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GuideML acronyms and jargon for ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS
six7s Posted Mar 11, 2003
Thanks for the link pheloxi* but, as you pointed out, h2jargon (A632431) does what it says on the lid so to speak ~ it covers lots of h2jargon BUT not a great deal of GuideML jargon
The plan (A985773) is to create introductory level pages
for A B S O L U T E
who are new to GuideML AND computers AND all the terms and phrases (that, once upon a time, *none* of us knew) AND are totally confuzzled by the existing help pages
Going by the number of threads hanging off of those help pages and elsewhere, they're not a dying breed
I guess I'm really looking for ideas and suggestions from researchers who have:
thought about livening up their pages
gone to the help pages
been absolutely mystified
and have then back to plain text
Alkland, you could be the best *resource* to date
> Never used HTML and frankly GuideML scares me.
> It's confusing and the help pages just confuse you more.
> If a relatively easy to follow guide was available -
> I'd definitely be more willing to learn to use GuideML.
Please, this thread is ONLY for
suggestions about GudieML acronyms and jargon
from or for B E G I N N E R S
GuideML acronyms and jargon for ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS
the dreaming doppelganger aka JEllen 42 Posted Mar 11, 2003
The thing that confused me the most when I switched over to Guide ML was that my smileys no longer worked. It took me a while to find a user page that had smileys on it, so I could take and peek at the code and figure out how to use the smiley tag. I didn't know one was even needed.
By the way, I wrote a little entry on how to copy and paste. Y'all interested in including that in this project? It's so much easier to "borrow" someone else's code when you know how to copy and paste.
GuideML acronyms and jargon for ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS
the dreaming doppelganger aka JEllen 42 Posted Mar 11, 2003
The thing that confused me the most when I switched over to Guide ML was that my smileys no longer worked. It took me a while to find a user page that had smileys on it, so I could take and peek at the code and figure out how to use the smiley tag. I didn't know one was even needed.
By the way, I wrote a little entry on how to copy and paste (under my JEllenJ42 username). Y'all interested in including that in this project? It's so much easier to "borrow" someone else's code when you know how to copy and paste.
I can't get this darn thing to post, sorry if it winds up a double or triple post.
GuideML acronyms and jargon for ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS
Teuchter Posted Mar 11, 2003
I had a look at the GuideML Clinic page, thinking I might titivate My Space but was completely put off by all the symbols etc that I don't understand.
Short of one of you guys actually coming round to my house and showing me how to use GuideML - an Idiots Guide that could be printed off and followed would be helpful ie - Step by Step instructions. Or a template to follow - as was suggested earlier.
GuideML acronyms and jargon for ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS
There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho Posted Mar 11, 2003
Jeez... the Clinic isn't that hard to follow, and it even has examples which you can cut'n'paste into an entry to try out. I'd never coded a page in my life until I started using it - a bit of trial and error was all it took
GuideML acronyms and jargon for ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS
Teuchter Posted Mar 11, 2003
It may have been easy for you Gosho - if it had been easy for me I wouldn't be having problems now would I!!!
GuideML acronyms and jargon for ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS
There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho Posted Mar 11, 2003
GuideML acronyms and jargon for ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS
six7s Posted Mar 11, 2003
> ... the Clinic isn't that hard to follow,
> and it even has examples which you can
> cut'n'paste into an entry to try out.
Gosho, I know this might sound absurd to you but some *absolute beginners* don't know what cut & paste means
> I'd never coded a page in my life until ....
This suggests that you were at least familiar with using a computer when you landed in hootooville - ie *not* an absolute beginner
Sorry if I'm labouring the point here, but really...
GuideML acronyms and jargon for ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS
sdotyam Posted Mar 11, 2003
Anyone reading this text that doesn`t know how to cut and paste should not attempt crossing busy roads without holding the hand of an adult.
GuideML acronyms and jargon
Polly Math Posted Mar 11, 2003
I qualify as a complete ignoramus about this, not having learned either HTML or Guide ML.
From this position of ignorance, I'd like to know how the two differ. I'm about to learn HTML anyway (to build a website), and also learn GuideML.
HTML looks, at first glance, even easier than Basic. But is Guide ML (a) HTML with added bits, (b) HTML with bits taken away or (c) Other? And which (if either) is it more efficient to learn first?
GuideML acronyms and jargon
MaW Posted Mar 11, 2003
c) other - technically speaking at least.
GuideML is, in concept, very similar to HTML, but conforms to XML rules, which are stricter than those in HTML, which is based on SGML, and this is all very confusing. However, if you happen to learn XHTML instead of HTML, you'll find that GuideML's syntax rules are IDENTICAL - the only thing that's different is that the available tags are different. Even if you learn traditional HTML you'll still find GuideML's syntax to be very similar, and it's fairly easy to learn GuideML's basic tagset.
That probably didn't make any sense at all, this is why I can't write beginners' guides!
GuideML acronyms and jargon
BrownFurby Posted Mar 12, 2003
The cut and paste thing is not possible on a digibox so anyone using one of those has to write the code on a piece of paper and type it all out by hand even if they are an expert at cut and pasting.
Just in case anyone didn't realise that.
When I was a beginner I didn't really care what GuideML is or what other ML it is similar to, I just wanted to know questions like
How do I get a picture/moving fish/big writing/coloured writing/smiley/link on my page?
How do I fix this error message e.g. unexpected closing element?
I just got by by ignoring anything I didn't understand and some of it remains ignored to this day.
GuideML acronyms and jargon
BrownFurby Posted Mar 12, 2003
I recreated my error and it was "Bad closing element BODY expecting MAGIC"
Now it may be obvious that "Bad closing element BODY expecting MAGIC" means that a smiley is still in plain text instead of GuideML, but it wasn't to me.
GuideML acronyms and jargon
MaW Posted Mar 12, 2003
That, however, is why it is important for people to learn the fundamentals of XML syntax, because then they may be in a position to realise that a smiley code like will get seen by the XML parser as an opening tag, and so cause problems.
At least, that's how I'd prefer things to be done.
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GuideML acronyms and jargon for ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS
- 21: six7s (Mar 11, 2003)
- 22: the dreaming doppelganger aka JEllen 42 (Mar 11, 2003)
- 23: the dreaming doppelganger aka JEllen 42 (Mar 11, 2003)
- 24: Teuchter (Mar 11, 2003)
- 25: There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho (Mar 11, 2003)
- 26: Teuchter (Mar 11, 2003)
- 27: There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho (Mar 11, 2003)
- 28: sdotyam (Mar 11, 2003)
- 29: six7s (Mar 11, 2003)
- 30: sdotyam (Mar 11, 2003)
- 31: Polly Math (Mar 11, 2003)
- 32: MaW (Mar 11, 2003)
- 33: BrownFurby (Mar 12, 2003)
- 34: BrownFurby (Mar 12, 2003)
- 35: MaW (Mar 12, 2003)
- 36: BrownFurby (Mar 12, 2003)
- 37: MaW (Mar 13, 2003)
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