A Conversation for Ask h2g2

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Post 361

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

flufflylump.. Speechless?? smiley - bigeyes

That's got to be something new! smiley - yikes

**FRONT PAGE: Your opinion please!**

Post 362

Sho - employed again!

speak up, luv
smiley - smiley

**FRONT PAGE: Your opinion please!**

Post 363

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Can I please register an enthusiastic vote for the return of the "Five Busiest conversations".

I was so dissapointed when that feature went. I thought it was a great way of being on the pulse of h2g2. I met people and ofund places tghrough it and I for one would love to see it back.

Bring Back the Busiest!!!!!

**FRONT PAGE: Your opinion please!**

Post 364

Researcher 815350

As for the empty post, pass! Anyway...

From: Post 339 azahar U220722

smiley - mouse>>> But one suggestion might be to bring back the 'Five Busiest Conversations' and I also think there was another one about the most recent Guide Entries (not edited ones, just ones people have written). <<<

Yes, I miss this too. I thought it made the site look 'live', showed it's always active.smiley - esuom

**FRONT PAGE: Your opinion please!**

Post 365

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit reading the busiest conversation
"You can always have a look at the < <./>info?cmd=conv</.> > smiley - biggrin

The 5 busiest was a snapshot taken once every hour or so, never very accurate anyway. "

**FRONT PAGE: Your opinion please!**

Post 366

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

It was through the 'Five Busiest Conversations' that I met Seraphina, 2legs, ReddyFreddy, EV, Fords and Footbacon!

I was only a little newbie then.. smiley - blush

Please may we have it back? smiley - biggrin

**FRONT PAGE: Your opinion please!**

Post 367

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

I concur ... From the 5 or 10 busiest of the moment ... Seen from the front page where everyone can see it. It would allow so many newbies to see the glow, the shine, the warts, the everything about the place. Without needing to be smiley - geeky and know of the other shortcuts.

**FRONT PAGE: Your opinion please!**

Post 368

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Seems to be an enthusiastic consensus. Lets hope it is something Derek can do....

**FRONT PAGE: Your opinion please!**

Post 369

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)


Though I'd have to trim my Friend's List a bit--I think most have elvised, anyway. But I don't want to, 'cause I have gotten occasional journal entries from folks I'd given up checking on. Granted, the people involved do generally disappear again soon... I suppose I could hide the list of people watching me and stick U numbers of elvised folks in an entry if I get the 'You're on the FP' notification...

Here, let me trade that waffle for a mufflewhumpsmiley - winkeye

**FRONT PAGE: Your opinion please!**

Post 370

Researcher 815350

Re: <./>FrontPage</.>

The week of fame (but no fortune) is over... And I'd like to say...

"Thank you for your business."

Where this comes from... I've worked in retail, and there was a proprietor of note, he'd say this to people even regulars. True, a little creepy... And what he said was too. smiley - erm

There are other ways to get repeat business, this thread is an example, you ask the customer what you can do for them; job done on that front then. smiley - winkeye

But I've just been looking at the bottom of the <./>FrontPage</.> and what do I see, a rather dry corporate message.

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Can you not tuck this lot to one side (but still keep in with BBC policy), and end the page with something like...

Thank you for visiting *viewer* please come back soon!

What I don't see is a 'thank you' for looking, or anything to say come back soon on the page... You're selling the site, but not asking for repeat business, for a return to the <./>Frontpage</.>?

**FRONT PAGE: Your opinion please!**

Post 371

You can call me TC

My week of front page celebrity status is now over. I don't think anyone (except Lil) noticed.

**FRONT PAGE: Your opinion please!**

Post 372

Sho - employed again!

*I* noticed - but I'm on your friends list anyway
smiley - hug

**FRONT PAGE: Your opinion please!**

Post 373


I noticed smiley - cool page by the way. smiley - cheers

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Post 374

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

I noticed too but didn't have anything worth saying. Not that that usually stops me.

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Post 375


Definately one of the more interesting Personal Spaces. I can see why the Eds picked it out smiley - applause

**FRONT PAGE: Your opinion please!**

Post 376

aka Bel - A87832164

I noticed, TC, but like Sho said, you're on my friends list and vice versa. smiley - ok
And I did drop into fluffylumps Frontpage convo. smiley - smiley

**FRONT PAGE: Your opinion please!**

Post 377

You can call me TC

smiley - blush Oh gosh - smiley - sorry for underestimating you all.

But then again - not even Roymondo could think of anything to say. smiley - wah I'm soooooo boooring.

smiley - kiss Roymondo
smiley - kiss Sho

.. and smiley - kiss all the rest of you anyway for bothering to look. smiley - smiley

**FRONT PAGE: Your opinion please!**

Post 378

Researcher 815350

>> And I did drop into fluffylumps <./>Frontpage</.> convo <<

Oooh blame lil for that convo, you still feature in it she's had me looking for you and Matt smiley - lurk for days! smiley - winkeye

smiley - popcorn

As for visitors that would post, non were what I'd call strangers anyway.

I did exit from one (easy to find again) thread, as I didn't think it appropriate as a 'first taste' of the site for noobs.

- A little warning (a day or two?) that you are about to feature, time to comb your teeth brush your feet, soak your head; would have been nice? smiley - bigeyes

**FRONT PAGE: Your opinion please!**

Post 379


Maybe that is really a warning to yourself that you ought to soak your head more often anyway. You never know who might drop by and catch you with a dry head, think how embarassing that would be.

**FRONT PAGE: Your opinion please!**

Post 380

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Yes, 'I' might drop in!! smiley - biggrin

smiley - tongueout

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