A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Petty Hates

Post 4681

The Groob

Do some people/companies want to turn this world into one big advert? I've got adverts obscuring my view now when I want to check my email

Do these people not realise there are vindictive angry people like me on this planet who will make a conscious choice at that point to NOT buy or be involved with the product?

Petty Hates

Post 4682

The Groob

smiley - grr too

Petty Hates

Post 4683

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

Yes but you are outnumbered by the people who are too stupid to ignore them...

Petty Hates

Post 4684

Anna Siren- the heathen of the deep, according to iTunes...


Petty Hates

Post 4685

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

I'm pettily hating people who think they know better than me when I have bothered to check all the aspects of a situation and they think they are being clever without actually checking to see if what they do works.

And who looks like the smiley - bleep when a driver comes to use the van *they* say they have fixed? (silly me, I assumed they had actually dont the work requested not been lazy smiley - bleeps and tried to get around it) ME. smiley - cheerssmiley - bleepers!

smiley - grr

smiley - laugh

Petty Hates

Post 4686

The Groob

And relax...

smiley - zen

Petty Hates

Post 4687

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune


Did my irritation come across a little strongly then??

heh, sorry! smiley - laugh

Petty Hates

Post 4688

The Groob

No, not at all. I was responding to both post 4684 and myself!

Petty Hates

Post 4689

Bright Blue Shorts

People who think 9:04am is a valid time to doing hammering on a Saturday morning ...

Petty Hates

Post 4690

The Groob

Hee hee, maybe you are lucky though - someone stops outside my mother-in-law's house every morning weekdays at 5 am and blasts their carhorn until the person living there comes out. She's a light sleeper and is too polite to say anything.

Petty Hates

Post 4691

Cheerful Dragon

I don't know where you are, Groob, but in the UK that's illegal. According to the Highway Code (section 112 in the latest edition), you MUST NOT (their caps) use your horn when stationary and you MUST NOT use it in a built up area between 11.30pm and 7am. Mind you, I'm not sure it's something anybody would bother to enforce, unless it caused a nuisance to a lot of people.

Petty Hates

Post 4692

The Groob

Yes! I remember now, it is illegal. I'll have a work with MIL. I don't think she'll do anything about it to be honest; it's a shame that people don't have as much respect for other people as she does.

Petty Hates

Post 4693

The Groob

I see that Woolworths are making it as hard as possible for me to find the CD I want quickly. They've removed the alphabetical labels from the racks. Unfortunately this means that people will not put CDs back in the correct place and the CDs end up in a order best known as "random".

Obviously a self-proclaimed marketing genius thinks that the lack of clear labels and signs means that people are, by chance, more likely to see another product they'd like to buy in addition to the one they want.

Petty Hates

Post 4694

The Groob

The HSBC website. When you check your statement the information they give you only covers the past couple of weeks. Ideally they would have option-buttons marked "see transactions for last month" and "see transactions for last two months" etc that could be clicked on to quickly provide the most useful information. But no. They provide date boxes that, by default, dispay dates that only cover a couple of weeks in May.

Obviously a self-proclaimed marketing genius thinks this is a clever ruse to get people to stay on the website longer and thus make them more likely to spot other products and services. Unfortunately it has the opposite effect because in the long term I can't be bothered to log on because of all the faffing about.

Petty Hates

Post 4695


Yeah HSBC. We bank with them at work and apparently this weekend they're "improving" the website, and one of the "improvements" is that instead of typing in your user name on the first page you click on a Log on button first, then when the next page has loaded you type in your user name. So much more convenient! When you're stressed and in a hurry at work it's good that the nice folks at HSBC have devised a way to make you stop and rest for a time. (Yeah I know it doesn't take that long to load a webpage these days, but that fact mars the sarcasm somewhat and my point is still valid).

Deb smiley - cheerup

Petty Hates

Post 4696

Bright Blue Shorts

That reminds me ...

People using carhorns to either notify people inside a house that they've either arrived to pick them up; OR let the person that they've just dropped off know that they've just dropped them off and are now about to drive away.

Actually I'm probably just intolerant of people who invade my peace and quiet. In the sauna yesterday, man comes in talks very loudly. I move to the steam room, couple of mins later he comes in talks very loudly to someone else. I go for a swim. It's not the talking per se, it's the fact that these people only have two volume settings ... loud and f-ing loud ...

Petty Hates

Post 4697

Anna Siren- the heathen of the deep, according to iTunes...

Hangovers that require you're out of it for at least seven hours after you wake up, and are physically ill three times in a row before heading to school... no, yesterday was not pleasant. Today, however, is better- thank god for Red Bull.

I also have a dislike for people who do not pick up on the eighth ring… if I ring you that amount of times, it’s either really important or a sodding emergency! (In this case, it was important good news. As a result, they were the last to know out of nineteen or twenty people- even Hannah knew before they did).

Worrying about aforementioned unnamed person whom I ring nearly every day to make sure they're still alive, and this is a person who seems to not want to be helped... petty hate here is wanting to wash my hands of this, but not wanting to be a terrible friend.

Petty Hates

Post 4698

Mr. X ---> "Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!"

Red Bull is incredibly nasty.

~*~It's not the talking per se, it's the fact that these people only have two volume settings ... loud and f-ing loud ...~*~

Maybe they work in Theater. You need to exercise that diaphragm every day. smiley - puff

smiley - pirate

Petty Hates

Post 4699

Anna Siren- the heathen of the deep, according to iTunes...

Red Bull seems to be an acquired taste round my parts. I love it, and it kicks me into gear at weekends when all I wanna do is sleep.

Work in theatre they may, but they don't need to shout... were they English?

Petty Hates

Post 4700

winnoch2 - Impostair Syndromair Extraordinaire

"Hangovers that require you're out of it for at least seven hours after you wake up, and are physically ill three times in a row before heading to school... "

smiley - headhurts please tell me you're a teacher not a pupil?smiley - erm Actually despite loving the TV series 'Teachers' where many of the teacher characters did have hangovers the next day, in reality to arrive at such an important job pissed, is worrying.

If you're a pupil, I don't mean to be preachy, but jehesus bob, it's scary that kids are turing up at school with a hangover. It happened of course when i was at school about 20 years ago, but was so unusual it was a major talking point when it happened a few times a year. And this was a bog-standard school in a bog-standard area, nothing posh or special.

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