A Conversation for The Answer To The Ultimate Question Of Life, The Universe, And Everything

Can we get back to the original subject?

Post 181

Swiv (decrepit postgrad)

I'm not offended
my name might be though

i'll go ask it and come back to soon with an answer

Can we get back to the original subject?

Post 182

Smiley Ben

decided yet?

Can we get back to the original subject?

Post 183

Swiv (decrepit postgrad)


it is very insulted
typescript; "how dare you suggest swiv might be on anything other than painkillers taken to cure the pain of knowing there are so many insensitive people in the world"

it will go and sulk for a while now

Can we get back to the original subject?

Post 184

Smiley Ben

Awwwwwww... poor thing... I'm really sorry... Say I'm sorry for me would you...

Anyway, I never said there was something other than the painkillers - I'm sure they could have that effect! smiley - winkeye

The true Reason (althogh you all probably know it)

Post 185


After days, no, minutes of research into the human DNA eventually decoded the first chromosome and the following is just an extract of what the DNA meant.

Title: Human v42.0
Author: Technician 42
Date: 42/42/42
Notes: This wasn't really created it's just a bizarre coincidence to do with programming to find out the ultimate answer to the ultimate question which is if you were wondering [this section to be completed at a later date].
Bugs: Millions of errors so far if you find more don't report them as we don't care.


Post 186


When you take the letters from my favourite beer PALM:
P=16+A=1+L=12+M=13: total=42! Perhaps 42 is not only the number of beers you have to drink but also tells you which?

Chaos and Politics

Post 187


Umm, a little late to this thread, but there are already lots of campaigns.


Being the "best", imesho.


No, The REAL REASON IS......

Post 188

Riddler: Begginer Nutcase with a degree in Insanity, Finder of Flukes and Lost Dust Bunnys

The REAL reason is that 42 is the number of times he had to write down Anything that happens, happens. Anything that, in happening, causes something else to happen, causes something else to happen. Anything that in happening causes itself to happen again, happens again. They don't neccesarilly do it in Chronological order though. Before he realised that the very same rule he was writing was applying to him.


Post 189


In aninterview, the official reason for choosing 42 was... there is no reason! It was a joke! However, Douglas Adams did become a father at the age of... you guessed it - 42.

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