A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Where can I find some nice friendly girls?

Post 461


JWF, you were right about me feeling safe in my suffering and all. I do a lot of complaining about myself.

Where can I find some nice friendly girls?

Post 462


Xanatic, you must stop this at once, the sympathy it will win you is limited, and once it runs out you will need to adopt a more proactive stance. Go out and start chatting up the ladies!

~jwf~ I saw your AGG/GAG and I am quite impressed. It makes my quite happy that you want to include my humble scribblings.

Where can I find some nice friendly girls?

Post 463

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

The Agg/GAG group have been having a wonderful time with your story Mister C. To my amazement, most of them (are married and) took exception to the moral values suggested by the story. I countered that I thought it was a lovely love-story and perfect for Valentine's and they wonder if I'm not as dirty an old man as thee.
They say you set a bad example to men everywhere. I say she was the perfect love, self sufficient, knew what she wanted and how to get it and knew when to call it a day. They say paternity suit.
I say we're running it anyway but they can write or find a balancing piece that shows the joys of marital bliss and parental responsibility.
Like I say, amazing.
So far I haven't touched a word but the others have pointed out some confusing constructions. I'd provide the link to the appropriate thread but I've jsut spent twenty minutes reading backlogs of several and can't find it. But I will.

Where can I find some nice friendly girls?

Post 464


Fantastic! Some love it, some hate it. They discuss the theme and my grammar. I can't think of any better praise. Thank you, sir. I think I'd like to read that thread. Maybe I'll start looking for it myself.
Again, thank you.

Where can I find some nice friendly girls?

Post 465

a girl called Ben

I am glad to have assisted - albeit humbly - in the rejuvination of one of my favourite threads. As Corinth said - the gang are all here. I will read the GOG/MAGOG entry soon, and post feminist or possibly post-feminist remarks as the devil takes me. (Being the hindmost and all).

Love to some of my favourite men on HooToo smiley - smooch Corinth, smiley - smooch jwf and smiley - smooch Xanatic and sisterly smiley - hugs for Kelli and Trillian's Child.


Where can I find some nice friendly girls?

Post 466

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Hey now there's a nice friendly girl! Ladies and gents, a nice friendly girl called Ben.
smiley - cheers

Where can I find some nice friendly girls?

Post 467

a girl called Ben

smiley - loveblush

Where can I find some nice friendly girls?

Post 468


Well then, it seems the question has been answered.

Where can I find some nice friendly girls?

Post 469

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Here is the start of the bulk of AGG/GAG discussion on Cories' piece:


Like I say, I was amazed that not everyone saw it as I did, from a morality point of view. It has been such a long time since anyone expressed concern or doubt about my ethics on 'the rules of lovemaking' that I was taken aback by orthodox points of view.
It really is refreshing to see that the free-love revolution of my generation has not completely overthrown the age old institutions of fidelity and committment.
smiley - biggrin

Where can I find some nice friendly girls?

Post 470


If I could chat up girls I wouldn't be on here. I was sick the day they learned flirting in school. I usually don't know what to say after a hi.

Where can I find some nice friendly girls?

Post 471


I had a look at the discussion on my story and I must say, though it surprised you, this was quite the reaction I expected. I was surprised when the lovely folks from this thread found it enchanting. You see, I have always been painfully aware of the orthodoxy's disapproval. Whereas you have been ignorant of it, I have just ignored it. I look forward to seeing the reactions it will provoke in a wider readership.
Thank you, by the way, for sticking up for me. That was quite endearing.

Where can I find some nice friendly girls?

Post 472

You can call me TC

I like the story too. Did I say so? I can't find anything wrong with the morality. My idea of what the world should work like is in "I just wanna make love to you" (by Hart) and Benoite Groult's book about the woman and the submarine captain - I can't find the English or the French titles - I read it in German-

Where can I find some nice friendly girls?

Post 473


Indeed you did say so, TC. I count you among my original supporters. Even after I become ridiculously rich and famous as a result of jwf's extensive promotion on my behalf, I won't forget who my real friends are.

Hugs to you all.


P.S. It boggles my mind, trying to imagine what romantic literature must be like in German...

Where can I find some nice friendly girls?

Post 474


Yeah, German is one of the least romantic languages I'd say.

So the story was fiction then? I didn't quite figure out if it was.

Where can I find some nice friendly girls?

Post 475


Neither did I.

Where can I find some nice friendly girls?

Post 476

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

It may well be more difficult to seduce a lady with guttural Germanic utterances ..or not. Booty is the ear of the beerholder, but 'Ich leibe dick mein frau' (apologies to TC and others who know how badly I've spelled that) is hardly something one can say without grunting or spitting.

And let us not forget it was our German friend Goethe and his "Sorrows of Young Wurther", that set the true Romantic standard. Wurther is the archetype of young men suffering the pangs of unrequited love.

With Xanatic wandering round grumbling about his lot in life, I should mention that Goethe's "Wurther" gives us the definitive picture of youthful angst, frustration and despair.

Xan, read this book, and discover yourself.
Ultimately there is hope. Or at least the comfort of knowing you're not alone, not the first and certainly not doomed.

Where can I find some nice friendly girls?

Post 477


Okay, so let us say you found a nice and friendly girl, and she turned into a bitch. You want an explanation and some sort of closure, but at the same time would rather not have any contact with her for the rest of your life. Any ideas?

Keep in mind she is in a different country and it has been two years.

Where can I find some nice friendly girls?

Post 478


Just let it go. It sounds harsh but the chances are she's not going to say anything you want to hear after so long.

Where can I find some nice friendly girls?

Post 479


I doubt she's going to say anything I like. But it would just give some sort of piece of mind. And I would just let it go if I could. But it is the only relationsship I've had, so I guess I feel kind of attached to it.

Where can I find some nice friendly girls?

Post 480


You could always send her an e-mail - the wonders of technology now mean you don't have to go to the trouble of writing a letter or the embarassment of a phone call.

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