A Conversation for Old Announcements: January - September 2011

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19 December, 2005: New 'Curators' Volunteer Group

Post 181

I'm not really here

I haven't seen h2g2 promoted from the message boards. smiley - erm

19 December, 2005: New 'Curators' Volunteer Group

Post 182

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

It's on the 'Talk' page: http://www.bbc.co.uk/communicate/ though it *does* say 'Contribute To The Guide' and 'What Is h2g2' they're not very prominent. There's a photo at the top of that page promoting a chat with a band that (fortunately) doesn't exist anymore! Shoddy.

19 December, 2005: New 'Curators' Volunteer Group

Post 183

I'm not really here

That's not the message boards though, nor part of the message board pages - it's just a page that makes it handy to find things.

This one is better. http://www.bbc.co.uk/create/

19 December, 2005: New 'Curators' Volunteer Group

Post 184

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

It's not the message boards but is under the 'Talk' button. Still, I don't suppose there's anywhere else to put it.

19 December, 2005: New 'Curators' Volunteer Group

Post 185

You can call me TC

I'm up to post 165, but would like to make a few comments before reading on, so's I don't forget.

Can the Curators be italicised, but not bold AND italicised? That way it would be clear that they are Curators without them having to remember to construct a name tag or mention it when posting in a curator capacity.

And: the idea hadn't occurred to me (from reading the announcement) that anyone could change unedited entries. If anyone did that to me I'd feel as if they'd been rummaging in my knickers drawer. Quite violated. And unnecessary. They've got enough to do as it is, anyway.

19 December, 2005: New 'Curators' Volunteer Group

Post 186

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit not bald, tilted or cure ator smiley - biggrin
"They already report on the Curators Home page, and by doing such admitting they are curator. (Only if I have enough patience smiley - blush)"

19 December, 2005: New 'Curators' Volunteer Group

Post 187

Smij - Formerly Jimster

We can't change the formatting on other nicknames, sorry.

The 'Talk' page is in the process of being replaced by something a bit better.

There is a link on the Messageboards page: http://www.bbc.co.uk/messageboards/newguide/index.shtml

But it's not there all the time as we share the space with other sites.

19 December, 2005: New 'Curators' Volunteer Group

Post 188

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit with the hat of migration officer
"This should go on the feature request Forum for the hub smiley - huh.

About the site confusion, how about a link to the 'homing' site of each account ? Some days ago a Researcher greeted such wandering messageboard user on their HooToo entry. "

19 December, 2005: New 'Curators' Volunteer Group

Post 189

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

TC said: "the idea hadn't occurred to me (from reading the announcement) that anyone could change unedited entries. If anyone did that to me I'd feel as if they'd been rummaging in my knickers drawer. Quite violated. And unnecessary. They've got enough to do as it is, anyway"

I think they've already told us that they can't change unedited (and pending) entries, TC

19 December, 2005: New 'Curators' Volunteer Group

Post 190

Ancient Brit

Well I never Jimster - Glad to hear that
With the Message Boards DNA'd the whole of 'Talk' will be 'Powered by DNA, the BBC's community website engine.'
Could it be that 'Talk' will become the Front Page of a BBC Internet Community Web Site, an integrated site of which h2g2 is a part and the site that we have all signed up for ?
Rant rant smiley - smiley - Ancient Brit

19 December, 2005: New 'Curators' Volunteer Group

Post 191

Smij - Formerly Jimster

I think it's more likely that there will be grouped pages, on which h2g2 will feature. The name h2g2 and the term DNA don't really mean much to the casual browser, whereas action-based instructions like 'Talk' and 'Create' might, which is where we're heading.

19 December, 2005: New 'Curators' Volunteer Group

Post 192

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

That'd be cool. I think I might have come across a little, erm, conservative (which isn't really me at allsmiley - winkeye) a couple of days back. The new members turning up from the message boards have livelied the place up a fair bit which, under recent circumstances, is exactly what the place needed!smiley - biggrin

(says Roymondo who's not even reached his 1st HooTooversary yet!)

19 December, 2005: New 'Curators' Volunteer Group

Post 193

Ancient Brit

Just a thought Jimster - A1074962

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