A Conversation for Old Announcements: January - September 2011

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25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 1

The H2G2 Editors

The Technical Team have been beavering away for months on the next upgrade to the system that runs h2g2, and they're now ready to unleash it on an unsuspecting public. This momentous event will start with us switching off the h2g2 servers at 10.30am GMT on Monday, 28 January, and we anticipate that the upgrade will take three of your Earth hours (so we should be back up and running by 1.30pm GMT).

We apologise for the downtime, but it will be worth the wait!

25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 2

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

This surplants the other previous annuncement then?

Got it. smiley - ok

*rubs hands in glee.*

25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 3

The H2G2 Editors

Uh-huh, sure does. We'll post to that announcement Conversation too.

25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 4

Marjin, After a long time of procrastination back lurking

smiley - ok
That means I will have to w.rk monday!
Good luck!

25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 5

Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation

smiley - biggrinsmiley - cake Does that mean the t*st s****rs are closed now then?

25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 6

The H2G2 Editors

They'll be closed at the same time as the upgrade happens, as they use the same URL space...

25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 7


Once it's up and running will there be info in the guideml clinic about how to use this new stuff?

25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 8

Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation

Yes, shagbark. The upgrade includes all the help files, FAQ and a lot of little changes here and there have had to be made to them. I'm not supposed to give any more details - it's a secret until the release.

25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 9

Evil Zombie Strider

*Is jumping up and down with the excitement and suspense*

smiley - footprints

25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 10

The H2G2 Editors

It's worth noting that GuideML has very few changes in the next release, but there's loads else. We've compiled a page that describes all the new features, and we'll be uploading revised FAQs etc to cover everything that's new.

As long as you read the stuff we link to from the front page, it should (should!) all make sense! smiley - smiley

25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 11


Don't get too excited, Strider! It doesn't make tea yet...

25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 12

The H2G2 Editors

True, but the original set of servers used to make a mean bit of toast. All you had to do was leave the bread on top of the database, and after a few minutes...

Mmm. smiley - smiley

25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 13


Hey! That would be a good idea for a GuideML-gadget! smiley - biggrin

25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 14

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

h2g2 gets new improved DNA
.....its genes are resequenced on monday

I hope the GM goes as planned

smiley - laugh

25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 15


As long as we don't get any anti-GM protesters banging on the h2g2 doors! smiley - winkeye

25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 16

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

this GM is digital so no posiable danger for health
..only more h2g2 addiction

psycholist warning:
h2g2 does not create health problem, but might result in an addiction.

a warning for fromt page or when people register

25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 17

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

Do we get new smilies?smiley - smiley

25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 18

The H2G2 Editors

Nope, sorry. Smileys aren't linked to software updates, and currently we are reassessing the way our art resources are allocated (in other words we'd like to do more smileys, but there's nobody with enough time to do them at the moment).

We've got to do the towel and football smileys soon, or we'll get lynched. smiley - winkeye

25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 19


Just in case anyone was thinking they'd have to do some actual w*rk while the servers are down, I feel it my duty to point out that the tech department's organisational skills have been under-reported, and they have managed to schedule the upgrade for the VERY DAY that the Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Galaxy TV series comes out on DVD. Like ANYONE's going to work THAT day! Sheesh! smiley - winkeye


25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 20


What about us poor souls without DVD players? smiley - cry

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