A Conversation for Ask h2g2

What's your porn star name?

Post 81

Sho - employed again!

Pinky Kloster?

What's your porn star name?

Post 82

airscotia-back by popular demand

Pull up a bed, you've got the part pinky smiley - ok

What's your porn star name?

Post 83


aha, the old casting couch eh smiley - laugh

What's your porn star name?

Post 84


Mrs SWL just offered up

Chewy Crescent smiley - erm

What's your porn star name?

Post 85


My daughters would be Bubbles Townsend smiley - yikes

What's your porn star name?

Post 86

aka Bel - A87832164

Eldest son would be Quitte Pfingstbrunnen smiley - laugh

What's your porn star name?

Post 87

Beer Elf

Nibbles Hampden
smiley - blush

And to think I stayed in retail finance...

What's your porn star name?

Post 88

(crazyhorse)impeach hypatia

cyclops ritchie

What's your porn star name?

Post 89

Sho - employed again!

I'm not sure Pinky Kloster really wants to be a porn star, she's quite happy being a buckle-bunny!
smiley - laugh

What's your porn star name?

Post 90

airscotia-back by popular demand

I'm sure Chewy Crescent and Nibbles Hampden were the same person. I never saw them appear in a movie together......co-incidence? I think not.smiley - winkeye

What's your porn star name?

Post 91

(crazyhorse)impeach hypatia

but my real porn star name from my days in shanghai was hung long dong

What's your porn star name?

Post 92

Beer Elf

I think Nibbles retired some years ago smiley - winkeye

I Just worked out that my daughter is Henry Harrington smiley - yikes or can I start counting from the rabbit?

What's your porn star name?

Post 93


funny, we always called you PeeWee smiley - tongueincheek

What's your porn star name?

Post 94

Beer Elf

I know, but I was being modest smiley - winkeye

What's your porn star name?

Post 95

airscotia-back by popular demand

You sure that wasn't Wun Lung Mong? smiley - erm

What's your porn star name?

Post 96


Mine is Sam Mclean but it doesn't sound very porn stary lol!

What's your porn star name?

Post 97

Researcher 3547123

Mac South

What's your porn star name?

Post 98


smiley - smiley

'Huggy Perry'*

* contractually obliged to only star in seventies skin flicks with wah wah guitar sountracks and mexicano mustachios.

Previously I would of been 'Huggy Express' which sounds like the star of a far more german dubbed techno beat hardcore hausfrau action style of film.

What's your porn star name?

Post 99

Brown Eyed Girl

Cleo Newton now, or Cleo Pendleton if you take my first street name.

Or my current pet is Genevieve, so Genevieve Newton?

Meh, I'll stick with Lady Cleo.

What's your porn star name?

Post 100


I don't think this works very well with guys, and probably not guys living in New Mexico. Currently, my name would be Loop Dara. smiley - erm But going backwards in time, I was Loop California (that one kinda works), before that I would've had a brief stint as Loop Route 48 (heh, nice pun there), before that I spent a while as Loop Salazar (or the nearest Mexican non-Union equivalent), before that Loop Calle del Sol smiley - huh, and even before that I would've been Loop Orange (my surrealist period). smiley - cheers

- JD

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