A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Liv Tyler or George Formby

Post 3741

Evil Roy: Maestro of the Thingite Orchestra, Knight Errant of the Thingite Cause, Prince of Balwyniti, Aussie Researchers A59204

Latest Count

Lady Scott - 40
Liv Tyler - 37.5
Rolf Harris - 5
The Ukulele - 5
Nicole Kidman - 3
smiley - spork - 3
Inigo Montoya - 3
mAd_CaDeT_fIsH - 2
Nathan Lane - 2
Nighthoover - 2
Al Gore - 2
Lime Marmalade - 2
Bob the Farmer - 2
Charlemagne - 2
Johnny Depp - 2
George Foreman - 1
Will Hay - 1
The Didgeridoo - 1
Kitkat Chunky - 1
Chunky-smiley - mars-icecream - 1
Harry Lauder - 1
Kebab - 1
Carrie-Ann Moss - 1
Carey Elwes - 1
Glass of Water - 1
George Formby - 39.5

smiley - cheerssmiley - musicalnote

Liv Tyler or George Formby

Post 3742

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I'd like to vote for Greenspan

Liv Tyler or George Formby

Post 3743


smiley - cake
I'd like to vote for Lady Scott

Liv Tyler or George Formby

Post 3744

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I'd like to vote for bubble and skeak

Liv Tyler or George Formby

Post 3745

Lady Scott

Thank you Faster! smiley - biggrin

Liv Tyler or George Formby

Post 3746


smiley - cake
I only vote for you if you don't dye your hair smiley - smiley

Liv Tyler or George Formby

Post 3747

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I'd like to vote for George Formby and nighthoover

Liv Tyler or George Formby

Post 3748

Lady Scott

I don't now, nor have I ever dyed my hair... and I lots lots of grey to proove it!

Liv Tyler or George Formby

Post 3749

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I'd like to vote for lime marmalade and lady Scott smiley - biggrin

Liv Tyler or George Formby

Post 3750

Lady Scott

smiley - laugh Is there anyone you *don't* want to vote for?

Liv Tyler or George Formby

Post 3751

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Yes; George Bush, Tony Blair or my supervisor from Manchester uni smiley - biggrinsmiley - ermsmiley - space I'd like to vote for Robert Denero and Kate Bush.

Liv Tyler or George Formby

Post 3752

Avenging Washcloth, An unhurried sense of time is, in itself, a form of wealth.

Oh yesssss ... Lady Scott may boast about not *ever* coloring her hair ... but this insidious and blasphemous practice has crept into her immediate family in recent days! Yes, ladies and gentlemen ... Lady Scott's own daughter has become a "heavy auburn dye user". Next thing you know, she'll be on crack. smiley - tongueout

smiley - winkeye

Liv Tyler or George Formby

Post 3753

Avenging Washcloth, An unhurried sense of time is, in itself, a form of wealth.

By the way ... I wish to vote for 'Ahnuld'.

Liv Tyler or George Formby

Post 3754

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I'd like to vote for George forman

Liv Tyler or George Formby

Post 3755

Lady Scott

I like his grill! smiley - ok

smiley - erm

Except it's a pain to clean.

Liv Tyler or George Formby

Post 3756

Evil Roy: Maestro of the Thingite Orchestra, Knight Errant of the Thingite Cause, Prince of Balwyniti, Aussie Researchers A59204

Latest Count

Lady Scott - 41
Liv Tyler - 37.5
George Formby - 39.5
Rolf Harris - 5
The Ukulele - 5
Nicole Kidman - 3
smiley - spork - 3
Inigo Montoya - 3
mAd_CaDeT_fIsH - 2
Nathan Lane - 2
Nighthoover - 2
Al Gore - 2
Lime Marmalade - 2
Bob the Farmer - 2
Charlemagne - 2
Johnny Depp - 2
George Foreman - 1
Will Hay - 1
The Didgeridoo - 1
Kitkat Chunky - 1
Chunky-smiley - mars-icecream - 1
Harry Lauder - 1
Kebab - 1
Carrie-Ann Moss - 1
Carey Elwes - 1
Glass of Water - 1

smiley - cheerssmiley - musicalnote

Liv Tyler or George Formby

Post 3757

The Gook, a.k.a. Sir Loin of Beef, the Master-at-Arms: Thingite Armoury, and his wolf Yoink.

I propose all non LS votes be stricken from the record.

Liv Tyler or George Formby

Post 3758

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I vote for Glass of Water

Liv Tyler or George Formby

Post 3759

The Gook, a.k.a. Sir Loin of Beef, the Master-at-Arms: Thingite Armoury, and his wolf Yoink.

Does Glass of Water support the arts? Care about the people? Kiss babies on the campaign trail?

Liv Tyler or George Formby

Post 3760

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

do we want our future to be corrupted by ickey polititions kisses?!
smiley - magicVOTE GLASS OF WATER!smiley - magic
fordsmiley - cheers

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Liv Tyler or George Formby

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