A Conversation for Ask h2g2


Post 8501


So far, my web research has located glow-in-the-dark crucifixes, specially for the child's bedroom, crucifix 'pins' for baby, and, (my favourite), the 'talking Jesus doll':


Sadly, my search for a screaming Jesus crucifix has been unsuccessful.
I think it is a hell of a good idea, and am miffed that I wasn't the first to think of it smiley - cross


Post 8502


It would be good to make some screaming catholic style ones with the full body attached, and go to a service smiley - laugh and switch it on full volume in the middle of prayers., smiley - rofl


Post 8503


smiley - rofl

Stoppit! You'll have me planning how I could secrete a remote speaker into a local church....

smiley - evilgrin

I am definitely not, however, chopped liver.

Post 8504


I've been asked to return to the 'religion threads'.

So, I think I'll respond to a particular portion of the (old) thread drift by saying, in a qualified way, that I agree with Vickysmiley - yikes

bad language is nasty.

Now the qualified bit.

Although Welsh is brilliant himself, the that Welsh depicts using foul language are not of particularly high intellect.

When Shakespeare bites his thumb at us, he is something other than Mercutio.

When some unfortunate on the street is sadly unable to conjure up a word of more than four letters, she/he is no more Shakespeare or Welsh (well, she/he may be, in fact Welshsmiley - blush), but that is beside my point) than is a block of Camembert.


Having been so polemical as to both agree with Vicky and simultaneously to identify slags on the street with a block of Camembert, I will now take my leave.smiley - bubbly

I am definitely not, however, chopped liver.

Post 8505


Veni, vidi, ...cheesy

smiley - erm

I am definitely not, however, chopped liver.

Post 8506


> I agree with Vicky<

Good luck with that anhaga. I tried that, it brings nothing but misery and hellish despair. smiley - erm

I am definitely not, however, chopped liver.

Post 8507


He came, he saw, he... talked about cheese

smiley - erm

I am definitely not, however, chopped liver.

Post 8508




I'm going to bed.smiley - sleepy

I am definitely not, however, chopped liver.

Post 8509


Well, cheeses crust, it's nearly midnight!

smiley - biggrin

I am definitely not, however, chopped liver.

Post 8510


smiley - cross

Now that anhaga's said that, we'll get nothing but Vicky's tedious brand of self righteous unintelligent twaddle, saying that her old mother was right after all.

Why don't you just p*ss off again, anhaga. smiley - winkeye

I am definitely not, however, chopped liver.

Post 8511


Just so long as you don't start agreeing with her views on homosexuals, (not to mention fat people, Americans, smelly people at bustops, Germans, people who like a glass of wine or two which apparently induces psychosis, and New Zealand doctors who are terminally incapable of making a correct diagnosis of any illness occurring to anyone in Vicky's family.)

I am definitely not, however, chopped liver.

Post 8512

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

I've not read recent backlog before posting this but, well, blimey, bloody hell, grr, argh, hmph, gnnnngh etc.

Oi, Catholics, keep your hands off our bleedin' science. When *you* figure out cures for cancer, heart disease, Parkinson's and muscular dystrophy then you can stop the real world trying instead. Until then please STFU.

/me ooh, I came over all Brigstocke there. smiley - smiley

I am definitely not, however, chopped liver.

Post 8513


Cheeses is lard.

Gif smiley - geek

I am definitely not, however, chopped liver.

Post 8514


Thought of two more good examples of witty swearing.

1) The whole of Reservoir Dogs.

2) The opening 5 mins of 4 Weddings and a Funeral. smiley - rofl

Gif smiley - geek

I am definitely not, however, chopped liver.

Post 8515


And on crucifixion and suffering, surprised no-one's mentioned Passion of the Christ yet.

My understanding of Christian theology is that the more Jesus suffered, the more we are forgiven for our sins, in some way I never quite grasped. So the suffering itself is important smiley - erm

Gif smiley - geek

I am definitely not, however, chopped liver.

Post 8516


Oh right. That accounts for the father godhead selecting crucifixion as his preferred method of torture and torment then. Shame no Christian knew that. They obviously don't have the first clue why they wear their crosses, except because their sister gave it to them....smiley - laugh

I am definitely not, however, chopped liver.

Post 8517

Noggin the Nog

I thought crucifixion was the *Romans* preferred method of torture and torment.


I am definitely not, however, chopped liver.

Post 8518

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

It's also worth pointing out that Mr Nazereth's suffering was no more unusual than that of anyone else who was nailed to a cross. Why is his a special case? (Other than his being wrongly convicted on trumped up, politically motivated charges, obviously).

I am definitely not, however, chopped liver.

Post 8519

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

Getting back to...

>>Although Welsh is brilliant himself, the that Welsh depicts using foul language are not of particularly high intellect.

That's certainly true of Begby, whose line it was. I'm not sure that the same can be said of Renton or Sick Boy. The novel doesn't say anything specific about their intellect - but presumably they're just you or I born on the wrong Edinburgh housing scheme?

I am definitely not, however, chopped liver.

Post 8520


I'd say it's apparent that Rent-boy is quite a clever bloke. Sick Boy ain't stupid either.

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