - lovesmiley - alesmiley - love

smiley - alesmiley - oksmiley - cheers

smiley - bat

Jesus is like a bus, except they come when expected. Usually.

Post 274

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Its been well over a week since I last had smiley - ale or smiley - stiffdrink or smiley - stout or smiley - redwine or smiley - bubbly and I shall not have any tonight smiley - wah But the weekend ahead promises to be rahter alcoholic down in Torquay smiley - coolsmiley - alesmiley - zensmiley - lovesmiley - alesmiley - lovesmiley - alesmiley - lovesmiley - stiffdrinksmiley - zen

Jesus is like a bus, except they come when expected. Usually.

Post 275


i think i will have tonight, i've got the remnants of a bottle in my fridge. Alas, tho, i have to work until 8pm, and then drive my daughter's friend home, in exchange for a free chicken.

Jesus is like a bus, except they come when expected. Usually.

Post 276

Taff Agent of kaos

i have not had a drop of since monday night and wont have any until 10:30 next tues day

smiley - bat

Jesus is like a bus, except they come when expected. Usually.

Post 277


That is a seemingly arbitrary time to have some booze. I will have some booze in aproximately 20 minutes. I hope the second coming doesn't interfere with my boozing, or anyone else's. smiley - ale

Jesus is like a bus, except they come when expected. Usually.

Post 278

Taff Agent of kaos

i am working nights for a week and during the day its the old problem

1 is too many because 1 is not enough

smiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - ale

smiley - bat

Jesus is like a bus, except they come when expected. Usually.

Post 279

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I'll be well and truely into the smiley - ale by this timr tommorrow night... actually by my calculations should be having the first beer of the evening round 7 ish depending on what time I arrive in.... but of course, that doesn't include any vodka or guinness or gin I might trink on the journey there, just to make the journey more palatable smiley - zensmiley - ale

Jesus is like a bus, except they come when expected. Usually.

Post 280

Taff Agent of kaos

and remeber in tor-key

"the sea is over there between the land and the sky"


smiley - bat

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