A Conversation for Ask h2g2
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IctoanAWEWawi Posted Jun 29, 2009
"I'm sure its a previous botched repair"
Oh tell me about it! I once saw one where the regulator cable had been repaired using an expanding retrofit assembly - I nearly died laughing at that one!
Now a good source for the X-splaide-end (and it's nice to find someone else who knows how to spell that correctly!) is from '88 spanish knock offs. Sorry, commemorative editions. I think they must have mis-read something as all the eccentic leader connectors we X-splaide - although oddly they used a combination of Y- and B- splaide for the common connectors, weird huh?
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Icy North Posted Jul 1, 2011
Agh, I just discovered my urfer's curled up again. I can't remember what I did last time. Any advice? It's non-braided and comes with a J-ring.
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Mrs Zen Posted Jul 1, 2011
Non-braided? That's tough. Is the rubber very badly perished?
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Icy North Posted Jul 1, 2011
No rubber on this one - it's Japanned, so you can't crimp it, unfortunately.
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Mrs Zen Posted Jul 1, 2011
Well, that does make it a bit easier. My Dad had one that went the same way, but it had the rubber sheathing. I think he put it in the vice and shimmed off the knurled flange.
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Icy North Posted Jul 2, 2011
I did have a Bosch attachment for it, but they've gone Snap-on now.
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KB Posted Jul 2, 2011
How are the new EU regulations going to affect things? With it being the LED model I have, I'm naturally a bit concerned...
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Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am... Posted Jul 2, 2011
It depends, if it was made before 1982 you should be fine.
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KB Posted Jul 2, 2011
I've heard that too, but ever since the campaign against the Hetherington brace mould, who really knows for sure?
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Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am... Posted Jul 2, 2011
Right... I've heard, though I haven't been able to try it myself, that if you can get hold of one of the old Gribblethwaite cross bars cut it in half and replace the flim shafts with the two pieces, that solves the issues with the Hetherington.
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Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am... Posted Jul 2, 2011
I remember seeing on the news when the factory closed down. Lack of funds, they said... just shows that people don't appreciate quality.
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McKay The Disorganised Posted Jul 3, 2011
I've finally managed to find one, picked it up in an army surplus store, and found the head socket for it misfiled in a box of thread converters.
Now I need to get the sights aligned, can you still get the tuning kits ?
What to do?
Mrs Zen Posted Jul 3, 2011
Well, there's always ebay.... I picked a tuning kit up there for a couple of bob a year or so back, but it turned out to be for the Mark II. When I got back to the bloke he said "well, that's pre-1978, isn't it?"
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Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am... Posted Jul 3, 2011
That's the problem with eBay there are a lot of people selling things they got from a house clearance or something with no real understanding of what it is. I mean, scans of the documentation and manuals are available to download and are easy to find with a simple web search, so there really is no excuse for such lack of knowledge about the tuners.
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Mrs Zen Posted Jul 3, 2011
Well, there's worse than that. I saw an ad for a Mark III tuning kit, but the photograph was of a scrimmaging set. Fair play, it was for the Mark III, but even so.
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KB Posted Jul 3, 2011
God, I hope not - the draughtsman who came up with that one should have been flogged. The number of ballustrade fabricators who succumbed to *that* one makes me weep to think of it.
No, while there are arguments for the cleat, it's definitely a measure of last resort, in my book.
What to do?
Icy North Posted Jul 4, 2011
The cleat saves a bit of time when you're using it offsite.
My late dad used aglet pins - I found them in a labelled tin of Golden Virginia when I did his shed clearance. It was like Jack Hargreaves' cave in there!
What to do?
McKay The Disorganised Posted Jul 4, 2011
Yeah - I've looked on e-bay but all I can see on their is the left-handed one with the offset cam, and that's not going to work on a Froggatt ~ not without a damn great hammer anyway.
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- 81: IctoanAWEWawi (Jun 29, 2009)
- 82: Icy North (Jul 1, 2011)
- 83: Mrs Zen (Jul 1, 2011)
- 84: Icy North (Jul 1, 2011)
- 85: Mrs Zen (Jul 1, 2011)
- 86: Icy North (Jul 2, 2011)
- 87: KB (Jul 2, 2011)
- 88: Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am... (Jul 2, 2011)
- 89: KB (Jul 2, 2011)
- 90: Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am... (Jul 2, 2011)
- 91: KB (Jul 2, 2011)
- 92: Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am... (Jul 2, 2011)
- 93: McKay The Disorganised (Jul 3, 2011)
- 94: Mrs Zen (Jul 3, 2011)
- 95: Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am... (Jul 3, 2011)
- 96: Mrs Zen (Jul 3, 2011)
- 97: Icy North (Jul 3, 2011)
- 98: KB (Jul 3, 2011)
- 99: Icy North (Jul 4, 2011)
- 100: McKay The Disorganised (Jul 4, 2011)
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