A Conversation for Ask h2g2

What is it with breasts?

Post 4261

A Super Furry Animal

Again? Did I miss something?

RFsmiley - evilgrin

What is it with breasts?

Post 4262


Well, Minoan fashion should come back.

What is it with breasts?

Post 4263

BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows

I get fed up reading in the national press about so-and so's 'daring' dress etc etc when they're not daring at all. smiley - grr

What is it with breasts?

Post 4264


Not daring? Some celebrities walk down the red carpet practically naked.

What is it with breasts?

Post 4265

BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows

But I'm talking about 'street fashio', or at least 'party'/'going out' fashion.

I can't see the point of haure couture if people don't wear it on the street.

Incidentally, I always remember Vivienne Westwood being asked in an interview, 'What is meant by haute couture'. She opened and closed her mouth a few times before gabbling something totally unintelligible and banal.

I think this should be in cluded as one of TV'S 100 Most Embarrassing Moments'. smiley - laugh

What is it with breasts?

Post 4266

A Super Furry Animal

Well, breasts were definitely the accessory of choice in London this summer! smiley - bigeyessmiley - bigeyes

RFsmiley - evilgrin

What is it with breasts?

Post 4267


Haute cotoure can't be worn by normal humans for a start. It is made to fit women grown specially in labs. And I also don't know what the point of haute cotoure is.

What is it with breasts?

Post 4268

BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows

Perhaps I should've paid a visit. Mind you, I have an adult student at present who has a particularly fine pair of (smiley - disco/\smiley - disco)s. She is quite well endowed and frequently wears very low cut t-shirts smiley - tongueout. It's the way she leans forward that gets me... smiley - groan

What is it with breasts?

Post 4269


everyones seen my boobs B ..get over itsmiley - tongueout

I really must stop drinking so much at meets!

What is it with breasts?

Post 4270

Mu Beta

No. You really must stop flashing so much at meets.


What is it with breasts?

Post 4271

Moonhogg - Captain Coffee Break

Hello there. Is there room in this conversation for anyone else? I fail to believe that a conversation about breasts has been in existance for over 3 years, and this is the first I've heard about it!
Okay, what is it about breasts? Men need something to do with their hands. We need to be doing something with them, constantly. Breasts are therefore convenient - two hands, two breasts.
As for the "it reminds men of being babies, suckling at their mother's bosom" - rubbish, I never get reminded of my mother when I'm - well, shall I say "intimate" with the missus. I think if .... reminded me of my mother, then...
a) the moment would well and truly be spoiled, and
b) I'd need counselling!

What I would like banning though, is nice female tutors at sixth form colleges with low cut blouses bending over desks in front of hormonal teenage boys. I counted the minutes until my next Communication Studies A level classes due to a certain Mrs Jones who had a tendancy to do just that - though the dream was shattered when one of my mates pointed out that she looks just like Bev Bevan, the drummer in ELO...

What is it with breasts?

Post 4272

A Super Furry Animal

If you have teachers that do that, the last place you want to be looking is at their faces! smiley - biggrin

Mind you, that Bev Bevan, in the right light...smiley - run

RFsmiley - evilgrin

What is it with breasts?

Post 4273

Cutiechops:0)...............' THE LOUNGS '.............NUMBER 1FAN''...;0)

Moonhoggsmiley - smiley

Of course your welcome to chat in here,but of course the subject always stays around the topic in question.."breasts"smiley - titsmiley - tit's,waps,jubblies, knockers,nurses,pillows,pinky &perky..or whatever anyone wants to call them these dayssmiley - biggrin..
so yeah chat away,you'll probably find most of the posters on this thread are of the male species and obviously just being pervysmiley - winkeye..smiley - laugh..only kiddin guys..

What is it with breasts?

Post 4274

A Super Furry Animal

I must protest.

There is nothing pervy about noticing the fine figure of a lady woman with all her beautiful curves in all the right plaes.

At all.

Oh... blush>

RFsmiley - evilgrin

What is it with breasts?

Post 4275

Cutiechops:0)...............' THE LOUNGS '.............NUMBER 1FAN''...;0)

smiley - biggrinsee what i mean..

Anyway my curves are all in the right places,just too well endowed up top halfsmiley - wah, and that means i have to wear "over the shoulder boulder holders" for supportsmiley - erm.

What is it with breasts?

Post 4276

A Super Furry Animal

I don't believe you. Please send a photo to support (fnarr! fnarr!) that statement!

RFsmiley - evilgrin

What is it with breasts?

Post 4277

Cutiechops:0)...............' THE LOUNGS '.............NUMBER 1FAN''...;0)

Awww sorry i can't do that,you'll just have to take my word for itsmiley - biggrin.. i think i have mentioned on this thread my smiley - boingsmiley - boing size anyway..so i won't bore people with the statistics again..
aww its a shame ,ive had many a mans head shoved down me cleavage,smiley - bigeyesonly bring the faces out when i see them turning blue through lack of oxygen,smiley - laugh

smiley - boingsmiley - boing

What is it with breasts?

Post 4278


Looking to do more charity work eh ReddyFreddy? smiley - winkeye

What is it with breasts?

Post 4279


smiley - online2long

What is it with breasts?

Post 4280

BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows

Oi, stop distracting me with thoughts of smiley - boingsmiley - boingsmiley - tits when I'm trying to wo*k. smiley - grr

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