A Conversation for Mount Olympus

'ello 'ello

Post 1

Aries (ACE)

Whats going on here then, nothing much I see.

I the (soon to be) God of Lost Memories, Hereby remember this place and cause it to become a place full of bustling people.

*awaits appearance of bustling people*

'ello 'ello

Post 2

Aries (ACE)

*awaits still*


*listens to echoes thoughtfully*

'ello 'ello

Post 3


*A small dust bunny shapeshifts into Aximili.*


'ello 'ello

Post 4

Aries (ACE)

*Watches the dustbunny/aximili figure thoughtfully*

Where are the bustling people I ordered?

'ello 'ello

Post 5


Bustling people? Sorry. Can't help you there, there's only me. Bythe way, do you have ANY idea how hard it is for a living dust bunny to travel? Where a I anyway? *Looks around* Oh, ME! I was in Atlantis.

You wanted crows? Well, I can create some out of these dust bunnies, but unfortunately, they'll have an IQ somewhere between a whelk and George W. Bush. I'm not sure if you want that...

'ello 'ello

Post 6

Aries (ACE)

I see the losing memories charm is already working. So when can I be 'h2g2 God"ified?

'ello 'ello

Post 7


Not in charge of that, I'm afraid. Talk to Apollo. He runs this gig.

'ello 'ello

Post 8

Aries (ACE)

Hmm, I remember Apollo. Where is he when one needs him.

'ello 'ello

Post 9


Usually getting roaring drunk in the Valhalla Inn, as memory serves. Or seducing young nubile maidens. That seems to be a favourite of many Divine entities *Sniffs disapprovingly* You could try his PS, if you want to be very dull about it, though.

'ello 'ello

Post 10

Aries (ACE)

I could play the assassin bit. Go and take a potshot at him, that would get his attention, help him to remember. smiley - laugh

'ello 'ello

Post 11


It would, but Gods are notoriously hard to kill, y'knowsmiley - winkeye And In can't be held responsible for what He will do to YOU.

'ello 'ello

Post 12

Aries (ACE)

I will just make him forget again afterwards.

'ello 'ello

Post 13


Hmm... mind if I help? I'm bored and can use some amusement. I'll turn him into something nasty and only turn him back when he agrees to take your application<evilgrin

'ello 'ello

Post 14

Aries (ACE)

Don't mind if you do! The more the merrier. smiley - evilgrin

'ello 'ello

Post 15

Aries (ACE)


'ello 'ello

Post 16


There we go. I've tried to be sympathetic and understanding. I've no idea why, just a kind word can go a long way. (Please don't quote Al Capone at me)

'ello 'ello

Post 17

Aries (ACE)

You can get much farther with a kind word and a gun than you can with a kind word alone.

Oops, guess I just did! smiley - winkeye

'ello 'ello

Post 18


I asked you nicely not to do that. Do I have to be nasty?

'ello 'ello

Post 19

Aries (ACE)

Don' tangle with me sir, I've been accused of every death except the casualty list of the World War.

Ooh, those quotes just roll off the tongue don't they! smiley - winkeye Almost as bad as that winking problem.

'ello 'ello

Post 20


What's that quote from? I've never heard it before and may steal itsmiley - evilgrin

You're madder than Mad Jack Mcmad when he won the local madman conpetition.

All right, I might have paraphrased that one. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink.smiley - winkeye

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