A Conversation for Ask h2g2

The Tanzen and Blackberry Show

Post 221

Blackberry Cat , if one wishes to remain an individual in the midst of the teeming multitudes, one must make oneself grotesque

Do you mean I won't have to check my shoes for poisonous spiders every morning and that Dame Edna isn't an average Aussie housewife? Maybe I will dare a visit smiley - smiley

Mind you I know what you mean I think. I always cringe when I see how the British are depicted in U.S. films and TV and I suppose Aussies get treated in a similar sterotyped way by the Brits

The Tanzen and Blackberry Show

Post 222


Oh, I always check my shoes for poisonous spiders (or any spider in fact) but that's because I'm terrified of them and maybe a little too paranoid...smiley - weird...

...I think the funniest thing is that no one seems to be able to master the Aussie accent...most of them sound like a mix between Pom and Kiwi...

...havig said that, apparently I don't speak with an Aussie accent either...smiley - erm

The Tanzen and Blackberry Show

Post 223

Blackberry Cat , if one wishes to remain an individual in the midst of the teeming multitudes, one must make oneself grotesque

I could never do accents
I was the despair of my French teacher
He used to say i sounded like an English person speaking French, which I didn't find surprising as I was

I don't get too bothered by spiders but I hate wasps and bees and other flying stingy things

The Tanzen and Blackberry Show

Post 224


I've been told I do excellent accents, although I'm usually told this by Aussies or drunks smiley - laugh!

I don't care about bugs or flying things, it's spiders that freak me out...but I've never been stung by a bee, so that could explain my lack of fear...

...having said that, I've never been bitten by a spider, but they still scare the bejezus outta me smiley - yikes!

The Tanzen and Blackberry Show

Post 225

Blackberry Cat , if one wishes to remain an individual in the midst of the teeming multitudes, one must make oneself grotesque

Given what our spiders are like You probably wouldn't be that scared of them

The day I discovered I had a wasps nest in the guttering above my bedroom window i was pretty scared and when I first came across a hornet (2 inch long wasp with attitude) I was terrified smiley - bravenot

The Tanzen and Blackberry Show

Post 226


Well aren't you the big brave man then smiley - biggrin!

I always wondered what it would be like to be stung...just to know what it's like, you know...??

...oh, did I meantion I was smiley - weird? smiley - laugh

The Tanzen and Blackberry Show

Post 227

Blackberry Cat , if one wishes to remain an individual in the midst of the teeming multitudes, one must make oneself grotesque

smiley - brave not
anything but macho I'm afraid to say
wasp stings are unpleasant but not too bad
my sister was once stung on the lip by a bee, she had an allergic reaction and it swelled up like a golf ball
luckily we got her to hospital quickly as people who are allergic to them sometimes die from bee stings if untreated

The Tanzen and Blackberry Show

Post 228


I tend to be able to look after others better than I can look after myself as a general rule...smiley - erm...so I'd probably be able to face a spider if I was minding one of the kids or something...otherwise I'd just run out of the house and call my Dad...smiley - biggrin

...anyways, the time has come, the walrus said (goo goo gajoob)

The Tanzen and Blackberry Show

Post 229


...what I mean is "goodbye" smiley - cuddlesmiley - smooch

Will hopefully catch you tomorrow smiley - ok!

The Tanzen and Blackberry Show

Post 230

Blackberry Cat , if one wishes to remain an individual in the midst of the teeming multitudes, one must make oneself grotesque

sorry, had to work briefly, bye and speak to you soon smiley - smoochsmiley - cuddle
probably won't be back on until Friday as no internet access at home smiley - sadface until then smiley - ok

The Tanzen and Blackberry Show

Post 231


Hello. This is my first hootoo posting. I own not one but two Spice Girls albums and I do not hide them. I also own a Transvision Vamp CD but I haven't listened to it in years.
The Carpenters, on the other hand, are cool and I will have serious words with anyone who disagrees.
Jonny Maelstrom

The Tanzen and Blackberry Show

Post 232


Hi, folks, no I haven't abandoned you. smiley - smiley I just finished the play I was in and suddenly had time to eat, sleep, and breathe again, and that occupied me for a while (trying to remember how). But now I'm back and alive again!

Hope you guys enjoyed your smiley - ale and smiley - redwine. If I drank, I would drink with you.

Hi, Jonny! I believe you that the Carpenters are smiley - cool but I'll have to take your word for it, because I've never heard them (if you've read the backlog, you'll know that my tastes in music are a little unusual smiley - whistle).

The Tanzen and Blackberry Show

Post 233


Howdy kids smiley - biggrin!

First off, welcome aboard Jonny smiley - cheerup!

I've been arguing with a mate of mine a lot recently about music, with two of the main subjects being the Carpenters and the Monkees...now I think they're smiley - cool...but he thinks they're smiley - weird...

...so the only conclusion I can come to is that he is smiley - weird and that I am smiley - coolsmiley - winkeye

Hey MuseSusan, hope you had fun in the play smiley - cheers!

The Tanzen and Blackberry Show

Post 234


Hey, smiley - weird is the same thing as smiley - cool. Take Weird Al for example (and if you don't think he's cool, then too bad) or…erm…well…I can't quite think of anyone else at the moment who the general public would see as both smiley - cool and smiley - weird, but you get the idea. And take us, for example: my non-h2g2 friends think I'm crazy for spending so much time on h2g2, but I know in my heart that I'm the coolest of them all (and if any of them would read the book, they'd understand smiley - smiley).

Now the Monkees are undeniably cool (plus I got to meet Mickey Dolenz, hee hee). Don't listen to your friend, Tanzen. "Here we come, walkin' down the street…" smiley - whistle

The Tanzen and Blackberry Show

Post 235


"...we get the funniest looks from everyone we meet..." smiley - whistle

...aint that the truth smiley - laugh

I think that's a fair point...cool is subjective...I think the Monkees rock, and he doesn't...and even though in my heart of hearts I know I'm cooler than him, I'm quite happy to put it down to "differences of opinion" smiley - winkeye

You got to meet Mickey smiley - envy? the last time they were supposed to tour down here they cancelled...I think it may have been Mike again smiley - wah!

The Tanzen and Blackberry Show

Post 236


Well, he's currently playing the father in Aida on Broadway, and my class took a trip to NYC and saw it. No one else wanted to act as a groupie, but I made them wait for about 20 minutes for the cast to come out the stage door. He was very nice and signed autographs for me, my friend Danielle, and my mom, who was madly in love with him when she was a teenager.

The Tanzen and Blackberry Show

Post 237


I read one of the Monkees' biographies, and apparently Micky was always the nices one...most pleasant, level-headed of the group....

...Mike came across as a bit of a smiley - bleep which upset me know end, as he's my favourite...smiley - loveblush

Oh why do I always fall for the smiley - bleeps? smiley - wah

The Tanzen and Blackberry Show

Post 238


smiley - hug It's okay, really ::pats shoulder::

The Tanzen and Blackberry Show

Post 239


Well, that helps make sense of my life...

Mike Nesmith began my attraction to smiley - bleeps

...and Animal from the Muppets started my infatuation with redheads and drummers....smiley - loveblush

The Tanzen and Blackberry Show

Post 240

Blackberry Cat , if one wishes to remain an individual in the midst of the teeming multitudes, one must make oneself grotesque

Can't post to your page as I'm not a member of TalkBuffy
Great taste in TV shows but abysmal in music, apart from the Carpenters of course smiley - winkeye

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