A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Liv Tyler or George Formby

Post 3761

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I vote for Fords

Liv Tyler or George Formby

Post 3762

The Gook, a.k.a. Sir Loin of Beef, the Master-at-Arms: Thingite Armoury, and his wolf Yoink.

I vote General Motors, but that could be entirely because I'm going to the old General Motors Institute.

Liv Tyler or George Formby

Post 3763

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Vote George Formby vote often vote now

Liv Tyler or George Formby

Post 3764

SuperMoo: Now With Even More Online-ness

...must I say it...you know what I'm going to say...you know I'll say "Vote Lady Scott"...so I don't even need to mention what I'm going to say...

Liv Tyler or George Formby

Post 3765

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Vote Lady Scott

Liv Tyler or George Formby

Post 3766

Estelendur (AKA Esty)

Vote Lady Scott! Y'know, we should put up signs or summat on other threads.

Liv Tyler or George Formby

Post 3767

The Gook, a.k.a. Sir Loin of Beef, the Master-at-Arms: Thingite Armoury, and his wolf Yoink.

We should hold the Lady Scott International Convention!

::: begins printing flyers for the LSIC :::

Liv Tyler or George Formby

Post 3768

SuperMoo: Now With Even More Online-ness

*starts handing out campain badges*

<LINK H2G2="F19585?thread=134823&amp;latest=1">
Vote Lady Scott

Liv Tyler or George Formby

Post 3769

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit fitting a campaign T-shirt

Vote Lady Scott, Vote often!"

Liv Tyler or George Formby

Post 3770

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit fitting a campaign T-shirt
"< A2992494 >

Liv Tyler or George Formby

Post 3771

SuperMoo: Now With Even More Online-ness


Liv Tyler or George Formby

Post 3772

Estelendur (AKA Esty)

Yes, quite...

Thankee for the badge, Commander! smiley - smiley

Liv Tyler or George Formby

Post 3773

Lady Scott

smiley - blush I'm overwhelmed.

smiley - ermThe death threats on the T-shirt might be just a *wee* bit much though...

Liv Tyler or George Formby

Post 3774

Estelendur (AKA Esty)

smiley - erm I very much agree...

Coren: After all, Garrett didn't vote for Lady Scott, and I'm not about to let you kill him! *fighting stance*

Liv Tyler or George Formby

Post 3775

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit on his head
"It is not a death threat it is a dice
(Conform my dictionary die can also be taking the random chance)

But as this is not my own language, I will add a 'c'."

Liv Tyler or George Formby

Post 3776

Lady Scott

smiley - doh Is *that* what it is?

I thought it was supposed to be some kind of ballot! smiley - laugh

Liv Tyler or George Formby

Post 3777

Estelendur (AKA Esty)

Okay, that makes more sense.

Coren: Good! *smiley - cuddles Garrett*

Liv Tyler or George Formby

Post 3778


Vote Liv, Vote George, Vote Now, Vote Often smiley - tongueout

Liv Tyler or George Formby

Post 3779

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Vote George Formby vote often Vote now and vote Bernard Manning smiley - huh

Liv Tyler or George Formby

Post 3780

The Gook, a.k.a. Sir Loin of Beef, the Master-at-Arms: Thingite Armoury, and his wolf Yoink.

smiley - wow

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