A Conversation for Ask h2g2
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Bluebottle Posted Oct 7, 2014
It's old news, but I've just seen this story about people who went on strike because they didn't have clean toilets:
There haven't been working toilets in our building since July, so it is very tempting...
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ITIWBS Posted Oct 7, 2014
I've seen that happen with a truck stuck under a railway bridge in Riverside, CA, USA.
The solved the problem by letting some of the air out of the truck's tires so it could be driven clear.
What news story has caught your attention today.
Baron Grim Posted Oct 7, 2014
There's a low bridge in North Carolina that's so notorious it has its own website.
(They actually installed I-beam barriers in front of the bridge so that the trucks aren't damaging the actual bridge.)
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Pink Paisley Posted Oct 10, 2014
Malala Yousafzai awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
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Bald Bloke Posted Oct 10, 2014
Two new strange and charming particles appear at LHC
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Xanatic Posted Oct 10, 2014
Research done in what might be my hometown, have created a crystal that can help you breathe underwater.
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ITIWBS Posted Oct 11, 2014
Very alarming.
The attack on a Soviet petrochemical factory that preciptated tbe 1970s Soviet invasion of Afghanistan was undertaken this way.
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Bald Bloke Posted Oct 11, 2014
OK not actually in the papers...
The damned doing a mobility scooter race????
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swl Posted Oct 12, 2014
A children's choir from Uganda with 20 orphaned members has been refused entry into the UK because they did not have parental consent letters.
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Baron Grim Posted Oct 12, 2014
The article isn't clear about whether or not the school officials have legal guardianship of these orphans.
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Icy North Posted Oct 13, 2014
Is Kim Jong-Un healthy or is Kim Jong unhealthy?
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Baron Grim Posted Oct 13, 2014
Kim Jong is neither ill nor Unhealthy.
Un is in a box, with a cat, both doing a good job keeping the probability wave function from collapsing.
Seriously, all we have is speculation.
What news story has caught your attention today.
Pink Paisley Posted Oct 13, 2014
I have watched the video of Kim Jong-Un and it clear that there is a problem that the North Koreans will have some difficulty managing in terms of press, publicity and national and international image.
It is important both internally, and even though he has limited regard from world leaders on the international stage, that his image is that of a strong leader who remains in control and commands respect. This respect internally serves to reinforce the dynasty and instil and maintain confidence, enabling the state mechanism to continue to control and support the status quo, thus providing the ruling class with the ongoing power required to suppress the underclass.
Externally, even though he is regarded as something of a despot and an unreliable leader with whom negotiation is fraught with difficulty, the image of a serious and 'in control' leader is important.
Unfortunately, it can clearly be seen from his gait, that he has poo'd his pants.
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ITIWBS Posted Oct 15, 2014
The little hyena?
Note the vertical slits in the eyes?
Hyena's eyes.
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~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum Posted Oct 15, 2014
Swarm of squid attacks Greenpeace submarine:
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Baron Grim Posted Oct 15, 2014
I saw that vine clip the other day on the website of a less reputable media organization. Their title was "Giant Squid Attacks Greenpeace Sub".
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~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum Posted Oct 15, 2014
At the bottom of the vid screen is a counter
showing over 5 million hits. It keeps jumping
upward twenty or thirty hits every few seconds.
I wonder if it counted you twice.
It's kinda fun to watch it spinning up - for maybe
ten or fifteen seconds. Not as much fun as the US
Debt counter which is spinning upward in a blur of
tens of thousands of dollars every few seconds.
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Recumbentman Posted Oct 16, 2014
That debt clock is horrendous. What on earth are they thinking about?
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Baron Grim Posted Oct 16, 2014
Mostly they're thinking it's politically impossible to raise taxes/cut loopholes for the rich and for corporations. Spending has been cut greatly, in many ways too greatly. Yet the mere idea of increasing the capital gains tax (currently capped at 15%) is off the table.
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What news story has caught your attention today.
- 16321: Bluebottle (Oct 7, 2014)
- 16322: ITIWBS (Oct 7, 2014)
- 16323: Baron Grim (Oct 7, 2014)
- 16324: Pink Paisley (Oct 10, 2014)
- 16325: Bald Bloke (Oct 10, 2014)
- 16326: Xanatic (Oct 10, 2014)
- 16327: ITIWBS (Oct 11, 2014)
- 16328: Bald Bloke (Oct 11, 2014)
- 16329: swl (Oct 12, 2014)
- 16330: Baron Grim (Oct 12, 2014)
- 16331: Icy North (Oct 13, 2014)
- 16332: Baron Grim (Oct 13, 2014)
- 16333: Pink Paisley (Oct 13, 2014)
- 16334: Bald Bloke (Oct 15, 2014)
- 16335: ITIWBS (Oct 15, 2014)
- 16336: ~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum (Oct 15, 2014)
- 16337: Baron Grim (Oct 15, 2014)
- 16338: ~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum (Oct 15, 2014)
- 16339: Recumbentman (Oct 16, 2014)
- 16340: Baron Grim (Oct 16, 2014)
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