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The Most Boring and Banal thread on H2G2

Post 25741

Caiman raptor elk - Inside big box, thinking.

Like enter your credit card number and check code? It might be a bad survey to do...

The Most Boring and Banal thread on H2G2

Post 25742


It's nice to see that even after a year, the site still occasionally times out, added bonus being that Cloudflare's interstitial page also points the finger of blame squarely at the server.

The Most Boring and Banal thread on H2G2

Post 25743

Caiman raptor elk - Inside big box, thinking.

That's more like a Cloudmare. But I agree.

The Most Boring and Banal thread on H2G2

Post 25744

Reality Manipulator

I love attending tedious and banal meetings.

The Most Boring and Banal thread on H2G2

Post 25745

Caiman raptor elk - Inside big box, thinking.

Wouldn't say I love them but I do get my fair share...

The Most Boring and Banal thread on H2G2

Post 25746

Reality Manipulator

Watching paint dry whilst completing dull and repetitive questionaires questions.

The Most Boring and Banal thread on H2G2

Post 25747

Caiman raptor elk - Inside big box, thinking.

Most snow has melted away by now.

The Most Boring and Banal thread on H2G2

Post 25748

Reality Manipulator

The dull stratus clouds are not moving due to a lack of breeze.

The Most Boring and Banal thread on H2G2

Post 25749

Caiman raptor elk - Inside big box, thinking.

Youtube uploads at 13 and 21% now.

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