A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Females drive me crazy

Post 21

Zorpheus - I'm so hip I have difficulty seeing over my pelvis.

smiley - blush Aww, shucks! Now people might think that I'm sensitive or something. smiley - winkeye

Truthfully I just try to make her happy, and vice versa. It's actually fun trying to find new things to surprise each other with, it has become a bit of a game.

Females drive me crazy

Post 22


So simple, isn't it?

Females drive me crazy

Post 23

Zorpheus - I'm so hip I have difficulty seeing over my pelvis.

Yep! The more you do it the easier it gets.

But I do remind y'all that it dosn't work on every girl. One girl I dated hated all those "stupid things" that I did for her. Obviously this relationship did not work.

Females drive me crazy

Post 24


It could definately work on me. I felt happy and moved even when he wrote on the kitchen table with the pencil that he'll come home at 5 pm (which was the usual time for coming home). He was thinking about me when he left!

Females drive me crazy

Post 25


Nothing worse than a man bringing you smiley - rose or a smiley - gift when he's upset you/feels guilty. Hurts much more, IMHO.smiley - sadface

Nothing better than receiving a surprise smiley - gift (one of thought, more than monetary value) when you least expect it. (ie not on a special occasion)smiley - smiley

Females drive me crazy

Post 26


Pegasus, how do you know he feels guilty? How can you distinguish it from honest love? Or do you rule that out? smiley - smiley

Females drive me crazy

Post 27


*encourages Wonko back down from his high horse*smiley - winkeye

I didn't say when I think/know he feels guilty. When HE does feel guilty... and it does happen, cos I've been on the receiving end of it. It's not nice, and it doesn't work (for me, anyway).

Honest love is different, which I think the second part of my post may have touched on. Personally, I'm not much one for receiving gifts anyway. And I'd sooner have a garden full of flowers, than a load of dying ones.smiley - rose

Females drive me crazy

Post 28


(Low and humbly): Why do men feel guilty?

smiley - smiley

Females drive me crazy

Post 29


I would imagine for the same reasons women do... ie, when they know they've done something wrong.

Maybe you are a rare person with a clear conscience Wonko, but not everyone is.smiley - winkeye

Females drive me crazy

Post 30


Thanks for mentioning the possiblity! Well, sometimes I think I have, sometimes I don't.

I think "feeling guilty" should be completely abandomed. Love should be forgiving and gracious. smiley - smiley

Anyway, are you having a clear conscience, Peagasus?

Females drive me crazy

Post 31


'Feeling guilty' is what happens when people do something they know they shouldn't. Or at least it does if they have any kind of conscience at all.smiley - winkeye

It would be nice to abandon guilt, but in our soceity, I don't see this happening any time soon, do you?

As for my own conscience, I wrestle with it an awful lot.smiley - bigeyes So is your own conscience clear then Wonko?

Females drive me crazy

Post 32


But who says what you should do or shouldn't? Was it am act of free will for the partners to agree to some rules, or are they are just assumed? Well, my rules are quite different.

I had some 10 years of fight to abandon *my* guilty feelings. Well, most of them. Most of the time now I am able to stick to our rules.

I think that my conscience is clear, I see what I am doing, why I am doing it and if I make plans for the future, I stick to them. People think I am dependable. One think is that I included my instincts (or, to name it: my sex addiction smiley - smiley) into my self, so I can handle it in a social way.

Females drive me crazy

Post 33


So is it because females drive you crazy that you are no longer Wonko the Sane?

I think very often it happens that if a guy buys a women flowers she will think he has a bad conscience, even if it was just meant as a loving gesture. So guys refrain from it because it will get them into trouble.

Females drive me crazy

Post 34


Yes you are right! But I hope that I'm still sane, or at least will be able to regain my sanity. smiley - smiley

Females drive me crazy

Post 35

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Well, Zorpheus, I would agree with the girlfriend you had, what a lovely thoughtful thing to do! The best thing a boyfriend ever gave me, was a 99c record, as 45 rpm (not so long ago, I promise!) that he bought me, he had scoured 2nd hand record shops to find it for me (it was an old song). UIt was the thoughtfulness I liked!smiley - rose

Females drive me crazy

Post 36


Good thing he did. And did you do something similar to him? smiley - smiley

Females drive me crazy

Post 37

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

No, Wonko, sadly I did not, all I did was show my appreciationsmiley - hug but I did do other things for him on other occasions. That was True Love, and I haven't had such a good relationship since. Males drive me crazy, because I do not understand them! smiley - zen

Females drive me crazy

Post 38


I am a very good understandable male. smiley - smiley Well, in my opinion.

Why did you split?

Females drive me crazy

Post 39

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Well,Wonko, I am sure you are understandable, but this one wasn't. He found himself another woman, to cut a long story as short as possible, but then he sort-of hung around unable to decide for an infuriatingly long time! I have three sons and two ex-husbands, to not understand. smiley - rose

Females drive me crazy

Post 40


It makes me happy to see you think I'm understandable. smiley - smiley

So sorry for your splits! But it will be good in the end.

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