A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Creationists discuss Ardi

Post 21801


Well, I don't have anything to do with his work, but that's up to him. Pain most of the time anyway, he was.smiley - biggrin

Creationists discuss Ardi

Post 21802


Anyway, he was tying me up while I was trying to figure out how to avoid crashing my computer trying to find the fourth term of {4, 10, 1000,...} (43 is prime; 109 and 10987 are prime; and 1000999, 1000999998997 and 1000999998997996995994993 are prime. I got {4, 10, 1000,...} included in the Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences, despite their normal standard of at least four terms. The fourth term is greater than a million.)

Creationists discuss Ardi

Post 21803


I should be clear to anyone else that those days (of suicide attempts) are long past.

Creationists discuss Ardi

Post 21804

Taff Agent of kaos


so you have been specially selected to do this work by an invisible and compleatly undetectable alien-god, due to a coincedence with your birthday, and it was a coincidence that you got into mathamatics, yet coincidently no other mathamatician with the same coincidental birth date as you was chosen for this task, just you,

and you have a history of attempting suicide and have seen a therapist

i think you are a candidate for a Nobell.......straight jacket

smiley - bat

Creationists discuss Ardi

Post 21805


Hi Julzes,

>My maths only prove that there is some sort of God for Earth.

Um, how? If maths existed first, how does that prove that these god-aliens came later?

>Not in a few years. Was that an offer?

smiley - laughsmiley - smiley

Gif smiley - geek

Creationists discuss Ardi

Post 21806

Rudest Elf

Julzes, you'd probably be teased a lot less if you didn't base (at least some of) your calculations on your date of birth - a wholly artificial construct. smiley - shrug

smiley - reindeer

Creationists discuss Ardi

Post 21807

Noggin the Nog

Hi Gif

Next one is a comparison of the war of Rameses and the Hittites, as described by him, and the war of Necho II and Nebuchadrezzar, as described in the Bible (there is no Egyptian record of this long war, and indeed only one inscription of the person normally identified as Necho II), with asides on the Sherden and the location(s) of Kadesh. Possibly over several posts.

For reference I'm using wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramesses_II and Velikovsky's "Rameses II and his time". Trying to find original sources and translations online to back up arguments on either side has been, shall we say, frustrating.

Wiki starts with Rameses' victory over the Sherden pirates in year 2 (source Tanis stele) - V doesn't mention this, but it has no direct effect on the reconstruction. After their defeat Sherden prisoners and/or mercenaries were incorporated into the Egyptian army. If V's reconstruction is correct the Sherden are easily identified as Lydians, from the city of Sardis.

Next up is Rameses 1st campaign into Syria. Wiki gives this as year 4, and V as year 2. That the events in the two versions are remarkably similar can hardly be contested. The battle takes place at Megiddo, the Palestinian prince is Josiah, the captive prince is Jehoahaz, and a substantial tribute was levied (plundering the Asiatics in their own lands).

The issue is the date. V needs 3 years between the first campaign and the second to Kadesh. He cites the Tanis stele mentioned above (is the stele year 2 or does it contain inscriptions from more than one year?), an Aswan stele also of year 2, and the Nar el Kelb stele dated year 2. Wiki suggests that despite the date this last was erected in year 10, but I can find neither source nor explanation for this contention. The other two stele of Rameses on this site are year 3 (probably), and year 4. I'm not clear from the text where wiki derives its year 4 date from.

Year 5 of Rameses is the campaign leading to the Battle of Kadesh. Necho of the bible fights at Carchemish. If the reconstruction is to be vindicated it must be shown that Kadesh of Rameses is in fact Carchemish, and not tell Nebi-Mend on the Orontes. In so doing we need also to touch on the identity of Kadesh in the annals of Tuthmoses III, and the real identity of tell Nebi-Mend. There have been excavations there recently, but it seems that the results are not yet published, so there's no direct confirmation from the site itself one way or the other. It is, however, worth noting that the nearest village is called Riblah, and the nearest town is Hamath. That tell Nebi-Mend may be Riblah in the land of Hamath seems a reasonable supposition.

The rest will be in another post, when I have time.


Creationists discuss Ardi

Post 21808

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

>>Your calculations [based on} your date of birth - a wholly artificial construct. <<

Especially when you consider the switch over from The Julian to the Gregorian calendars in the 16th century onwards, thus proving that date is something of an artificial construct.

Creationists discuss Ardi

Post 21809


My parents and aunts and uncles and the hospitals where my cousins and I were born would beg to differ with my birthday coincidence being an artificial construct. As for the calendar itself being one, that's part of the more abstruse stuff about our history being manipulated. The people who can't grasp what I'm getting at haven't taken the time to look at my evidence as it has so far been laid out, or their mathematical skills (lack of them) prevent them from understanding it. It's a simple extension of my family's manipulation to posit that our calendar has been subject to manipulation before it.

Creationists discuss Ardi

Post 21810


Taff: Actually, I'm glad you reconsidered.

Creationists discuss Ardi

Post 21811


In re 21802: Not that anyone's interested, but I'm confident that my approach will yield a result in the reasonably near future (Let me pray now that the fourth term is a seven-digit number smiley - laugh).

Creationists discuss Ardi

Post 21812


If I were not subject to a history of mental illness, but were instead a hotshot ordinary mathematician with this strange story, I'd probably think it was my place in life to rule the world one day. There is a reason this happened to a White Male American Mathematician with a family background of Christianity who has largely been an Atheist all of his life. And there is a reason for the mental illness.

Creationists discuss Ardi

Post 21813


My fantasy is to be an alien ship-docking specialist in the distant future, not to be captain.

Creationists discuss Ardi

Post 21814

Noggin the Nog

It's life, Jim, but not as we know it...

Creationists discuss Ardi

Post 21815



Creationists discuss Ardi

Post 21816

Taff Agent of kaos

it's julzes' life, but not as we know it

smiley - bat

Creationists discuss Ardi

Post 21817


Taff: Look in the mirror as regards "napoleon". I sit at home analyzing the world and myself, while you spend your time alone guarding 200 prisoners and attacking other people online because you think it's fun.

Creationists discuss Ardi

Post 21818


If you really think I'm some kind of Napoleon, why don't you try to get me off the planet--test my hypothesis that I'm protected, and I bet you end up with the tables turned on you.

Creationists discuss Ardi

Post 21819

Taff Agent of kaos

i'm not implying you are some sort of napoleon,

every one in the asylum usually believes themselves to be napoleon

(warning: may contain nuts)

smiley - bat

Creationists discuss Ardi

Post 21820


You know very little of mental illness. Try to avoid the topic.

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