A Conversation for Miscellaneous Chat

Continuing whatever the original topic was

Post 41


im glad all our problems are settled...
so heres a question: new years eve-- do i party with my friends, or do i go out ---hit the town with my girls--- and hope to meet some new guys?

Continuing whatever the original topic was

Post 42

marvthegrate LtG KEA

The answer to your question is easily answered. The option that gaurentees that you will be exposed to the most alcohol is the way you should go. If you paint the town with your ladies and will be in every bar within a five mile radius, go for it. If your friends have a well stocked house, stay in. I for one will be tooling aroung in a tuxedo and limo with a bunch of drunken idiots.

Continuing whatever the original topic was

Post 43

Dizzy the Void

¤YK-47¤ That isn't whatever the original topic was.

¤Zippy¤ Rai chu? Chu rai chu Rai Chu Rai Chu.

¤YK-47¤ LOL smiley - smiley Zippy said, "Who cares? This is the H2G2."

Continuing whatever the original topic was

Post 44


Yes.....go with the flow smiley - bigeyes
shazzPRsmiley - winkeye

Continuing whatever the original topic was

Post 45

Haze: Plan C seems to be working

What's a 68?

You do me and I'll owe you one.

Continuing whatever the original topic was

Post 46


LOL! Not so much *fun* though smiley - winkeyesmiley - winkeyesmiley - winkeye
shazzPRsmiley - winkeye

Continuing whatever the original topic wasn't

Post 47

Dizzy the Void

¤YK-47¤ Right. Let's get completely off-subject. Has anyone searched the guide for this topic recently?

Continuing whatever the original topic wasn't

Post 48


..and Which Topic is that exactly!....Treize!!
shazzPRsmiley - winkeye


Post 49


Treize? That's foreign for 13 isn't it?
smiley - fish


Post 50


im not quite sure...............


Post 51


I believe so yes!!
shazzPRsmiley - winkeye


Post 52

Dizzy the Void

¤YK-47¤ I demand that it may or may not be so! Speaking of which, I'm putting this up 42 minutes after ShazzPR is.


Post 53


Hi Saff - made it this time. Hi again to TM, Prez, Shazz & the regulars!

Wow! I thought, this is neat, this string actually loads up in a reasonably decent time. Double wow !! thought I, all the familiar faces are here and look - they're again being clever, witty & intelligent - this is great !!!

Then YK-47 shows up.

YK, do us a favour sonny, please feel free to join the grown-ups, enjoy listening to mature, enlightened banter, revel in the glow of the experiences of others,


DO NOT cr*p on about bl**dy chinpokomon.
DO NOT threaten to spam this string. You CAN be kicked off H2G2 altogether, they can recognise you PC remotely nowadays..

GROW UP - if you are so centred on video gaming, go and start a forum, we'll all come & pop in from time to time to say hello, I'm sure, go on, go do it...

Guys, is this now going to be where we teach YK-47 how to get his rocks off or can we get back to the original premise on the original forum and have a bit of a larff.

God, but I'm getting bitter & twisted. Apologies to the others (I have a blazing hangover which I'm just starting to sweat off, so I promise to be nicer next time)

& Saff, I've only got one thing for you; if, as you intimated in the last string, you are T-2weeks for 'the Thing', don't be in a rush to give it away.... sex CAN be complicated.

Again with apologies for the rant, salutations to most of you. I'll pop in later on to see what your collective decisions/thoughts are.


Welcome Back Zaphod :)

Post 54


Hi...and good to see you Z!
We have all been trying to be gentle with the poor wee
lamb....and then we tried a little intimidation.....but,
do not fear! TPTB are fully informed on the *little* tricks
going on and are prepared to strike AT ANY TIME!
On a lighter note...I fully support your advice to our dear Saffi!
It should be not so much a case of *when*....but rather *who with* and *why* and *this just feels like the right time* smiley - winkeye
shazzpRsmiley - winkeye

Welcome Back Zaphod :)

Post 55


ah yes... very wise... i will keep that in mind thank yousmiley - smiley
ps welcome back zaphod!

Welcome Back Zaphod :)

Post 56


Thank you my sweet. Thanks also to Shazz (wot's th PR for ??)

I am now humbled and thankful.

Speaking from experience as a testoterone-driven male, I get quite narked when I see some guys using emotional leverage to get their rocks off and then dump on the poor gal, slagging her off to his mates.

Anyway, life's like that, just don't be a victim. If you're as nice as you sound, you'd be worth waiting for.

Meanwhile, where are you guys from (countrywise).


Welcome Back Zaphod :)

Post 57


I am from little ole England smiley - smiley.....where it is freezing and snowing.....well....some! The PR is because I have the honour
of working on the *POST*..the soon(This Monday....yikes!)to be published online newspaper for all things h2g2 smiley - smiley
shazzPRsmiley - winkeye

Welcome Back Zaphod :)

Post 58

Prez HS (All seems relatively quiet here)

Zaphod, you really know how to make an entrance LOL...

YK, how's your Reechoo going to react?

Welcome Back Zaphod :)

Post 59


shhhh! dont encourage himsmiley - winkeye
im from the east coast of the USA where it should be cold and snowy but instead is warm and sunny...go figure
i live in a tiny boring town --- and this is why im considering going to new york to visit some friends on new years eve -- the city would be wild-chaotic like all hell-but wild funsmiley - bigeyes

Welcome Back Zaphod :)

Post 60

Dizzy the Void

I second that except for the first four words and the New York with friends bit.

Anyway, why aren't we being (particularly) true to the forum! Wouldn't a forum with the name "Sex is so complicated" be about tits and naughtybits and dirty jokes? Speaking of which, what do you get when you cross MYST with Mellonland?

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