A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Back to basics

Post 321

Mrs Zen

Along those lines ~jwf~

Sometimes my thoughts just flow through my fingers
You often think type before you think
He only posts when he's pished


I'm inspired
You're floating away
She's trolleyed.

This though was sparked by the School Reunion thread:

I alert to social nuance
You are competitive
She keeps up with the Joneses

And now,

I'm busy these days
You've got a lot on
She's always late

Back to basics

Post 322

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

My batteries ran low
you need a new mouse
She needs a new computer


I'm not sure what on earth just happened.

Back to basics

Post 323

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

>> Along those lines ~jwf~ <<

"those lines" = "~~~~~~~" ?

Those are called 'tilde'.
I can only guess whether the plural is tilde or tildes.
You don't see them much anymore.

They are purely decorative. For me, they're supposed to be 'wings'
but they are too small for proper flight.

Google is blind to them.

smiley - bigeyes

Woohoo! I made that all about me!
You remain self aware in group discussion.
He is so modest and altruistic.

>> I'm not sure what on earth just happened. <<

Yeah! smiley - yikes Suddenly it's all arzbackwards!

smiley - run

Back to basics

Post 324

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

Have you been drinking young man?

Back to basics

Post 325


I know when I've had enough.
Do you want to go home?
He passed out in the garden.

Back to basics

Post 326

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

smiley - rofl

Back to basics

Post 327


<<Those are called 'tilde'.
I can only guess whether the plural is tilde or tildes.
You don't see them much anymore.<<

I see them everydaysmiley - biggrin

tilde in Spanish is also tilde, we use it to show the graphic accent in a word: pájaro. And in our ñ, that mark on the ñ is also called virgulilla.

Tildes is the plural in Spanish, and I guess it´s so in English too.

Back to basics

Post 328

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

smiley - ok

Yes I've decided it's just not for me, not my kind of thing after all; I wanna make better use of my time and energy.

You tried though, eh, gave it a shot; that's the main thing.

He's a quitter; never follows through; got no stick-to-it-ness, no sense of commitment.

smiley - cheers

Back to basics

Post 329

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

smiley - wizard

I am a Renaissance man.

You have a wide variety of interests.

He's a dabbler, a dilettante.

smiley - cheers

Back to basics

Post 330


I'm struggling manfully (heroically?) with an illness.

You seem a bit off-colour

He's an hypocondriac, always moaning

smiley - coolsmiley - bubbly

Back to basics

Post 331

Mrs Zen

I have swine flu
You've got a head cold
He has man flu

Back to basics

Post 332


I have allergies
You have a bad cold
she caught the h1n1 flu.

Back to basics

Post 333

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

smiley - flyingpigsmiley - flyingpigsmiley - flyingpig

Oh! Bless me!

Oi! Cover your mouth!

smiley - snork Argggh! Here they come!
smiley - flyingpigsmiley - flyingpigsmiley - flyingpigsmiley - flyingpigsmiley - flyingpigsmiley - flyingpig

Back to basics

Post 334

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Hoppy New Year smiley - bunny Welcome to 'o-10'
smiley - biggrin

I have had an epiphany.

You had one of them eureka moments.

He has a lightbulb over his head.

smiley - eureka

Back to basics

Post 335

Mrs Zen

Shagbark, I think its more like

I have flu
You have a cold
He's skived three days off work

Back to basics

Post 336

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

I'm snowed right in

it snowed a bit (be careful!)

He simply cant be bothered.

Back to basics

Post 337

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

On varying reactions to a very prim woman of known social responsibilties (based in large part on the moralities of her religious beliefs) being intellectually flogged like a dead horse
by the fascist atheist Richard Dawkins.

smiley - evilgrin

I am proud of who I am but too polite and politically correct to say what I really think of this atheistic monster.

You don't suffer fools gladly and get uncomfortable around self-centered intellectuals with transparent agendas.

She is stiff-necked.

smiley - evilgrin

Back to basics

Post 338

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

smiley - bigeyes

We believe in a direct hands-on approach to sex education.

You assume that experience is the best teacher.

They are preaching to a molested choir.

Back to basics

Post 339

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

*This was suggested by Ed the Bonobo in the Dawkins thread concerning charges of molestation by priests and the semi-official denial and coverup policies of the church.*

We were unaware of the situation.

You turned a blind eye to it.

They are covering it up.

Back to basics

Post 340

Not the monkey - Skreeeeeeeeeeeee

He likes a nice walk in the countryside.

You are inspired by landscapes.

I have a deep, spiritual connection with nature.

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