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Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 841


Can't believe this escaped my notice.

It's called Hyperland, by Douglas Adams from 1990, about the future of communications on an interwebs.


Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 842

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

That's fascinating. Downloading it immediately.

Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 843


Also - a very lovingly rendered examination of Who Would Win Out Of A Fight Between The Enterprise And An Imperial Star Destroyer.


Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 844


Can't afford a steady-cam? get a chicken


Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 845

Reality Manipulator

Man bras take Japan by storm


Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 846

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.


Neil Shubbin, author of 'Your Inner Fish' and discover of the transitional fossil Tiktaalik gives a lecture of the discovery of fossilised remains that demonstrates how lobe fish and tetrapods are related.

smiley - geek

Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 847


Pete Drake shows Peter Frampton how it's done. As one of the comments says, it does look a little like a David Lynch set.


Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 848


Alien-like squid with elbows found at oil-drilling site


Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 849


A propos of the 118118 service


Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 850

Titania (gone for lunch)

The Monty Python gang now have their own youtube channel:


Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 851


Coffee in space, and a lesson about surface tension


Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 852


That's great, Christopher - except for the bit of hype at "to the last drop" bit... the angle at base to sides says otherwise!

Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 853


I've gone viral! A week ago I did a simple overdub to footage of a strutting lizard - just now I found it linked to again, having had almost 200,000 views.


Click on my username "brokenscience" for a re-dub of Noddy that took a heck of a lot more effort than the lizard, and Ed The Bonobo campaigning for Obama.

Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 854

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.


"it may make my soul howl in agony" - Brilliant! smiley - rofl

smiley - aliensmile

Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 855

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Viva tripudio or 'a phd thesis in the form of interpretative dance. smiley - diva

Using classical ballet and highly kinetic party dancing to interpret her Ph.D. thesis, "The role of vitamin D in beta-cell function" while the Nutcracker Suite lilts in the background, Lau, a graduate student from the Garvan Institute of Medical Research in Sydney, Australia, appears as the Sugarplum Fairy, delivering marshmallow glucose to four beta cell dancers. Meanwhile, a fifth dancer flings and twirls around the stage representing the sunlight required for vitamin D biosynthesis.

Made me smile. smiley - smiley


Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 856



Douglas Adams was the best-selling British author and satirist who created The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. In this talk at UCSB recorded shortly before his death, Adams shares hilarious accounts of some of the apparently absurd lifestyles of the world's creatures, and gleans from them extraordinary perceptions about the future of humanity.

Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 857


The ultimate, live-action, version of an internet phenomenon...


Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 858

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Faux News (again)


Schadenfreude (n) 'pleasure derived by someone from another person's misfortune'

It's the moments when the other panellists just gawk, snigger or ridcule that make this the fascinating slow-motion-car crash that it is.

smiley - popcorn

Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 859


Boots Secret Santa parody


Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 860



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