A Conversation for Old Announcements: January - September 2011

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25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 41


no less than 11

25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 42

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

time is flyin by like aeroplane in the sky

25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 43

vogonpoet (AViators at A13264670)

my computer clock must be fast, as otherwise I couldnt post this....

25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 44

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

or some one is slow ..look a snail

25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 45



:: enjoys extra posting timesmiley - winkeye ::

25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 46

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

ssstttt ..do not say it too loud

25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 47

Gnomon - time to move on

Well, the system is back, but there don't appear to be too many changes. The URL is different, with dna and alabaster in it. There's "from h2g2" all over the place. But where's the new PR system?

25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 48

Tube - the being being back for the time being

25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 49

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

I see the popup's still wrong in the Goo "page not found" page... smiley - tongueout

25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 50



25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 51

Zak T Duck

Every time I try to view a page or post a message it takes 30 attempts due to 400-Bad Request messages smiley - sadface

25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 52

Spike Anderson is sorry he can't catch up on a whole month's backlog

DNA party at my space! Italics, please come; you're the guests of honor!

-Spike A.

25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 53


so far so good - once I'd sorted out a small teething problem smiley - erm

25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 54


Yeah that 'from H2G2' is annoying, what else would it be from?

25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 55

Evil Zombie Strider

OK, where's the alleged page that tells us what all the new stuff is.

smiley - footprints

25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 56


This is from Mark:

You should all be able to see the new site.

But just to make you feel better, we can't see it from inside the BBC. Our proxy hasn't been sorted yet...

So if anyone complains that there isn't any documentation, tell 'em to wait and all will appear soon. smiley - smiley


25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 57


New stuff info is posted at A681545.

25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 58



25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 59

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

all 89 resesrcher are online ...smiley - laugh

25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 60


Just what I was going to say, Bogie! smiley - smiley

Did you all see the nice way to link? smiley - biggrin

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