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What in your music collection do you hide when 'cool' people visit?

Post 161


I have too many new experiences here to even think about moving smiley - laugh

What in your music collection do you hide when 'cool' people visit?

Post 162

Blackberry Cat , if one wishes to remain an individual in the midst of the teeming multitudes, one must make oneself grotesque

True, lots of new experiences to be had, people to meet, and things to learn even on your doorstep ... but not when you're working 12 hour shifts

feels smiley - blue then remembers that in a little while hes off the weekend smiley - smiley

What in your music collection do you hide when 'cool' people visit?

Post 163


I don't have any cool friends, but when my clunky, nerdy ones come over I whip out the brass band CD's and we GET DOWN, especially to the Williams Fairey Band playing "10 Acid House Anthems", quite a treat actually. Let's Get Brutal (Nitro Deluxe) and Can U Dance (DJ Fast Eddie) are faves.

What in your music collection do you hide when 'cool' people visit?

Post 164

Blackberry Cat , if one wishes to remain an individual in the midst of the teeming multitudes, one must make oneself grotesque

smiley - headhurts
Brass band dance music, 2 nightmares in 1 smiley - winkeye
smiley - laugh then again it would be a new experience

What in your music collection do you hide when 'cool' people visit?

Post 165


Oh yes, it's quite a piece of work, I have no idea how I aquired it, I do think I may have gotten a tat that night though.

What in your music collection do you hide when 'cool' people visit?

Post 166

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

I must admit to vague feeling of embarassment about "the best of Dave Dee Beaky Meg and Titch", but it's the "swinging hit as played by the massed military bands",or someting like that, that's truely dire. T' other half accquired it froma dead relative and won't chuck it smiley - erm

smiley - ale

What in your music collection do you hide when 'cool' people visit?

Post 167

fords - number 1 all over heaven

I used to have the best of dance 97 or some gubbins that I got one Christmas. Never been my sort of music but I had to look thankful at the time. It got nicked the year after...

What in your music collection do you hide when 'cool' people visit?

Post 168


...you must have been so disappointed smiley - cuddle!

What in your music collection do you hide when 'cool' people visit?

Post 169

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Yeah, cos I wanted The Great Escape! smiley - tongueout

What in your music collection do you hide when 'cool' people visit?

Post 170


I feel your pain smiley - cheerupsmiley - winkeye!

What in your music collection do you hide when 'cool' people visit?

Post 171

fords - number 1 all over heaven

smiley - laugh

What in your music collection do you hide when 'cool' people visit?

Post 172


Hey, here's probably an excellent place to ask...

...there's a new cd out of Gregorian monks singing "recent" songs (Coldplay's "clocks" comes to mind)...I've been seriously considering finding it and buying it...

...am I unsmiley - cool beyond redemption smiley - erm?

What in your music collection do you hide when 'cool' people visit?

Post 173

fords - number 1 all over heaven

I don't mind the Gregorian monks, but doing modern hits? It's like those bloody pan pipes CDs. It's just wrong, I think smiley - erm

What in your music collection do you hide when 'cool' people visit?

Post 174


...I have one of the panpipes cds as well smiley - laughsmiley - rofl

(It was on $5, and I wanted an instrumental of "something" by the Beatles smiley - biggrin!)

...and this is why I don't even pretend that I'm cool, no one would believe me smiley - roflsmiley - rofl

What in your music collection do you hide when 'cool' people visit?

Post 175

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Oh I gave up on that a long time ago smiley - laugh

What in your music collection do you hide when 'cool' people visit?

Post 176


I think it's more fun being openly smiley - weird anyway smiley - ok!

What in your music collection do you hide when 'cool' people visit?

Post 177

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Who'd want to be normal anyway? smiley - biggrin

What in your music collection do you hide when 'cool' people visit?

Post 178


Personally, normal people freak me out a little smiley - yikes!

What in your music collection do you hide when 'cool' people visit?

Post 179

fords - number 1 all over heaven

I'm considered weird wherever I go. I like to think that's a good thing...

What in your music collection do you hide when 'cool' people visit?

Post 180


It definitely saves time for me...if people already assume I'm mad, I don't have to worry about pretending to be normal smiley - ok!

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