A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Favourite cheese?

Post 81

Mu Beta

And I quite agree with GreyDesk as well.

Ooh, that reminds me. smiley - run


Favourite cheese?

Post 82

A Super Furry Animal

The Fr*nch refer to Roquefort as "the king of cheeses and the cheese of kings" but this is obviously because they've never tasted Stilton, which knocks roquefort into a cocked hat.

So, yes, Stilton is the best cheese in the world.

Croz: remmadreel? I don't get it...smiley - erm

RFsmiley - evilgrin

Favourite cheese?

Post 83

Mu Beta

Like a previous poster (sorry, forgotten who), I don't really see eye-to-eye with blue cheeses. They do indeed taste mouldy. Sorry.


Favourite cheese?

Post 84


Yes, that was me, Master B. It's just wrong.

Having caught up with backlog, I'm now feeling pretty silly about the Venezuelan beaver cheese thing. In my defence, I've never seen that sketch either! Very funny though! smiley - laugh

By the way, Lord Wolfden, was "Have you ever milked a beaver?" a serious question? I just can't tell. smiley - smiley

I suppose it's theoretically possible though...

Favourite cheese?

Post 85

Mu Beta

I find, in his case, it's better not to speculate.

I knew what you meant, Freddy. As usual.


Favourite cheese?

Post 86

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

How cheesy

Favourite cheese?

Post 87

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Northern accent? I was thinking more Mr T. "That's nacho cheese, sucka!"

Favourite cheese?

Post 88

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

smiley - laugh go Mr T

Favourite cheese?

Post 89


RF not like you to look confused smiley - laugh

remmadreel?........try some reverse thinking smiley - winkeye

Favourite cheese?

Post 90


Well yeah - mould does tend to taste like mould. Doesn't mean it can't taste nice though.

I'm surprised gorgonzola didn't arise in the discussion though.

Favourite cheese?

Post 91


smiley - drool gorgonzola!

Favourite cheese?

Post 92

urchinvic - the budgies are restless

yes, i'm a halloumi fan. i like how your teeth squeak when you chew it. or is that just me being weird? failing that, a dairy near us does a lovely cheddar with garlic and chives in. it's a classic "christmas cheese" mmmm.smiley - tongueout

Favourite cheese?

Post 93

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

Anything soft, French/Itialian springs to mind and a little Swiss too as i like my toast with a little cheese too

oooOOOooo and hello to all to

smiley - biggrin

Favourite cheese?

Post 94


urchinvic have you ever tried halloumi fried. You cut it into thickish slices and stick in the pan with a little oil on a low to medium heat for about 10 minutes, turning it obviously. It's gorgeous biting through the brown cruchy outside into the squeeky rubbery interior!

It's traditional to eat it fried in Cyprus with a green salad.

Favourite cheese?

Post 95

Mu Beta

Best to dip it in a bit of flour before frying it. You get a nice crunchy coat.

I serve it on a tomato salad with a limey dressing. smiley - drool


Favourite cheese?

Post 96


I like most cheeses, but I dont like stilton and other cheeses with mould in etc.
Love cheese with garlic/chives in...smiley - drool

Toasted sun-dried tomato ciabatta bread with brie smiley - drool

Favourite cheese?

Post 97

Alec Trician. (is keeping perfectly still)

That 'Dubliner' is really the best of cheeses, crumbled in a salad, on toast with marmalade or just in a plain cheese and tomatoe sarny.

Following on from the film we watched this evening tho, I can't wait to try a piece of Stinking Bishop cheese, perhaps with a few crackers.

alec.smiley - clown

Favourite cheese?

Post 98

urchinvic - the budgies are restless

excellent suggestions, redpeckham...and master b. will have to try both of those pronto! any serving suggestions for feta? (minimal buggering about, obviously)smiley - biggrin

Favourite cheese?

Post 99

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Feta's good in all kinds of stuff. I like it crumbled on salad, or just a nice wedge with an apple or a pear... or drizzled with extra virgin olive oil (get the first cold pressed if you can, it tastes so much nicer) and oregano, thyme, or rosemary. smiley - drool I absolutely *love* feta! smiley - drool

Favourite cheese?

Post 100


Mmmmmmm that sounds gorgeous Psychocandy!

I remember having a fabulous simple fetta cheese and salad meal in a Taverna on the beach in Crete a couple of years ago. Washed down with some cold local white wine. So simple but such a memorable experience. I always associate fetta meals with lovely hot weather! But if needs be I'll turn the central heating on full and enjoy it just as much in winter! smiley - laugh

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