A Conversation for The h2g2 University Nexus

University Nexus: Add My Name

Post 21

Swiv (decrepit postgrad)

I'm at the University of St Andrews,
studying History
will graduate in 2004

University Nexus: Add My Name

Post 22


Duly noted...

University Nexus: Add My Name

Post 23


Researcher number: 182771

I'm about to go to Sussex in October, for the first time, staying in York house, studying BA philosophy for three years so i'll be out 2004

No other info as yet but i'll keep you updated smiley - smiley

University Nexus: Add My Name

Post 24


Sure thing!

I'm trying to work out if I can subtly advertise h2g2 while manning the Tai Chi stall at Fresher's Fayre at Nottingham today...

University Nexus: Add My Name

Post 25


hmm, maybe if you paint the web address across your forehead? is that subtle enough??

University Nexus: Add My Name

Post 26


That would probably take quite a large forhead though

University Nexus: Add My Name

Post 27


My forehead isn't quite that big...

I could perhaps wear my h2g2 T-shirt, but the Tai Chi president might frown on that because he knows I have a Tai Chi one as well.

University Nexus: Add My Name

Post 28



I graduated in maths from Leeds University this year and am now doing a PhD in the same at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, graduating 2005 (probably). I've joined the outdoors club, so hopefully I'll get round to a bit of hiking & climbing.

University Nexus: Add My Name

Post 29

Dancing Ermine

Great Idea smiley - ok

I'm at the University of Bath http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/A317288 doing a BSc in Business administration and graduating in 2003. I was treasurer of the Ballroom Dancing http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/A464726 club 2000/01 and I am also a member of the Archery Club(yay MaW smiley - winkeye, I found this page doing a search for archery entries), having given up affiliation to the hockey club and university film society in the last couple of years.

University Nexus: Add My Name

Post 30

cafram - in the states.


I'm doing a Bachelor of Arts (BA=Bugger ALL smiley - winkeye) at The University of Melbourne (Australia)...will graduate in 3 or 4 years if I can force myself to go through with it smiley - winkeye

This is a great idea - I'll see if I can get some other Aussies to come along smiley - smiley

University Nexus: Add My Name

Post 31

King Cthulhu of Balwyniti

Shameless advertising on the Aussie researchers page, disgraceful smiley - tongueout

U145910, studying a BA at Monash University, Victoria Astralia, majoring in Linguistics, graduating at the end of 2002 with a bit of luck smiley - winkeye
I don't live on campus, I don't drink beer, I was at one stage the Secretary of the Fiction Writers club...err...that's about it, really smiley - smiley

University Nexus: Add My Name

Post 32


Well, you're all added smiley - smiley

University Nexus: Add My Name

Post 33

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

University of Hull

ME! smiley - biggrinU113478 - BA Special Philosophy and this is my final year so that'll mean I'm leaving in 2002.

While I'm at it can I please also add in their absence:

Eris U110315 - BA History and she graduates in 2003, I believe

Tabitca U170714 - EEek, She's staff! Lectures In Pyschology and Sociology
smiley - silly*

Clive smiley - smiley

University Nexus: Add My Name

Post 34


All three now added...

University Nexus: Add My Name

Post 35


Munchkin, University of Glasgow, Scotland, graduated with BSc in Physics 1996, graduated with PhD Nanoelectronics 2001. Was heavily into IO, the SF society and West End pubs.

University Nexus: Add My Name

Post 36


Toccata (179952) University of Surrey, Guildford

Graduated BSc Microbiology/Biotechnology in '95. Spent quite a bit of time in Stage Crew. smiley - cheers

University Nexus: Add My Name

Post 37


Oops, and my U number is 55447 smiley - doh

University Nexus: Add My Name

Post 38


Thanks Toccatta and Munchkin!

Strange, not many people from the same university yet. I'm despairing of finding any other Researchers at Nottingham. Oh well.

University Nexus: Add My Name

Post 39

Tonto BA (Hons)

Researcher 173509

Sheffield University, studying Business Studies and due to graduate summer 2002. Spent 1st year in Halifax Hall.

University Nexus: Add My Name

Post 40

Berek - A619049 William Wallace - Braveheart and Scottish Patriot :o)

I graduated from the University of Glasgow, UK (Hello, Doc Munchkin! smiley - smiley ) in 1986, with a BAcc (Bachelor of Accountancy). I have fond memories of Queen Margaret Halls of Residence and GUT (Glasgow University Theatre). I've also done some evening classes at the university, most recently in Japanese.

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