A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 821


Yes, Keith Allen...Lily Allens dad. He's been a major hell-raiser etc but it's great to see him showing a more serious and well-informed side to his nature.

I missed the whole programme first time round but as it's on Youtube I'll be watching it.

The clip also shows the (il)logical hoops these people have to jump through to justify what they are doing in terms of Jesus and god etc.

I also liked the bit when the kid said something like he expected those comments from someone who hadn't studied the Bible. People who really study the Bible either realise it's a pile of contradications and made up of previous myths...or go ostrich and ignore all the contradictions and play the faith card. Of course, most Christians I know haven;t fully read the Bible anyway and just Bible study the 'nice bits'.

Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 822


The problem with them is they seem to miss out on the bits that say 'judge not that you be not judged' and 'speaking the truth in love'.

Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 823

clzoomer- a bit woobly

I didn't know this was going on just up the road from me!


Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 824


Say what you like about Squarepusher, he can play bass.


Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 825

Reality Manipulator

Dinky the singing Dingo


Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 826


smiley - laugh

In a similar vein


This is beyond cute. Baby conductor


Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 827

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Maybe not a gem but makes my fingers itch:



smiley - musicalnote

Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 828

Pink Paisley

And on a page a couple of clicks away.......



Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 829

Titania (gone for lunch)

...and the classic duel:


Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 830


And another guitar duel... Slightly more noisy this time...


Haven't seen this film in years, but it's got to be one of my all-time favourits

Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 831

Titania (gone for lunch)

Moe the Robotic Sheep:

I want one! What do you mean, I don't have a lawn? *sulks*

Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 832


Dangerous times. Nice cheeky sketch


Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 833


The Matrix for Windows.


Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 834


Not quite a vid, but a feed of people's text questions to 118 118.


Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 835

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.


Stem-cell surgery success.

Medical advances makes one's heart glad. smiley - biggrin

Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 836

Mrs Zen

That 118118 live feed is the coolest and most surreal thing I've seen for a long time.

Thanks for posting it Christopher.

Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 837


smiley - biggrin Again not video (not expressly anyway) but anyone who misses the sound of John Peel can find some of his shows, and much else besides, here


Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 838


This is though. Meteor burning up over Edmonton, Canada a few days ago.


Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 839

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

smiley - wow

I liked how the night sky became blue again for a brief instant...

Very smiley - cool

Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 840


That was a cool meteor smiley - star

In other news:

A cat on a Roomba (robotic vacumn cleaner thing i think)


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