A Conversation for Talking Point: 11 September, 2001

Love Islam, Hate America?

Post 941

Martin Harper

> "I point to the words "armed Palestinian revolution" and "reject all ...substitutes". "

Ahh - but those words were (if I recall) in red - meaning they have been *removed* from the Charter. Or did I miss something?

Love Islam, Hate America?

Post 942

Fenny Reh Craeser <Zero Intolerance: A593796>

As I understand it, they were in red, meaning that they were to be removed following the Oslo Agreement. They haven't been (to my understanding).

x x F(ZI)

Love Islam, Hate America?

Post 943


In April 1996 the Palestinian National Council voted in favour of the removal of the arcticles.

This vote was reaffirmed at Gaza in 1998 in the presence of Bill Clinton.


Love Islam, Hate America?

Post 944


In April 1996 the Palestinian National Council voted in favour of the removal of the arcticles.

This vote was reaffirmed at Gaza in 1998 in the presence of Bill Clinton.


Love Islam, Hate America?

Post 945

ME@SF (ex-name: Researcher 184771)

in post #905 you said: "AIPAC, Gamla and the Jerusalem Post have vested interests in getting that type of information out and you may consider what they say propaganda"

Why would I believe any of these radical Zionist sources when they speak about Arafat?...it&#8217;s not because they are Jewish, but because these sources are so Anti Palestinian and anti peace movement and has been always trying to discredit Arafat and have been always ignoring the actions of the Israeli Army and the Occupation of Palestinine lands....

Peace and Justice for ALL

Love Islam, Hate America?

Post 946


"The Palestinian people accepted the Oslo agreements as a first step and not as a permanent arrangement, based on the premise that the war and struggle on the ground is more efficient than a struggle from a distant land... for the Palestinian people will continue the revolution until they achieve the goals of the '65 revolution...". [Al Ayaam, 30 May 2000. P.A. Minister of Supply Abd El Aziz Shahian]

Love Islam, Hate America?

Post 947


"We the nation of Palestine, our fate from Allah is to be the vanguard in the war against the Jews until the resurrection of the dead, as the Prophet Mohammed said: The resurrection of the dead will not come until you do battle with the Jews and kill them, you on the east side of the river, and they on the west side."

We the Palestinians, are the vanguard in this issue, in this battle, whether we want to or whether we would refuse. All the agreements that made are temporary, until the command shall come from Allah, until the destiny from Allah shall be realized". [Palestinian Televison, 28 July 2000. The Preacher Dr. Ahmed Yousuf Abu Halbiah]

Love Islam, Hate America?

Post 948

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

Um, Crusades? Piffle! Buncha bored knights, mostly of German intent.
Small potatoes next to the Moorish incursions into europe, making parts of France and Spain part of their back yard for, what, 150 years?
Actually, I don't know what everybody's bitching about. The US has the most potential to make the globe it's pet that this planet has ever seen. The UK would have been a suburb of the US after either WWI or WWII if the US had followed the hallowed traditions of allies eating each other under the guise of debt collection, protecting the indigenous population or flouridating the water, pick one.
It's not what the US fails to do or fails at that should get everyone's attention. It's what it hasn't done, what it has no intention of doing that matters. It's not going to take over the world. Now, the Muslims, on the other hand...and maybe the Southern Baptists, they're not going to call the real estate people to check listings before they move. And they don't have the same calender we do. The Taliban make the Turks look good. Arafat makes the Israelis look good.
The US intelligence community has been a joke along with every other intelligence service in the world. But, they may have been doing something they couldn't tell us about.
Ever since l972, with the Munich thing and the Black Septembrists,
I've been waiting for somebody on the planet to get off their butt and do something. Too little, too late, but it's here now.

Love Islam, Hate America?

Post 949

ME@SF (ex-name: Researcher 184771)

When the world is ready to make Israel respect international Law and the UN, and when leaders of the 1st world are ready to talk little tougher to the Israeli government, then maybe we stop making Bin Laden and the likes from being seen as liberators or freedom fighters.
Lands have been occupied for more than 30 years, whole families living in camps for over 50yrs, bombing, destruction, and economic control of the Palestinians is making lots of people disparate....
My only fear is that the US wining a battle but losing a war

Justice for those who need justice........so we can live together

Peace and Justice for ALL

Love Islam, Hate America?

Post 950

Dorothy Outta Kansas

ME, when is anyone going to 'talk tough' to Hamas or to Islamic Jehad? That's one of the questions we should be asking.

x x Fenny (spreading Universal Tolerance)

Love Islam, Hate America?

Post 951

ME@SF (ex-name: Researcher 184771)

When Israel stops its occupation of the land, then they will stop.....Israel's occupation has been there since 1967, Hamas and the Jihad were established in the late 80s,
It is not only these two entities that are against the Israeli occupation, but the whole population of the occupied territories (the first uprising, and the second uprising)...
So if Israel is serious about peace and recognize that it needs more than words,,,, then they should leave the lands its occupying, remove the illegal Settlements it has been installing without any regard to people whose lands its occupying, then maybe we could have a peaceful Middle East,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
All I see now is lip service to the Peace Process by the American government and the British government....

Peace and Justice for ALL

Love Islam, Hate America?

Post 952


"When the Palestinians love their children more than they hate us, than there will be peace."
Golda Meir

Love Islam, Hate America?

Post 953

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

Please ignore posting above. It was a repsonse to something that was said way earlier in the thread during a time when I didn't realize how long these threads were and that my posting would appear to be from outer space.
Now I know my postings will appear to be extraterrestrial no matter where they are.

"Do you know why Moses wandered for forty years in the Sinai? He was looking for the only place that didn't have any oil!," Golda Meir

Love Islam, Hate America?

Post 954


She was right both times. :^)

Love Islam, Hate America?

Post 955

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

I wonder if she doesn't deserve an entry?

Love Islam, Hate America?

Post 956

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

An entry on "obscure quotes you might find useful" might be an idea...? We could divide it into "areas of usefulness" and arrange them within those areas by degree of obscurity...

Sounds like the makings of a collaborative project to me. smiley - ok

Love Islam, Hate America?

Post 957

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

I like that. Good idea.

But I was thinking about an entry on Golda Meir.
I know just enough about her to be ignorant. But I saw the TV movie!
The one with Isabella Rosselini's mother. Aw, crud! What was her name?
Ah! Ingrid Bergman!
If I remember correctly, Golda taught school in Minnesota.

Love Islam, Hate America?

Post 958

Sultandude(Lover of Princess Toy of the 1000 Kisses)-Keeper of Go-Go Bars-aka Kabuki Man

"smiley - peacedove2002, I doubt it!"smiley - cool

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