A Conversation for Ask h2g2

How do you personally deal with crippling illness?

Post 781


Captain Black, What a beautiful tribute. How lucky you are! I hope you get the chance to say something similar to him, or perhaps print that off if it is too difficult to say face to face. I hope the celebration went well, leaving you all with something nice to remember.

Everyone deals with their parents' failing health differently. Some cope, some don't.

smiley - goodlucksmiley - hug

Websailor smiley - dragon

How do you personally deal with crippling illness?

Post 782


smiley - cheerssmiley - bubblysmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - cheerssmiley - magicsmiley - hugsmiley - cheerupsmiley - kiss

hope your da likes Mojitos. i've nearly gone thru half a bottle of the new ready made ones, all of the ice i could find, 2 limes and a pot of fresh mint.

the things i put myself through to celebrate other people's birthdays!.

hope it was fab.

smiley - pirate

How do you personally deal with crippling illness?

Post 783

The Doc

Hi Friends

Thankyou so much for all your support over this. It went really, really well in the end, although when I took him back to the assesment centre he did look very tired and was becoming a little vague, but I do put that down to the whole thing - being with the kids, etc.
My brother and his wife even had to admit that it was "A good call" and "We are glad you did it" afterwards.........!

How do you personally deal with crippling illness?

Post 784

STRANGELY STRANGE ( A brain on a spring )

Great news!

How do you personally deal with crippling illness?

Post 785

Menthol Penguin - Currently revising/editing my book

Yeah that is good news.smiley - biggrin Glad you had a good timesmiley - cheers

How do you personally deal with crippling illness?

Post 786

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

I'm so glad to hear things went well -- ain't it a great feeling, knowing you did the right thing!

How do you personally deal with crippling illness?

Post 787


You are welcome. I think you have to go with your gut feelings in these matters. It would do him good to be among people who accepted him as he was. I am pleased it went well.

smiley - goodluck Keep us up to speed if it helps. You are not on your own. Many of us have been there, and for those who haven't it is an education much needed.

Websailor smiley - dragon

How do you personally deal with crippling illness?

Post 788

Menthol Penguin - Currently revising/editing my book


Very truesmiley - smiley

How do you personally deal with crippling illness?

Post 789

Moving On

Good to hear it all went wellsmiley - ok I was wondering how you were getting on, on Saturday
smiley - smiley

How do you personally deal with crippling illness?

Post 790


really pleased that your idea went to plan, and then some!.

Hope you continue to have more days and even brief moments like that. you'll be very glad of them in the future and they'll make you smile to yourself when u really need it.

smiley - pirate

How do you personally deal with crippling illness?

Post 791


I have bipolar and I'm incredibly upset to receive a copy of a letter sent to my GP by the psychiatrist. When I saw him 2 weeks ago I very specifically asked for no more copies to be sent to me, which he agreed to. The letter talks about me as an object in the most horrible way. I can't believe such a blunder could be made.

Thank god for this thread.

How do you personally deal with crippling illness?

Post 792

STRANGELY STRANGE ( A brain on a spring )

Oh dear, Proffesionals can be so unthinking and detatched sometimes!

How do you personally deal with crippling illness?

Post 793


Mmmm it's more about trust. Unburdening yourself to a doctor about personal stuff and coming to an agreement that getting copies of letters sent to the GP about it are just too upsetting for me. And then yet another one gets sent to you. I had a howling cry but now just feel utterly numb and pathetic. I absolutely couldn't care less any more.

How do you personally deal with crippling illness?

Post 794

STRANGELY STRANGE ( A brain on a spring )


How do you personally deal with crippling illness?

Post 795

STRANGELY STRANGE ( A brain on a spring )

I just got an early Christmas present, Thrush!
I had propper flu a month ago and Thrush started after. I have flu AGAIN so it has come back, great. I am coughing so loud the walls are shaking. A low immune system started the Thrush and although the burning can be bad, the itching from top of head to soles of feet can make me want to rip my skin off! The chemist has tablets and assorted creams, but salt baths are recomended as can reach everywhere and help. . The flu is making me wheeze which is being turned into mini hallucinations of voices. Still it is not all bad, my New Son Of God dellusion is popular this time of year, so phychosis can still be a moneyspiner, lol!

How do you personally deal with crippling illness?

Post 796

STRANGELY STRANGE ( A brain on a spring )

Blimey, that is a bit sad, I just had to record sound of me wheezing to make sure it isnt an hallucination, it isnt, lol!

How do you personally deal with crippling illness?

Post 797

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Respiratory ailments can be really nasty. I remember going to sleep sitting up when I had pneumonia -- I would log in to h2g2 and chat, then close the laptop and rest my head on it, and nap for a while.

I hope you feel better and calmer soon, Strangely.

How do you personally deal with crippling illness?

Post 798

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

SS, that's rough, man. I hope you can get some relief soon.

smiley - hug

How do you personally deal with crippling illness?

Post 799


Nasty.smiley - hug

I'm feeling i'm freezing to deathe here, oit's down to minus 8, music & hootoo are keeping me going, technically i have hypotermia yet again.

Even the dog & cats are wheezing.

There really comes apoint where core body temperaturure shuts off & confusion sets in


How do you personally deal with crippling illness?

Post 800


Oh no Terri! I didn't realize you were freezing there too. And here I was saying I was glad you weren't freezing any more! Hang in there. Snuggle up with Yoda if you can.

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