A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Interracial Breeding

Post 41



Well put H.

Interracial Breeding

Post 42

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

Too true Hoov
The sooner we are all one colour (whether black, white or purple),the sooner we might be able to achieve world smiley - peacesign
smiley - cheers

Interracial Breeding

Post 43


Purple smiley - yikes No, not purple smiley - grovel - the human race would end up extinct...

wiped out by a one-eyed, one-horned, flyin' purple people eater.. smiley - monster

(anyone old enough to remember the reference?) smiley - winkeye

Interracial Breeding

Post 44


Sure looks smiley - weird to me...


Interracial Breeding

Post 45

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

Okay no purple, but what about yellow polka dotted........
smiley - laugh

Interracial Breeding

Post 46


Yeeeesss smiley - erm

A planet populated by Mr Blobby lookalikes?

Actually might not be a bad thing... at least I'd fit right in smiley - winkeye

Interracial Breeding

Post 47

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

Mr Blobby?...sounds like a bad kids character.I'm an aussie...please explain?

Interracial Breeding

Post 48

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

smiley - laugh This is reminding me of an old Two Ronnies sketch, wherein two labourers in a pub discussed their vision of the future. Mr Barker intoned that he saw the future of the world in some sort of coffee coloured race, in which case he doubtless would be paired off with a dusky Namibian beauty...

smiley - shark

Interracial Breeding

Post 49

Ek* this space intentionally left blank *ki

*applauds Hoovooloo's post*

Strangely enough I had exactly this discussion with my fossils and a friend of theirs last night. We differed in our opinion quite drastically which I put down to a generational thing - it irritated me how narrow-minded and short-sighted they were being but then that's the whole raison d'ĂȘtre of parenthood isn't it?

Interracial Breeding

Post 50


Never heard of Mr Blobby... you lucky lucky person smiley - winkeye

More of a 'big' kids character than a 'bad' kids character though...

Have a look at this...


(If you're at work turn the sound down though smiley - yikes)

Interracial Breeding

Post 51

Gnomon - time to move on

Well said, Hoovooloo! Inter-racial breeding strengthens the human species.

Interracial Breeding

Post 52


Is that a proven scientific fact then..?? With humans i mean..

Interracial Breeding

Post 53

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

Yes, but why inflict Mr Blobbyon those that blissfully ignorant...smiley - winkeye

smiley - shark

Interracial Breeding

Post 54


That'll be my 'egalitarian streak' showing through again... why should the Brits be the only ones to suffer smiley - winkeye

Interracial Breeding

Post 55

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

Aaaaahhhhhh.....I wish I was still ignorant! ! !
And this is a childrens show???
Are all english mad

Almost as bad as Barney

Or here in Oz...Pigs Breakfast

No wonder our kids are confused

But anyway have another
smiley - cheers
Helelou (things look better in amber)

Interracial Breeding

Post 56


*Boasts of his hybrid vigour*

smiley - laugh

Interracial Breeding

Post 57

kasese<a rather confused individual, desperately seeking Harmony>

I'm with Bob the Farmer. Purdy's remarks are inflamatory and ignorant at best. My sister in lw is originally from Hong Kong. When my young nephew is asked if he is Chinese he rdeplies "No I'm Canadian!" Out of the mouth of Babes often comes wisdom far greater than dremarks made by So-called Adults!

smiley - smiley

Interracial Breeding

Post 58

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

You'll probably be less affected by dystempa and hard pad as well, Bob...smiley - ok

smiley - shark

Interracial Breeding

Post 59


I haven't read all this thread but why, Purdy, do you think that surely humans should breed within their own ethnic groups? Purity, aesthetics, or just plain old fanatacism? There isn't any bad reason why this shouldn't occur. Indeed it would strengthen the human race. As with dogs where pure bread animals tend to have congential dsiorders there are several genetic disorders in human that predominate in specific ethnic groups. There was a recent discussion on the BBC science MB about the faulty gene for LADH (that mops up alcohol in your body) which is most prevelent in oriental populations for example. There's quite a few ethnic group specific disorders due to isolated 'breeding', therefore mixing is a good thing for world health. What's the problem?

smiley - scientist

Interracial Breeding

Post 60


smiley - laugh

As for the Chinese/English thing, I dont think of myself as any different as the rest of my mates, they dont think anything different of me. I just wonder what my parents must have been through at times (They're quite old, I may only be 20, but my oldest brother is 40) and think myself lucky that Im born in a tolerant time.

I suppose the only difference I see is that the rascists often dont realise/think of me as coloured and so are rascist right in front of me. I've even had it said to me, 'No, you chinks are ok, its the n*****s that p**s me off.'
I still want to knock that guys block off.

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