A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Is w**king necessary?

Post 601


Probably think about w**king. I actually dream about w**king quite often, sometimes i wake up in a real state!


Is w**king necessary?

Post 602


I have friends who have never w**ked in their lives...I don't know what they do to get by...

Is w**king necessary?

Post 603


Seems everyone is w**king furiously over here.

Is w**king necessary?

Post 604

Blackberry Cat , if one wishes to remain an individual in the midst of the teeming multitudes, one must make oneself grotesque

Not w**king for money tonight, just taking a break from a little personal w**k of my own.

Is w**king necessary?

Post 605

airscotia-back by popular demand

I'm on holiday for a week now, so any w**king i do will be purely for my own pleasure.........ah bliss.

Is w**king necessary?

Post 606

Blackberry Cat , if one wishes to remain an individual in the midst of the teeming multitudes, one must make oneself grotesque

Officially on bereavement leave now so does that mean I'm w**king for the dead

Is w**king necessary?

Post 607

airscotia-back by popular demand

I'm sure there's a technical term for that BH.smiley - smiley

Although i have seen people w**king at funerals, they always seem to do it very respectfully. The man who walks in front of the hearse, although w**king, aways proceeds very slowly, and i think the grieving relatives take comfort from that.

Is w**king necessary?

Post 608


He w**ks in front of the hearse?smiley - yikes Is he facing forwards or backwards? Could be dangerous!

As for the dead, yes, i saw the Grateful Dead once, they did appear to w**k hard at their smiley - musicalnote but somehow made it all seem very easy.Maybe the secret of successful w**king in front of an audience?

smiley - musicalnote"These boots are made for w**king"smiley - musicalnote

I bet there are lots of song titles like this,great musical w**ks as it were.


Is w**king necessary?

Post 609


Like "W**king for the Man", or "Everybody wants to w**k"??

I'm been w**king all morning...forgot to get lunch smiley - wah

Is w**king necessary?

Post 610


Go eat, important!!

It's not good to w**k on an empty stomach!


Is w**king necessary?

Post 611


Oh well...I'll finish all this w**k in about 10 minutes...I'll get food some time soon ish smiley - smiley

Is w**king necessary?

Post 612

daniel (the one whos not very good at anything but still enjoys life)

I belive another popular song was
"W**king on the railroad"

Todays modern trains might cause a problem I mean having to stop your w**k every time a train went past.

Is w**king necessary?

Post 613

BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows

Just been watching the TV prog. called 'Airport'. Apparently the people who maintain the runways can only w**k at night. On this occasion there was an a/c with a technical problem and had to retun from somewhere over the Atlantic. This meant that the workmen were unable to w**k all night. Must have been terrible for them as they probaly had to w**k twice as hard on another occasion.

smiley - biggrin

Is w**king necessary?

Post 614

daniel (the one whos not very good at anything but still enjoys life)

I have a friend who w**ks in an airport. Hes a real w**kaholic he's in there all hours, w**king away till the early hours and then when he comes home he w**ks on his bike. What a hard w**ker he is.smiley - smiley

Is w**king necessary?

Post 615


Talking of aeroplanes, i see Richard Branson has now introduced beds on Virgin Airways, i suppose this is to make it easier for people to w**k together on long flights.


Is w**king necessary?

Post 616


I don't think it would be very comfortable w**king on a plane...especially a virgin...

Is w**king necessary?

Post 617

daniel (the one whos not very good at anything but still enjoys life)

Mabe you could get one of the virgin flight attendents to help you get in the right position so the w**king enviroment would be a pleasuresmiley - cool

Is w**king necessary?

Post 618


I know that they're their to help...but I guess I would feel bad asking them to help me w**k more comfortably, when they have to w**k on their feet, with all those bossy people around...

Is w**king necessary?

Post 619


smiley - yikes The poor little Virgins have to w**k on their feet? How apalling! They need to be in some sort of union i think.


Is w**king necessary?

Post 620


I know it must be very traumatising for them...especially considering that they have to do it several times a day...each time in front of different people!

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