A Conversation for Ask h2g2
"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread
Orcus Posted Jul 15, 2016
Is this physiologically possible? I guess it may explain those mobile hips of his.
"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread
Baron Grim Posted Jul 16, 2016
This one is absolutely fake.
"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread
Icy North Posted Jul 18, 2016
There's a certain age you pass, after which you don't so much laugh at these stories, as feel relieved: "It could have been me..."
"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread
Atticus Posted Jul 18, 2016
Do you mean something like this Richard Ayoade and Chris O'Dowd video clip, Icy? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wiqF7_keYs
"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread
Baron Grim Posted Jul 18, 2016
There should be a word for that. The Germans gave us Schadenfreude, that's pleasure derived by someone from another person's misfortune. But what about great relief that it wasn't you that just caused another's misfortune?
Like this guy.
Or this guy.
Yeah... Don't feel bad for that guy.
"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread
Icy North Posted Jul 19, 2016
Exactly those.
Yes, we need a word. 'Hyperalleviation', possibly?
"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread
Icy North Posted Jul 19, 2016
If you want to resurrect a shorter word, then I like 'swage' (c.1300)
It has the benefit of also meaning 'otter excrement'.
"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread
Recumbentman Posted Jul 19, 2016
Now how do you do a reverse lookup on OED, Icy?
"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread
Icy North Posted Jul 19, 2016
I browsed the Historical Thesaurus, but I guess you may find things using advanced search.
"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread
Icy North Posted Jul 20, 2016
Turkey’s post-coup purge of academics:
As well as prosecuting all the military leaders responsible for last week’s failed coup, Turkey’s President Erdogan has embarked on a purge of media and academia. So far, he’s reportedly sacked 1,577 university deans, 21,000 teachers and 15,000 education ministry officials. He’s also banned travel.
Now, I don’t know what this sounds like in your part of the world, but in the UK, it’s bizarre to think that university lecturers, schoolteachers and civil servants could muster any organised political activity. I’ve never met anyone quite as disorganised and scatterbrained as people in education.
One thing, though, if they ever do mobilise a military force, it’ll have tweed uniforms with brown leather elbow patches. And as for weaponry, they're pretty accurate with blackboard duster missiles.
"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread
Baron Grim Posted Jul 20, 2016
Turkey will be much less secular now and it may not be a NATO member much longer if the executions begin.
"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread
swl Posted Jul 21, 2016
They don't need so many teachers when the Imams are ready to do it
"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread
Baron Grim Posted Jul 21, 2016
This story is not catching the attention of the US media. It's mentioned, but just cursory coverage. I'm sure in the minds of most Americans it falls under the general "Middle East = Constant Strife - S.E.P. field."
This is happening right in the middle of the coronation of the Short Attention Span Presidential candidate. (I'm not saying Trump has a short attention span, he does, but his ascension is only possible because of the modern media and public's amazingly short attentions spans. There is no in-depth coverage of anything anymore as journalism ends at the next bright shiny story.)
"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread
Recumbentman Posted Jul 22, 2016
Nice to be reminded of the SEP Field. Douglas Adams's Bistromathics.
The media have SEP fields down to a fine art.
This is what catches my attention today: http://www.monbiot.com/2016/07/21/punishment-posting/
More SEPs. "The living planet – the biggest and most important portfolio of all – is treated by Theresa May as the government’s Craggy Island."
"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread
Pink Paisley Posted Jul 22, 2016
At the time of writing, the big news is the trouble in Munich. Despicable. And on the back of Bangladesh, Baghdad, and Nice, all this month.
I'm a liberal but frustrated that it makes me think that Trumpism may have some mileage in it.
"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread
Baron Grim Posted Jul 23, 2016
Drumpf's nomination speech was 77 minutes of fearmongering, with many lies (for instance he says violent crime is up 17% in certain major cities while violent crime is actually down 15% nation wide since 2008.)
But yeah, fear and terror are way up. That's Germany's second attack in a week. In the US flags are still at half mast since the Orlando attack, but not still because of Orlando but because of several police ambushings.
It's easy to fearmonger with this combo punch of I.S. attacks and individuals violently retaliating against cops for the recent spree of police shooting black men.
It doesn't really matter that the fears Drumpf is promoting are relatively baseless when folks are being hammered by news of senseless violence anyway.
That madman has a serious chance of being elected. And BoB help the human race if he is.
"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread
Recumbentman Posted Jul 23, 2016
The idea of "doing something about it" is the scary part.
You can do something about it, but not some quick fix. You can improve education, especially for girls, especially in disadvantaged parts.
"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread
Icy North Posted Jul 28, 2016
Parents in the US are naming their children after characters in Pokemon Go:
"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread
Baron Grim Posted Jul 28, 2016
OK... that's not as bad as I thought it might be.
1. Roselia - it's risen 5,859 spots
2. Onyx - up 2,184 spots
3. Star - 2,040
4. Eevee - 1,377 places
5. Ivy - 1,287 spots
6. Ash - 248 spots
7. Shay - 64 spots
No Pikachus or Squirtles.
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"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread
- 17541: Orcus (Jul 15, 2016)
- 17542: Baron Grim (Jul 16, 2016)
- 17543: Icy North (Jul 18, 2016)
- 17544: Atticus (Jul 18, 2016)
- 17545: Baron Grim (Jul 18, 2016)
- 17546: Icy North (Jul 19, 2016)
- 17547: Icy North (Jul 19, 2016)
- 17548: Recumbentman (Jul 19, 2016)
- 17549: Icy North (Jul 19, 2016)
- 17550: Icy North (Jul 20, 2016)
- 17551: Baron Grim (Jul 20, 2016)
- 17552: swl (Jul 21, 2016)
- 17553: Baron Grim (Jul 21, 2016)
- 17554: Recumbentman (Jul 22, 2016)
- 17555: Pink Paisley (Jul 22, 2016)
- 17556: Baron Grim (Jul 23, 2016)
- 17557: Recumbentman (Jul 23, 2016)
- 17558: swl (Jul 23, 2016)
- 17559: Icy North (Jul 28, 2016)
- 17560: Baron Grim (Jul 28, 2016)
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