A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Useless Facts

Post 9121

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

We didn't get that one in Canada in spite of the fact
he started playing major league baseball in Montreal.
smiley - cross
Actually I just tried google.com instead of .ca
and I don't see it there either.
smiley - huh

Useless Facts

Post 9122

Baron Grim

I just checked... I see it on .com, but not .ca. smiley - shrug

On a strictly personal connection, of interest to no one, of the "things" I do each day at work, I recently realized I typically complete 42 of them on average.

Useless Facts

Post 9123

Baron Grim

In 1893, there was a proposal for a US Constitutional Amendment to change the name of the nation to "The United States of the Earth".

smiley - erm

Useless Facts

Post 9124

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

smiley - erm

>> I just checked... I see it on .com, but not .ca <<

That is strange. I don't.
And I'm even using the magic hacker trick of adding
/ncr (No Country Redirect) to the URL


when it loads the address bar says
google.com but it's the same as .ca
with a .ca/.com switch button lower right
which changes nothing but that button

Must be something to do with the big spy trial
we're having up here that has the US threatening
to cut us off from 'sensitive information'.


The how-to page is:

Useless Facts

Post 9125

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

smiley - biggrin

That How-to page link was my "useless fact".

Yup, still pretty useless.
smiley - winkeye

Useless Facts

Post 9126

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

smiley - book

William Moulton Marston creator of Wonder Woman
also invented the lie detector. Which at least
explains her 'lasso of Truth'.


smiley - cheers

Useless Facts

Post 9127


Roman Centurians sometimes used nipple rings to secure their cloaks.

Useless Facts

Post 9128


Here, let me hang up your cloak... get down from there!

Useless Facts

Post 9129


Apologies if this has been covered before, but I have no desires to read through more that 400 pages. Less than 400 would be fine

The longest recorded flight of a chicken is 13 seconds

Useless Facts

Post 9130

Mr. X ---> "Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!"

Apart from the constant references to sharks vomiting underwater (still don't know what started that going), most of them are pretty interesting pages.

smiley - pirate

Useless Facts

Post 9131

Florida Sailor All is well with the world

Re 9129

It all depends on how high you drop them fromsmiley - yikes

Or are you restricting your record to what they do on their ownsmiley - huh

smiley - cheers

Fsmiley - dolphinS

Useless Facts

Post 9132

Pink Paisley

In football it is customary for the away team to wear an alternative shirt colour if there is a clash.

In rugby it is the other way round.

Thus, in the 6 nations, the French will wear blue in Scotland and Italy, The Italians, blue in Scotland and France and the Scots will lose whatever colour they are wearing.


Useless Facts

Post 9133

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - snork I've known them to roost in trees, but never witnessed a sustained flight. My bet would have been on the 'Kitty Hawk'.

As to centurions, ouch. smiley - rofl

Useless Facts

Post 9134

Cheerful Dragon

It seems the idea of centurions piercing their nipples to secure cloaks is an urban myth. The only evidence, apparently, is a baroque statue at Versailles, but it's the breastplate that has the nipple rings. Some Romans may have had pierced nipples, but I doubt they'd have used nipple rings as cloak fastenings. smiley - erm

Useless Facts

Post 9135

Florida Sailor All is well with the world

If the statue is baroque why don't they fafix it?smiley - tongueincheek

Useless Facts

Post 9136

Baron Grim

The Grinch lives in the same tiny speck of dust from which Horton heard a Who!.

Useless Facts

Post 9137

Mr. X ---> "Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!"

Well admittedly both stories deal with Whos who live on specks of dust, but as far as I know there's no indication that it's the exact SAME group of Whos. Or, therefore, the exact same speck of dust.

Perhaps in prehistory the first Whos left their original speck of dust and colonized other specks of dust, such that now their descendants can be found on hundreds, nay thousands, nay, MILLIONS of specks of dust. And through evolution there came to be countless races and varieties of Whos.

And the green Whos grew greedy and covetous, and embarked on a campaign to CONQUER the other, whiter Whos, igniting a war unimaginable by the likes of man. Whos blasting their way from one speck to another, leaving senseless destruction in their wake. The war waged on for decades until finally, when the dust settled, peace was declared. The green Whos went back to their original specks, defeated.

But in the confusion, one green Who was left behind, orphaned. Though he was a child, and innocent, he was forced to grow up on a speck filled with Whos who could no longer look at him without remembering the destruction and violence that his brethren had caused. Whenever he went into town they would boo and hiss at him, even though he himself had done nothing to them. No one was willing to employ the green Who, and Who parents didn't want their Who children hanging around with "that sort."

Shunned and ostracized his whole life, this grinchy Who came to hate the other Whos as they had hated him. Eventually he tried to take his revenge on those who had made his life a living hell. But when the time came, he just couldn't bring himself to sink to their level. Indeed, he was perhaps the most noble Who of all. smiley - brave

Whilst meanwhile, an entirely different set of Whos resided on an entirely different speck of dust, somewhere in the jungle.


smiley - pirate

Useless Facts

Post 9138

Cheerful Dragon

I thought this was the Useless Facts thread, not The Gullible Thread.smiley - ermsmiley - winkeye

Useless Facts

Post 9139

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

"Apart from the constant references to sharks vomiting underwater (still don't know what started that going), most of them are pretty interesting pages."

Oh tush. It's hardly any worse than all those damned number facts that were being posted a while back.

Useless Facts

Post 9140

Baron Grim

HAH!... Oops., I mean "SHH!" smiley - shhh You'll awaken the curse.

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