A Conversation for Old Announcements: January - September 2011

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25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 21

Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation

Ooh - I'm off to Smiths to get it!

smiley - doh I'll be at school. Oh well, maybe at the weekend then...

Oh, and yes. If that there smiley - towel isn't done soon, I can have no responsibility for what the SATS group might do. smiley - yikes

25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 22


smiley - laugh I never thought about that timing!
I'm going straight to town during my lunch break on Monday!
smiley - doh But then I won't have time to log on to check on DNA!
Oh well I'll do that when I get home. smiley - smiley


25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 23


I did the sensible thing and pre-ordered my Hitchhiker's DVD. I should get it very soon for less money.


* goes off to pack for the meet *

25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 24


I did the sensible thing and pre-ordered my Hitchhiker's DVD. I should get it very soon for less money.


* goes off to pack for the meet *

25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 25

Chris Tonks

Heheh, Hoovooloo... I wandered into this thread to mention exactly what you did! Looks like you beat me to it. smiley - winkeye

25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 26

The Theory

Wot's this then? No towel smiley, yet?



25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 27

Researcher 185550

Alas no. But I'm sure there will be one at some point, hopefully soon.

25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 28


Great timing Guys, that's 4:30 am to 7:30 am C.S.T. my time. Not to sound selfish. This is a great place. God love the the Brits, a former yet loyal colonist.
P.S. Love the S.A.S. just in case. Yuk,Yuk mates

25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 29

Researcher 185550

*Ponders when he'll be able to check h2g2 that day*

25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 30

Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation

*reschedules checking for Monday's Picks until after DNA, so lunchtime it is.*


25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 31


Well l'm a chonic non-sleeper or l can't get much sleep. Can't get much sleep. Can't spell that big word for it right now.

smiley - fullmoon
lf y'all don't mind that might be my trademark

25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 32


Well l'm a chonic non-sleeper or l can't get much sleep. Can't get much sleep. Can't spell that big word for it right now.

smiley - fullmoon
lf y'all don't mind that might be my trademark. l mean in here not for any other use

25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 33

Spelugx the Beige, Wizard, Perl, Thaumatologically Challenged

Oh, what fun, a newbie! Hi!

25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 34


Thank's for the timely post. Post People post. smiley - fullmoon

25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 35

Dancer (put your advert here)

I have something to post to PR, but am waiting for the enw system

smiley - hsif

25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 36

Spelugx the Beige, Wizard, Perl, Thaumatologically Challenged

Perhaps this is drifting off topic (hint, hint).

25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 37


Maybe smiley - fullmoon

25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 38

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

10.30am - 1.30pm eh?


smiley - headhurts

I *was* going to write my meet-up report.smiley - sadface

Guess I'll have to go shopping instead!
smiley - biggrin

25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 39


Better hurry Mate's less than 30 minute's. Sleepless in Cyberspace. What do ya think good Aye.smiley - fullmoonsmiley - peacesign

25 January 2002: Site Upgrade Scheduled for Monday, 28 January

Post 40

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

you mean 15 min ..smiley - weirdsmiley - laugh

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