Dial ____ For ____
Visit the List of Societies that I have accumilated2
Why, you ask...because how can you not want to join a place that some ego-centric nut like me has already joined...?
SiC of The Evil Army3Grand Duke of The Cows4
Muse of Evil Grinning Elf Dudes
Head of Reconnaissance in The Assassin's Guild
About Cow House
NOTICE:Cow House has mooved to this site:
Or Copy and Paste this into your address bar:
{Inset a verry verry verry huge titanicly large...but not too large but still very big...and..then...after which...followed by...and then came the part about the tightly fitting cloths but the author decided that he had already put in enough bs and decided to end with a verry anoying cliff hanger that looked like this: TO BE CONTINUED...OR NOT...OR Maybe...but probably not...oh well it was a verry verry verry tall cliff that it hung from, anywho the big "m" is made up of a bunch of smaller "m"'s}
For Super Moo
To sum the above instruction up: {Place the thing with the thing that does the thing with the thing and...ya just forget about it and put a big "m" there...}
EVIL, BAD, NOT GOOD, VILINOUS, CORECTION SUPER VILINOUS, NO GOODER, WRONG DOER, THINKER OF EVIL SCHEMES, BADER THAN BAD, GRAMATICALLY AND POLITICALLY INCORECT, ROBO-BILLY GOAT WHO IS EVIL For Evil, Bad, Not Good, Vilinous, Corection Super Vilinous, No Gooder, Wrong Doer, Thinker of Evil Schemes, Bader Than Bad, Gramatically and Politically Incorect, Robo-Billy Goat Who is Evil, but you can call him EBNGVCSVNGWDTESBTBGPIRBGWE for short, although he hates that name so just call him Robo-Billy Goat instead of EBNGVCSVNGWDTESBTBGPIRBGWE
ALSO TO BE NOTED: Each letter in EBNGVCSVNGWDTESBTBGPIRBGWE is to be said seperatly in the correct prononciation of propernacity...(I just said it how can it not be a word if I JUST SAID it...Forget the english to spanish dictionry its all a lie...Anywho...Its a word to me and It will soon be forgotenized)
Y.A.C. NOTE: Robo-Billy Goat is SuperMoo's evil mad scientist-like nemisis who is evil.
A NOTE OF A NOTE: Y.A.C. NOTE stands for Yet Another Cowtastic NOTE...well what else dide you think NOTE stood for...ham on rye?
Other Notes of Notenacity
Cows say 'Moo', not 'Mer', not 'Oom', and not 'Hey'...definatly not hey {everyone knows cows say 'yo5' not 'hey'}
Quote of The Right Now...
"yes...yes you should ask him...oh...wait...he's talking in third
person again and people are starting to wonder...quick...say
something smart in first person...
...I...er...grow store!!!
not exactly what I had in mind..."
Read This Post
Check out my DeviantArt account where I have been posting my sketch drawing comic "Midnight Aire"...'tis güd...'tis very güd...and güd in a funny güd way...güd...güd...güd...güd...güd...güd...güd... Echo...echo...echo...echo...echo...echo...echo...echo...echo... Underarm deoderant!...Peptobismo Pie!...
Dr.Morph6 DiviantArt Site
I Am:
The Grand Duke of The Cows at Cow House
Member | of The Great | Cow House |
The Muse Of Evil Grinning Elf Dudes
Evil Grinning Elf Dudes |
The Evil Army of H2G2 |
Spaceballs Appreciation Society |
I want to become
Keeper of The Cows
Check out my Tropical Forecasts. As of now it's only for the atlantic season, although eventually I'd like to expand to the east pacific season as well.
Oh and:
Version: 1.1
RA Y N SG+ A++ P+ L+++(-) M s V- E-
PR p a- B? TV? r D T+ nh C++(+++) m t
-----END H2G2 CODE BLOCK-----
My Personality:Introverted (I) 76.67% Extroverted (E) 23.33%
Sensing (S) 52.94% Intuitive (N) 47.06%
Thinking (T) 71.43% Feeling (F) 28.57%
Judging (J) 66.67% Perceiving (P) 33.33%
ISTJ - "Trustee". Decisiveness in practical affairs. Guardian of time-honored institutions. Dependable. 11.6% of total population.
Here's another set of personality test results that seems to fit me even better:
moderately expressed Introvert (56%7)
moderately expressed iNtuitive personality (33%)
distinctively expressed Thinking personality (67%)
slightly expressed Judging personality (22%)
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Apearently I am also possessed by Yaazorok Daaggoth, The King of The Demons...as I have several times started levetating before being jarred back to my usual form by hitting my head on the cieling...
In order to be able to get to the site you might have to copy the address into a new browser...
This is a megamanesque webcomic that EvilClaw, Danigaaz, and myself make...it's good...Attack of |
the Prunes |
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Hiya! | Jun 23, 2010 |
Sporky | Oct 4, 2008 |
T.I.A | Aug 20, 2008 |
Hi Charles! | Mar 29, 2008 |
The Personality Test... | Jul 11, 2007 |
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The Last One To Post Here Wins | Feb 17, 2005 | 2 Days Ago |
Where can I find tardigrades? | No Posting | May 25, 2020 |
SEx: Why does it hurt | No Posting | May 14, 2020 |
No no no!! | Apr 3, 2007 | Apr 23, 2020 |
Here we go again - Dr Anthea’s Christmas news letter | No Posting | Dec 14, 2019 |
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