Docked in Port h2g2
Hi "" and welcome to my space.
Im still not in full control of the ship yet...- The crew want to go ashore.
- The sails and hull need repair.
- We need to take on more stores.
- The ships cat wants feeding.
- The mooring fees are due.
Im getting to old for this shit!.
Should I be thinking of going ashore myself?
"I think I need one or two of these...."

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and another one | Oct 29, 2004 |
And another welcome too! | Oct 27, 2004 |
Welcome Piratedan | Oct 27, 2004 |
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Sentence game : add 4 words | Nov 19, 2004 | 3 Weeks Ago |
Reversed Quiz | Nov 21, 2004 | Oct 5, 2013 |
pirates | No Posting | Jul 14, 2007 |
Campaign to ban all silliness from h2g2 | Oct 28, 2004 | Jan 21, 2007 |
Is w**king necessary? | Nov 20, 2004 | Nov 16, 2006 |
daniel (the one whos not very good at anything but still enjoys life)
Researcher U1017495
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