A Conversation for Miscellaneous Chat


Post 81

Dizzy H. Muffin

We are just above your left nostril.


Post 82


Earth: Look up from your computer screen. Look at the room around you. Big, isn't it.
No? How many jelly babies could you fit into it?
Imagine eating that many jelly babies. Exactly. Look around your house. Big, isn't it? i'll bet there's places inside your house you haven't seen before - ther attic, under the sofa, behind the cupboard, etc.
Go outside into your street. How many of those houses have you been into? Could you describe any of those houses, without looking? That's a lot of places, and rooms, and nooks, and crannies, and underneath sofas that you have never and will never see. No?
How many jelly babies could fit into all the houses on your street, let alone the cars. Wow.
Now try your village, your town, your city. how many roads are there you've never seen, or walked down? how many houses and shops are there on those roads, that you will never go into. How many attics and cupboards and lost socks are there that yopu will never see? how many jelly babies? Wow. How many towns, and cities, and motorways, and trees, and fields, and cows are there in britain, that you will never se, or you will ignore, as you play your gameboy in the car on the way to the caravan? How many jelly babies? How many countries are there in the world? How many have you been to?
Look at a map of America. find how much five hundred miles is on that scale (500m: my family's record of driving distance in a day) not much, is it? by comparison.
Wow, that's a lot of world. How often do you leave the area you live and work in? How many people do you pass by in the street, and ignore, and forget? People with whole lives, whole existences, people they know, things they've thought, places they've been. Each of those hundreds you pass in a day is a whole life, that has nothing to do withj you, that experiences things you will never see. That walk past you, and ignore you, and forget you.

The world's big, isn't it. I bet you could get a lot of jelly babies in place of the sea.

Look at the stars at night. The world's small, isn't it?


Post 83

Dizzy H. Muffin

The universe is just a figment of its own imagination.

EARTH: or is it?

Post 84


because reality hardly seems real, why assume that dreams are really dreams?

EARTH: or is it?

Post 85

Dizzy H. Muffin

Well I really can't say I can see what this has to do with wombats.

La de da de da de da de da de da de da de da, why on Mostly Harmless would anybody want to write You're verry sillly 1024 times? I think the general consensus is that it's little irritating. No offense, or anything.

Post 86


Well i can't see what it has to do with sex.
Oops, wrong forum.

La de da de da de da de da de da de da de da, why on Mostly Harmless would anybody want to write You're verry sillly 1024 times? I think the general consensus is that it's little irritating. No offense, or anything.

Post 87

Dizzy H. Muffin

No it isn't.

Oops, wrong forum (thinking of "Argument Forum")


Post 88

Mark Rest

I thought the earth was meant to be this computer searching for the meaning of life. However I'm not so sure there is a meaning of life. Not so much "I think therefore I am" more "we are because we are".


Post 89

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

The Revenge of the Wombats. Fascinating. Will the Greggils do rhythmical Gregorian chanting? Or perhaps a scorch of dragons will do synchronised swimming?


Post 90

Dizzy H. Muffin

I have nothing to say at this point.


Post 91

Llama Girl



Post 92

Dizzy H. Muffin

Er, yes, well, that's all very interesting, er, because I'm made entirely of wood.


Post 93

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

The moon is made of green cheese


Post 94

Llama Girl

is it? it always seems to be getting eaten, so i guess that makes sense....


Post 95

mrs. slartibartfast

eating green cheese makes no sense at all. for that matter, none of this does. gregglis? NO,NO, NO, NO THAT AGAIN!!!!!!!green cheese AND gregglis!!!!!! i think i may have gone off the edge here. i'll take my straitjacket now, and a valium, shaken not stirred.thank you doctor, yes the view is lovely. always wanted an all white cushy room. i shall now sit and gaze entranced for a few weeks by the marvel of it all.


Post 96

Dizzy H. Muffin

Er, yes, well, er, that's all very interesting, because now I'm made entirely of tin.


Post 97

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Drags a large stick along the tin fence. Dreadful noise wakens Mrs Startlebartfast from her restless sleep at Sam's Sanatorium


Post 98

mrs. slartibartfast

huh?? wha???? who's there?????? where am i???


Post 99

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Gregill City. Lovely place - free liquorice cups of tea


Post 100

Dizzy H. Muffin

Vaguely Harmless

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