A Conversation for Ask h2g2

write a book anyone?

Post 41


Jeremy blinked, and twitched his nose in thought.

"Can you repeat that?" he asked. The cat sighed, then repeated the riddle. Jeremy twitched his nose again.

"Well? Are you going to answer me?" The cat asked. "Did I mention that if you decide not to answer yes or no, the consequences will be the same as if you answer incorrectly? No? Well they are. Much as I might disagree, the rules say you have two minutes to think up an answer. Starting now."

The riddle cat pulled the cover off a precision sports sundial and watched the two minutes start to pass.

write a book anyone?

Post 42


Jeremy sat and drew pedigrees in the sand with his paw for the most part of two minutes. Finally, he scratched his head and looked up.
"I think it means," he began his gambit, "your grandma was a slut."

write a book anyone?

Post 43


"and still is, for all I know," he added.

write a book anyone?

Post 44


"Are you sure you wouldn't like more time to think this through?" inquired his holeyness.
Jeremy scratched behind his ear for a not-so-breif moment, then returned, "I stand behind my answer!"
"Funny, it looks as though you're standing behind the proverbial 8-ball."
"Wait, give me just one more minute!"
"Sorry, your time is up," quipped the well-ventilated creature.
"Are you sure?"
"We swiss are never wrong when it comes to time."
With that, the bushes began to quiver and out leapt...

write a book anyone?

Post 45

Xordin the curious

a pair of thick, warm, red woolen socks. The socks were on feet of course. Four feet infact. Four feet of long grey acrylic tubing encasing a grasshopper.

write a book anyone?

Post 46


"Kay, lets get this over with, I'm here to devour you. Fill this out in triplicate," said the grasshopper, whipping out a clipboard. "Hurry up, I got lots of devourings on my route today."

write a book anyone?

Post 47


"Er," said the mouse, sliding the monster a large denomination banknote, "how about we forget this whole unpleasant business and you let me get on to the harem of luscious lady mice?"

write a book anyone?

Post 48

Wayfarer-- I only wish I were crackly

"certainly not!", gasped the grasshopper."you canot buy off a member of the MEGTSTRC(Mouse-Eating Grasshoppers That Sever The Riddle Cat)!"

write a book anyone?

Post 49


"Okay," said Jeremy, "maybe I can do this instead!"

And he ran off between the grasshopper's besocked feet. For a brief, wonderful moment he thought he was going to make it to the harem of lucious lady mice, but then a barely-visible hand made of sparkles picked him up by the tail, something Jeremy found very uncomfortable indeed. Thankfully, moments later he found himself gripped firmly around the middle by a pair of spectral fingers.

"I'm sorry," said a disembodied voice, "but that is not the way to go about breaking the rules."

write a book anyone?

Post 50


"Let me show you how it's done," said the voice, and a spectral thumb squished the grasshopper. "Now run along to your harem, you scamp!"

write a book anyone?

Post 51


After a pause to cast a fearful look at the riddle cat, Jeremy scampered off. The riddle cat looked at the invisible hand, and the remains of the grasshopper.

"I do wish that wasn't in the script," he said.

write a book anyone?

Post 52

Xordin the curious

Jeremy walked on along the only path.

He rounded a bend and on his left was a signpost that said "this way to the harem of Luscious Lady Mice" in a soft, kind voice.

"heee heee heee" said Jeremy "glee be me"

write a book anyone?

Post 53

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

"Come closer," whispered the signpost sweetly. "I want to show you the way."

write a book anyone?

Post 54


Jeremy came closer. When he stood at the base of the sign, he looked up at it.

"Well?" he asked it, "which way?"

"Down!" said the signpost, cackling wickedly as the ground opened beneath the poor mouse, and he fell into the abyss below, sure he was going to die a horrible death when he hit the rapidly-approaching rock below...

write a book anyone?

Post 55

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

He covered his eyes with his paws, took a deep breath, and waited for that inevitable burst of.....*thud*....something rubbery?

Slowly he peeked from between his paws, looked around and saw....
a world made of cheese????? And a cheese dog, looking quizically down at him.
"Back so soon, my friend?" the dog inquired. "That's a little unorthodox. What's going on here?"

write a book anyone?

Post 56

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

"Did you know," continued the cheese dog, "that cheese instigates diarrhoea in the average mouse?"

write a book anyone?

Post 57

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

Jeremy was decidedly grumpy at finding himself back where he'd started from, completely forgetting that just a moment before he'd resigned himself to being a much shorter and wider mousesplat in the universal scheme of things, or he'd NEVER have replied in the way he did.

"You're full of s**t", he barked at the dog.

write a book anyone?

Post 58


"Well if that's your attitude," said the dog, "I'm not responsible for the consequences."

"What consequences?" Jeremy demanded.

"I don't know," the dog admitted, "it's not in my script. That line was supposed to terrify you into playing by the rules."

write a book anyone?

Post 59

Z Phantom

"What rules?"

write a book anyone?

Post 60

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

There was an ominous and enigmatic silence. At length came the reply...

"The beer house rules".

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