A Conversation for Ask h2g2

The Doghouse

Post 3941


Casa Canis?

The Doghouse

Post 3942


Dog End?
Mut Close?

The Doghouse

Post 3943


smiley - planetsmiley - dog

Sounds like "Dogpatch" to me.

smiley - rocket How - ooooo!

What watch?

Post 3944


Watching (smiley - laugh) Casablanca this evening and loved this dialogue.

smiley - ufo

An old German couple about to get a plane to the USA and freedom.

Husband: [We] are speaking nothing but English now.

Wife: So we should feel at home ven vee get to America.


Husband: Liebchen... ahem... Sweetness heart, vat vatch?

Wife: 10 vatch.

Husband (surprised): Such much?

Rick's Deutsche barman (with a visible effort to appear sincere): You will get along beautifully in America.

smiley - ufo

just tickled my fancy,


What watch?

Post 3945

Wand'rin star

The d*g watch, obviously smiley - star

What watch?

Post 3946

Gone again

Ah, Casablanca! "You played it for her, now play it for me!" smiley - biggrin

Victor Laslo


Post 3947

Gnomon - time to move on

Can someone explain to me the phrase "Ghost in the Machine". I believe it was invented by Arthur Koestler, but I don't know what it means.


Post 3948

Wand'rin star

I think it was originally a rough translation of Deus ex Machina, but now seems to have veered towards gremlins smiley - star


Post 3949

Gone again

I think 'the ghost in the machine' refers to consciousness or the mind. But I've been spectacularly wrong before... smiley - winkeye


"Who cares, wins"


Post 3950


Ask the Cosmic Watchmaker...


Post 3951


I'll go with Patter Chaser. As far as I remember from the book it was a reference to the consciousness.


Post 3952


It tends to be used today (certainly in the things I read) to talk about Artificial Intelligence and stuff. Good for talking about machines that become sentient and terrorise their makers in a cheap Frankenstein rip off sort of way. I think it also applies to cars etc. that you have to talk to nicely before they start. smiley - smiley


Post 3953


Or, now I think about it more (always dangerous) it would be the ineffable something that turns a clever, yet predictable and programmable machine into a humanesque, self aware mind.


Post 3954

Gone again

Munchkin mentioned <> *These* are dangerous! I can tolerate (so-called) intelligent machnery in general, but when I come across something that some sick programmer has primed to do things according to *its* own rules, and not take direction from humans, then I get ANGRY.

The only acceptable 'intelligent' machine is "slave" the shipboard computer from the wonderful BBC sci-fi series "Blake's Seven". Now *that* was AI as it ought to be. smiley - winkeye


"Who cares, wins"


Post 3955

Gnomon - time to move on

I've heard of gymns with "intelligent" exercise machines. Each machine has a name, such as "George" or "Al". When you start working on Al, "he" speaks to you, saying, "I see you've been working hard on George, so I'll go easy on you". That I can do without.smiley - grr

I even get cross with messages "Please be patient while the files are installed". The worst is "I am about to restart your computer. Click on OK to proceed". There is no Cancel button.


Post 3956


I think the message is there to give you one last chance to swear at the machine before it shuts down and then "mysteriously" fails to reboot, leading to four days of confusion and panic and a couple of hundred pounds worth of software/hardware. Or a lump hammer.


Post 3957

Gone again

You're a man (oops! gender-assumption warning!) after my own heart, Gnomon. smiley - smiley Perhaps large axes should be installed within easy reach of all programmable equipment, in case of urgent need, such as you describe?


"Who cares, wins"


Post 3958

Gnomon - time to move on

Gender assumption correct.


Post 3959

Gone again


Good. smiley - smiley

Axe acceptability assumption?


"Who cares, wins"


Post 3960

Gnomon - time to move on

Axe sounds good too!

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