A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Jesus is coming back. Please stare intently into the Sun, because his Mother wants to blind you!

Post 241


oh i dont think i should try that at work.

Jesus is coming back. Please stare intently into the Sun, because his Mother wants to blind you!

Post 242


'oh i dont think i should try that at work.'

probably not.smiley - laugh

Jesus is coming back. Please stare intently into the Sun, because his Mother wants to blind you!

Post 243

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I have a vision. But I also have cheese and crackers and butter, so the vision will have to wait.

Jesus is coming back. Please stare intently into the Sun, because his Mother wants to blind you!

Post 244


*Engages incognito mode*

Jesus is coming back. Please stare intently into the Sun, because his Mother wants to blind you!

Post 245

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

*(engages incoherent mode*

Jesus is coming back. Please stare intently into the Sun, because his Mother wants to blind you!

Post 246


--Enrages inchoate toad--

Jesus is coming back. Please stare intently into the Sun, because his Mother wants to blind you!

Post 247

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Once apon a time, in a land just over there, not that far away really, lived a tree, one day the tree exploded when a explosion did happen, and th etree died. The end smiley - zen tree, tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree take me to the tree tree tree tree take me to the tree, oin in everyone tree tree tree tree take me to the tree tree tree take me to the tree tree tree take me to the funny farm tree tree tree trouser plant house mite weather girl tree tree tree tree baloon people rinsed tappole lumberjack teree tree tree tree whistle post margerine man maker shoe nail hacksaw rree tree tree take me to the treee beer beer tree beer tree beer tree beers for me

Jesus is late. Again.

Post 248

Secretly Not Here Any More

I thought the return was imminent? We've been waiting a week now!

Have you thought what to call this return? I mean, the Second Coming's all well and good, but the Second Coming did for The Stone Roses, and it only took them 6 years to put that together. No, I say you go with a much better second album title, preferably one with brackets involved.

Jesus is late. Again.

Post 249

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Blink and she's gone, as quick as a speeding speeding thing, blink and she's gone, look just there, there on the stairs, oh no, thats a mouse, with clogs on, well I dispair smiley - wah

why are we waiting.... we are suffocating.... oh why are we waiting.... for err who are we waiting for again?; Elvis was it? smiley - erm

Jesus is late. Again.

Post 250


I thought it was the bus?

Jesus is late. Again.

Post 251

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

The bus is a lie.
Only the apple pie is real. In all of the endevours ever encountered only one thing throughout all non recorded unrecorded things has remained true, the apple pie. Its a pie an dit contains apples. smiley - zen

Jesus is like a bus.

Post 252

Taff Agent of kaos

you wait ages and ages for his comming and then you get 3 all together one after another

smiley - bat

Jesus is like a bus.

Post 253

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Won't the sequal be a bit of a let done, they useually are? smiley - wah actually, rocky three was quite good.... smiley - erm and terminator two.... and plice accadmy 18 was an imrpovement on teh previous six... smiley - erm

Jesus is like a bus.

Post 254

Taff Agent of kaos

jesus 2

no loaves this time, no fishes either

feeding the masses with pot noodle and bovril

turning wine into water

head of the budwiser brewery

smiley - bat

Jesus is like a bus.

Post 255


I think the Elect have been scared off this thread.smiley - erm

Jesus is like a bus.

Post 256

Taff Agent of kaos

the Elect???

smiley - bat

Jesus is like a bus.

Post 257


The Chosen, The Saved, The Born-Again.

Jesus is like a bus.

Post 258

Taff Agent of kaos

so another god thread derailed by the god less

"oh my lord why have you forsaken me"

smiley - bat

Jesus is like a bus.

Post 259

Mr. X ---> "Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!"

It's interesting, really, that the Godless Heathens seem to have more resolve than the supposedly righteous.

smiley - pirate

Jesus is like a bus.

Post 260

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Fear not, for we art not foresaken by our lord, as impending things go, Friday night is but mere hours away and thence ye shall find the lord in thi drinketh of the fermented vegetable products and late-night drunken hooveryness

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