A Conversation for Ask h2g2
(The Return of) What book are you reading at this time?
van-smeiter Posted Jun 1, 2007
I'm still working through vol 1 of Graves's Greek Myths. I find that the 'explanations' are more interesting than the myths themselves; the amount of cross-culture is astounding.
(The Return of) What book are you reading at this time?
Cheerful Dragon Posted Jun 2, 2007
It's important to bear in mind, though, that the 'explanations' are just Graves's own ideas. I don't know if any of them are supported by historians/archaeologists. I agree that they are interesting, in some cases (especially the gods and godesses) more interesting than the myths.
(The Return of) What book are you reading at this time?
Lucky Llareggub - no more cannibals in our village, we ate the last one yesterday.. Posted Jun 10, 2007
Took various books with on my French la jaunt but there were not many rainy days so I didn't read them; but stumbled once into the whitewashed cellar of Heidi's English Bookshop in Antibes and emerged with a dusty musty cobwebbed copy of 'Any Old Iron' by Anthony Burgess which must be a crisp and entertaining read of the first baguette if the enjoyable early pages are anything to go by.
(The Return of) What book are you reading at this time?
Teuchter Posted Jun 10, 2007
Reading "Untold Stories" by Alan Bennett.
(The Return of) What book are you reading at this time?
Lochangel Posted Jun 10, 2007
Patrick Hamilton's Twenty Thousand Streets Under the Sky
(The Return of) What book are you reading at this time?
Edward the Bonobo - Gone. Posted Jun 11, 2007
I'm trying to remember what I've bought on recent 2nd-hand sprees.
2 by Wilfred Thesiger ('The Marsh Arabs' and 'Arabian Sands')
'The Good Terrorist' by Doris Lessing (An excellent book!)
'Tin Men' by Michael Frayn
'Come to Mecca' by Farrukh Dhondy (a teenager's book. I loved his 'Bombay Duck'. I got this one because of the synopsis on the back. A headmistress is telling a school that a bishop's visiting the next day, and all the girls are to wear flesh-coloured tights. A girl put's up her hand and asks "Whose flesh, miss?")
Damn! There's at least half a dozen more. I'll have to look at my pile when I get home.
(The Return of) What book are you reading at this time?
Bagpuss Posted Jun 11, 2007
To Ride Pegasus by Anne McCaffrey.
(The Return of) What book are you reading at this time?
Aurora Posted Jun 11, 2007
Darwin's Dangerous Idea by Daniel Dennett.
(The Return of) What book are you reading at this time?
Bagpuss Posted Jun 12, 2007
And now The Sunbird by Wilbur Smith.
Aurora - sounds interesting and alliterative.
(The Return of) What book are you reading at this time?
nicki Posted Jun 12, 2007
message from nam danielle steel
(The Return of) What book are you reading at this time?
Metal Chicken Posted Jun 12, 2007
Colin Thubron - Behind the Wall, A journey through China.
More travel writing, I'm getting itchy footed again.
(The Return of) What book are you reading at this time?
Edward the Bonobo - Gone. Posted Jun 12, 2007
Right - I've found some more of my latest pile:
2 by Patrick Leigh Fermor about his walk through Europe, just before WWII
A Postmodernism Reader (I know Foucault about postmodernism )
Germinal by Zola
More What If - Speculations on what might have happened if history had turned out different (eg Lord Halifax becomes PM in 1940; China discovers America in 1400)
A parallel Persian/English text of poetry by Rumi. Gorgeous calligraphy, slightly marred by a gibberish translation.
(The Return of) What book are you reading at this time?
Lucky Llareggub - no more cannibals in our village, we ate the last one yesterday.. Posted Jun 12, 2007
Zola's Germinal is a terrific book; the Penguin Classics translation by Roger Pearson.
(The Return of) What book are you reading at this time?
Blackberry Cat , if one wishes to remain an individual in the midst of the teeming multitudes, one must make oneself grotesque Posted Jun 12, 2007
Germinal is my favourite work by Zola
I also enjoyed The Debacle
Currently rereading the Theepenny Novel, Brechts novelisation of his Threepenny Opera, itself a version of John Gays Beggers Opera
So good I keep missing my bus stop
(The Return of) What book are you reading at this time?
Edward the Bonobo - Gone. Posted Jun 12, 2007
(The Return of) What book are you reading at this time?
Blackberry Cat , if one wishes to remain an individual in the midst of the teeming multitudes, one must make oneself grotesque Posted Jun 12, 2007
"See the shark has teeth like razors
All can read his open face
And Macheath has got a knife, but
Not in such an obvious place "
(The Return of) What book are you reading at this time?
Edward the Bonobo - Gone. Posted Jun 12, 2007
Hmm. Perhaps it's better either left in German, or in the Frank Sinatra 'interpretation'.
I saw Glenda Jackson in Brecht's 'Mother Courage' at The Citz - her last stage role before entering full-time politics. Totally electrifying, not least because The Citz is a tiny theatre. One classy dame!
(The Return of) What book are you reading at this time?
Sho - employed again! Posted Jun 12, 2007
finished the Davinci-alike pile of poo that someone gave me (it even has a sly poke at the DaVinci code ) and am about to start Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain
it makes Jamie Oliver, apparently, look like the choirboy he is
(The Return of) What book are you reading at this time?
Edward the Bonobo - Gone. Posted Jun 12, 2007
Kitchen Confidential is rather good. So is his cable TV spin-off, travelling around the world and sampling the cuisine. Apparently he moved to Saigon for the food.
(The Return of) What book are you reading at this time?
Sho - employed again! Posted Jun 12, 2007
I bought another one of his books for for his birthday - I'm patiently *drums fingers* waiting for him to finish that...
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(The Return of) What book are you reading at this time?
- 5061: van-smeiter (Jun 1, 2007)
- 5062: Cheerful Dragon (Jun 2, 2007)
- 5063: Lucky Llareggub - no more cannibals in our village, we ate the last one yesterday.. (Jun 10, 2007)
- 5064: Teuchter (Jun 10, 2007)
- 5065: Lochangel (Jun 10, 2007)
- 5066: Edward the Bonobo - Gone. (Jun 11, 2007)
- 5067: Bagpuss (Jun 11, 2007)
- 5068: Aurora (Jun 11, 2007)
- 5069: Bagpuss (Jun 12, 2007)
- 5070: nicki (Jun 12, 2007)
- 5071: Metal Chicken (Jun 12, 2007)
- 5072: Edward the Bonobo - Gone. (Jun 12, 2007)
- 5073: Lucky Llareggub - no more cannibals in our village, we ate the last one yesterday.. (Jun 12, 2007)
- 5074: Blackberry Cat , if one wishes to remain an individual in the midst of the teeming multitudes, one must make oneself grotesque (Jun 12, 2007)
- 5075: Edward the Bonobo - Gone. (Jun 12, 2007)
- 5076: Blackberry Cat , if one wishes to remain an individual in the midst of the teeming multitudes, one must make oneself grotesque (Jun 12, 2007)
- 5077: Edward the Bonobo - Gone. (Jun 12, 2007)
- 5078: Sho - employed again! (Jun 12, 2007)
- 5079: Edward the Bonobo - Gone. (Jun 12, 2007)
- 5080: Sho - employed again! (Jun 12, 2007)
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