A Conversation for The Ultimate Martial Art

A600085 - The Ultimate Martial Art

Post 61

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

Are you talking of and entry 'Marital Arts' with the bottom line of 'Run-Lak Fekh'? smiley - winkeye

As to the status of not being recommended yet -- As for my part, I'm keeping a habit of picking oldest threads first.

A600085 - The Ultimate Martial Art

Post 62


Bossel - above prompts a slightly offtopic question which I've taken here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/F42658?thread=137299&post=1252707#p1252707 H.

A600085 - The Ultimate Martial Art

Post 63


OK, trawling back through the older Peer Review entries I found one on Sun Tzu, so in a spirit of optimism that that entry will soon be tidied up, finished and recommended, there's now a link to it from here.

Other than that...


A600085 - The Ultimate Martial Art

Post 64

Geoff Taylor - Life's Liver

I've managed to produce an article on Tai Chi. It's in Peer Review in its own right, but here's a link if you want to include a reference in your own article.

smiley - cheers


A600085 - The Ultimate Martial Art

Post 65


In response to Ploppy's shameless self-promotion, there is now a link to the Tai Chi article in the Entry. Cheers!

smiley - cheers


A600085 - The Ultimate Martial Art

Post 66

Administrator-General (5+0+9)*3+0

I saw the title "Ultimate Martial Art", expecting to find a description of Ultimate Martial Art tournaments. Now that I've read the entry, I'm sure such tournaments exist, even if they can't quite agree on the name. smiley - smiley

Personally, I still take this entry entirely seriously, and think it would be good for the edited Guide.

A600085 - The Ultimate Martial Art

Post 67



Do you refer to the "Ultimate Fighting Championships"? These definitely exist. Instigated I think by a couple of brothers from Brazil who wanted to test their style of Jujitsu against other forms - I think one or other of them won for about the first six years until some other people started to get the measure of them.

Thanks for the thumbs up. This entry's getting old, now though, I'm starting to give up hope smiley - sadface


A600085 - The Ultimate Martial Art

Post 68

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

giving up hope after *three* weeks in PR? Do you know how it feels to have a finished entry sitting at the >reverse pole position< (that is, the *very* bottom of PR) with your own posting being the last one? There's a related journal entry (although quite cryptic) on my space, any questions just ask!

A600085 - The Ultimate Martial Art

Post 69


Sorry, Bossel. I did say somewhere that I'd learned patience... guess I'm just acclimatised to success (oh god how big-headed that made me sound, repulsive.)

I'm going to go and find that entry now, of course... can't resist a mystery...


A600085 - The Ultimate Martial Art

Post 70

Geoff Taylor - Life's Liver

I learned patience. It's a rubbish card game. smiley - laugh

Ah, the pun. God's gift to talentless writers smiley - biggrin

A600085 - The Ultimate Martial Art

Post 71

Aaron O'Keefe the anti-pajama man (ACE)

I just read your article and loved it. It may not be Guide material but it is wortha read. As a practisioner of jujitsu I have a great respect for the killing arts . . .but your article lends light and credence to all martial arts. .. if you don't make it, let me know and I will certainly do my best to get your article spread about the community.

Aaron (ace)

Cobra 2-6 out

A600085 - The Ultimate Martial Art

Post 72

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

"It may not be Guide material..." -- no, it *is*!

A600085 - The Ultimate Martial Art

Post 73

Geoff Taylor - Life's Liver


See posting 11 on this thread for HV's argument about the suitability of this entry for the Guide.

smiley - cheers

A600085 - The Ultimate Martial Art

Post 74


To Aaron:

I've asked elsewhere on this thread for people who know better than I do to write entries on other martial arts - (I gave a list). Someone very kindly took this as inspiration for an entry on Tai Chi, to which this entry is now linked. Is there *any* chance you could do one on Jujitsu? I'm very interested in it, and especially its relationship with Judo. Guaranteed link from here if you write it in time....

Thanks for the comments...


A600085 - The Ultimate Martial Art

Post 75

Administrator-General (5+0+9)*3+0

I've heard of Ultimate Fighting championships, but sprinting races would fit your definition of Ultimate Martial Art better. smiley - smiley

From what I've seen of Peer Review, even after the moderators ban your entry for the third time, it's still premature to give up hope. I was once afraid I'd waste time writing entries the Guide didn't want, so I spent most of the year 2000 waiting for my first set of entries to get approved. In retrospect, that was just silly. But it still gives an indication of how long an entry can ferment before reaching its bubbly maturity.

A600085 - The Ultimate Martial Art

Post 76

Aaron O'Keefe the anti-pajama man (ACE)

I will try to give some snippets of Jujitsu.

A600085 - The Ultimate Martial Art

Post 77


Since the BBC is, as I speak, showing "Enter the Dragon" uncut for the first time in Britain for almost 20 years, I thought I'd post here to push this to the top of the queue for any Brits with a martial arts interest (I'm *still* typing "marital" every time I mean "martial" - Freudian or what?).

"Boards... don't hit back." No, and they don't run very fast either...

A600085 - The Ultimate Martial Art

Post 78

LL Waz

Well Hvl, some might think 'Run-Lak Fekh' would qualify as a pretty close to ultimate marital art too.

You could have two guide entries here for the price of a small title change.

A600085 - The Ultimate Martial Art

Post 79

Geoff Taylor - Life's Liver

You're confusing Run-Lak Fekh with Fekh-Dan Rhoon, the ancient art of sex without consequences smiley - winkeye

A600085 - The Ultimate Martial Art

Post 80

Aaron O'Keefe the anti-pajama man (ACE)

oh geez. . .(laughs uncontrollably)

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