A Conversation for Ask h2g2
Crushes on 'old' people
Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences Posted Aug 4, 2003
Crushes on 'old' people
aonemantidalwave Posted Aug 4, 2003
Honor Blackman. (she's in her 70's man!)
Dolly Parton.
Ruby Wax.
Dudes, the list goes on. I'm a sick puppy and I think I need help.
Crushes on 'old' people
Ythika the purple giraffe - Minister for Unusual Musical Instruments Posted Aug 5, 2003
I don't know is 35 "technically " old? You seem to have finally got my point.
Age is relative and has little to do with how long you have been around but also has a lot to do with life expectancy if you do want to try to be technical.
Crushes on 'old' people
Cheerful Dragon Posted Aug 5, 2003
I once read that 'Middle aged is 10 years older than the person you ask, old is 20 years older.' That might be true as a rule of thumb, but it also depends on the person you're talking about. My mum is 75 and my in-laws are both 76. Mum's dad died at 89 and my dad died at 68. I can't think of Mum as old, and I never thought of her dad as old, largely because they were both mentally and physically into 'old age'. I never thought of my dad as old because he never reached what I regarded as 'old age'. It's hard to say with my in-laws. Dad (father-in-law) was physically and mentally active up to the time his prostate cancer turned aggressive, so I don't recall thinking of him as old until recently.( He's dying.
) Mum (mother-in-law) *can be* quite old mentally, and she's not very active, but she can also be quite young mentally (although not as often as I'd like to see).
So it doesn't just depend on the person you're talking *to*, it depends on who you're talking *about*. I *know* that Sean Connery is old enough to be my grandfather and Patrick Stewart is old enough to be my father, but it's hard to think of either of them as being 'old'.
Crushes on 'old' people
Rains - Wondering where time's going and why it's in so much of a hurry! Posted Aug 5, 2003
True. I grew up dribbling over Keanu Reeves and I still can't believe he's 38!
Crushes on 'old' people
Famous_Fi Posted Aug 5, 2003
Cary Grant right up until he died. does that count?
Crushes on 'old' people
aonemantidalwave Posted Aug 5, 2003
...oh and for the record, I was serious about Ruby Wax. She can irritate the hell out of me anyday miaow! ...hang on a sec, that doesn't work.
Crushes on 'old' people
aonemantidalwave Posted Aug 5, 2003
Here we go again!
Why not Penelope Keith whilst we're at it eh Flank?!
Crushes on 'old' people
Rains - Wondering where time's going and why it's in so much of a hurry! Posted Aug 5, 2003
Felicity Kendal is still very attractive. I just hope I'm that well preserved as I get older!
Crushes on 'old' people
aonemantidalwave Posted Aug 5, 2003
ah yes, alltoomuch. Last time I heard from him he was in Switzerland teaching kids. But I bet he would have something to say on the matter!
Crushes on 'old' people
Baconlefeets Posted Aug 5, 2003
but would you go out with them if you could and they wern't celebrities?
Crushes on 'old' people
ROUSTABOUT 236373 Posted Aug 6, 2003
What do you mean "Must be quite old, born in the fifties" were you refering to the 1850's, that is quite old. 1950's is when I left school, that was the day before last Wednesday.
Crushes on 'old' people
ROUSTABOUT 236373 Posted Aug 6, 2003
What do you mean "Must be quite old, born in the fifties" were you refering to the 1850's, that is quite old. 1950's is when I left school, that was the day before last Wednesday.
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Crushes on 'old' people
- 101: Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences (Aug 4, 2003)
- 102: aonemantidalwave (Aug 4, 2003)
- 103: Alfredo Marquez (Aug 4, 2003)
- 104: Mu Beta (Aug 4, 2003)
- 105: Saturnine (Aug 4, 2003)
- 106: Ythika the purple giraffe - Minister for Unusual Musical Instruments (Aug 5, 2003)
- 107: Cheerful Dragon (Aug 5, 2003)
- 108: Rains - Wondering where time's going and why it's in so much of a hurry! (Aug 5, 2003)
- 109: Famous_Fi (Aug 5, 2003)
- 110: aonemantidalwave (Aug 5, 2003)
- 111: Flanker (Aug 5, 2003)
- 112: aonemantidalwave (Aug 5, 2003)
- 113: Flanker (Aug 5, 2003)
- 114: Rains - Wondering where time's going and why it's in so much of a hurry! (Aug 5, 2003)
- 115: aonemantidalwave (Aug 5, 2003)
- 116: Baconlefeets (Aug 5, 2003)
- 117: Saturnine (Aug 5, 2003)
- 118: ROUSTABOUT 236373 (Aug 6, 2003)
- 119: ROUSTABOUT 236373 (Aug 6, 2003)
- 120: Mu Beta (Aug 6, 2003)
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