A Conversation for Mount Olympus

The Valhalla Inn

Post 161

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat


The Valhalla Inn

Post 162


Touche, Red smiley - winkeye

*eyes Sgt.* and just what are you giggling at?

The Valhalla Inn

Post 163

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

What, me? Giggling?smiley - winkeye

*flutters eyelashes*

The Valhalla Inn

Post 164

Uncle Heavy [sic]

yes. you!

The Valhalla Inn

Post 165

Artenshiur, the perpetually pseudopresent

my, my, my, I never liked inns very much. I'll have to do this quickly.

*places a truebaffler on himself, forcing the minds of everyone in the room- gods included- away from him in a very SEPesque manner. Arten then runs up a wall and asks reality to kindly allow him to remain standing on the ceiling, to which reality replies "alright, but only for a few minutes. I'm fond of gravity." Arten thanks reality and gets along with his business. He walks along until he's directly over Apollo's head. he quickly pulls out a lock of hair.*

That should do. does that sound childish enough for you?

*runs along the ceiling for a bit, drops down, and turns off the truebaffler.*

Just a little demonstration of the Gadian's simpler abilities. Mostly an attempt (horrible though it may be) to bother you. Have a nice eternity *grins sarcastically*.

oh, hi, Rambling

The Valhalla Inn

Post 166

Artenshiur, the perpetually pseudopresent


The Valhalla Inn

Post 167

Uncle Heavy [sic]


The Valhalla Inn

Post 168


*Caper Plip doesn't bother to look up from her drink.*

Blimey, I thought that a streaker was someone who runs around aimlessly and butt-naked, not someone who runs around aimlessly and fully-dressed!

The Valhalla Inn

Post 169


Random chaos tends to reign around here....

does anyone else have a headache??

better make myself a Singapore Sling smiley - smiley

The Valhalla Inn

Post 170

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

I`ve got one from a lack of alcohol Apollo. Here fill this up with something interesting smiley - winkeye

*hands tankard over*

The Valhalla Inn

Post 171

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

Yeah, a drink would be nice smiley - smiley

The Valhalla Inn

Post 172

Uncle Heavy [sic]

no~! no drink! arg!

The Valhalla Inn

Post 173


Interesting huh?


*searches cabinet* ah-Hah!
Very rare indeed, my own secret recipe....Chocolate Schnapps! smiley - magicadd some Kahlua and Irish Cream.... Here you go mutt!

And one for the lady?

The Valhalla Inn

Post 174

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

*sips Apollos patent Chocolate Schnapps-Kahlua-Irish Cream cocktail*

smiley - bigeyes

The Valhalla Inn

Post 175

Saturn Girl ~ 1 of 42 (Borg Queen A761708) ~ Gollum's keeper + some ~ [1*7(0!+2)(0!+1)=42]

*Saturn Girl wakes up from whatever day dream had kept her occupied for a while in the inn, and looks around*

Hmmm... amazing how easy it is for someone to get lost in the back log, huh?

The Valhalla Inn

Post 176


Especially if that someone is named Saturn Girl....
smiley - winkeye

The Valhalla Inn

Post 177

Saturn Girl ~ 1 of 42 (Borg Queen A761708) ~ Gollum's keeper + some ~ [1*7(0!+2)(0!+1)=42]

smiley - tongueout And I love you too *shoots Apollo a nasty look*

The Valhalla Inn

Post 178

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

smiley - bigeyes *hic*

The Valhalla Inn

Post 179

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

*has sip of drink concoction*

Mmm...nicesmiley - biggrin

The Valhalla Inn

Post 180

The White Tiger - Avatar to the Tiger God

The White Tiger wakes up from his long cat nap. He looks around the room, noticed the usual random chaos then layed back down for another nap...

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