This is the Message Centre for paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3501

Lady Scott

What you have to realize is that only a woman can do the laundry, cook dinner, schedule dental appointments, take care of the kids, and clean the house all at the same time (probably more things too, but I don't have time to be typing this one post all day long- I'm a woman and have work I need to do smiley - tongueout) - granted, no matter how much time you devote to each thing on that list, the work is never done - even when you think it is, it's time to start all over again.

Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3502

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I've been known to do the first three things
at the same time. The last two are relevant
here because (a.) there are no kids here to
take care of, and (b.) cleaning house is not an
option; when my house gets dirty enough, I'll
just move and let the cleaning be somebody
else's problem (and therefore invisible). smiley - tongueout

Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3503

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Sorry, I meant that the last two
things are *not* relevant. Unless
you consider my goldfish to be children....

Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3504

Lady Scott

smiley - laugh

See? I told you women can do more things at one time - it's because we have no choice!

Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3505

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

It's also probably genetic.
The women who couldn't do those things
all at once lost babies, undercooked
the pork chops, and/or left the raw
meat in the hot sun too long (Ick!
Germs! smiley - yuk).

I might add one little thing, though:
Many of the women I work with are
doing all those things, plus holding
down jobs. I don't know how they avoid
total collapse....

Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3506

Lady Scott

Granted, some women do have more stamina than others...

I know it didn't go well when I worked outside the home, but then I generally worked retail stores, which meant standing on not just my feet but high heels, because this was a ritzy store and you had to dress up for work. I didn't have kids in those years, but all that standing/walking really wiped me out, and my feet complained a lot in those days. smiley - footprints

Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3507

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

Mum tried to work as well as look after home and got ME. Then some fatigue syndrome thing. Then she retired.

But yeah, mums do a lot I guesssmiley - smiley

smiley - rose

Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3508

tacsatduck- beware the <sheep> lie

hmmm I don't ever remember my mom not working outside the home.....and as my family is like this...I don't forsee her stopping until well she can't anymore


Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3509

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

My mother worked part-time in the town library,
which happened to be two blocks from our home.
She worked most evenings, but my father was always
home by then, so my siblings were not unsupervised.
At one point, our grandmother also lived with us.

Moreover, the town library was halfway between my
school and our house. If I walked home from school,
I could stop at the library on the way. We all knew
where everybody was.

Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3510

Lady Scott

Sounds like you had a good situation then.

Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3511

Shea the Sarcastic

My Mom didn't work outside of home until we were all in school, then she started voluteering *at* school ... in the cafeteria and library. Back then, she'd ride her bike there ... a good 5 miles! smiley - yikes When we were even older (and she had her own car), she started voluteering at a preschool for mentally and emotionally disabled kids. She loved it, and went on to be a paid assistant teacher. She hated to leave that job when my Dad retired, but they couldn't afford to live on Long Island after that, and moved upstate.

Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3512

Fluffy Pink Rabbit

I lived in a rabbit hole with my two sisters.
Mother always warned us not to go into Farmer
McGregor's garden, because he grew bio-engineered
vegetables. I disobeyed her, and gorged on Farmer
McGregor's carrots, until I started sprouting
extra legs and turning green, and then purple.
smiley - yikes I ran all the way home, and mother gave
me chamomile tea and put me to bed without any
supper. But I could hear mom and my sisters laughing
their butts off because I looked so smiley - weird.
It all wore off in a week, though. smiley - erm

Moral: Stay away from Farmer McGregor's garden,
even if your mom works there. smiley - silly

Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3513

Mistadrong, (Count vonCount.)the last Gog standing

Well that sparked some comment. smiley - smiley
It was something I discussed on the phone with my son as I peeled the veg, sorted the washing, made a shopping list, washed a plate, fed the dog, hoovered the carpet and straightened a picture. Our conclusiobn was there may be some truth in the notion that only women can multi-task.smiley - bigeyes
smiley - vampire

Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3514

Lady Scott

Now if you'd added in the necessity of scrubbing the kitchen floor, cleaning the refrigerator, steaming the carpet, and anticipating what everyone in the house would like for dinner and lunch the next day (as we all know they can't agree on the same thing), plus chauffering the kids to assorted practices, helping with homework and coordinating the cable repairman's service call with the plumber's service call, while nursing the colicky baby, all while remaining serene and endeavoring to stay as beautiful as the day you got married - there you'll have some idea what a woman's life is like.

All in a day's work. smiley - smiley

Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3515

tacsatduck- beware the <sheep> lie

well how about this I can take over the world and post on h2g2 while still taking care of any outages and telephone calls coming in smiley - nahnahsmiley - laugh
smiley - chick
(smiley - cuddlesmiley - bunny)

Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3516

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

smiley - cross

You are all conspiring to make me feel inadequate.
True, I may be inadequate, but I'm usually able
to forget that I am. smiley - whistle

Besides, I sense that Lady Scott is not multi-tasking
while she's online posting her messages. I, on the
other hand, am able to eat popcorn and/or chocolates,
listen for the microwave timer to ding, and post on
H2G2 at the same time. That's all any sane person
(not that I am sane) needs to be able to do...smiley - tongueout

Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3517

Lady Scott

Of course I'm multi-tasking when I'm online...

I'm breathing, my heart is beating, sometimes I'm eating, cooking, doing laundry (like right now), answering phone calls, planning dinner, answering the doorbell, waiting for the mail, reading and answering email, posting on h2g2, chatting on IM (often with more than one person), and sometimes watching TV.

Not much, just the usual stuff.smiley - tongueout

Which explains why I'm so insane!

Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3518

Lady Scott

.... And apparently can't spell either....

Just back from errands, put the groceries away, started another load of laundry, had a lucious lunch of freshly nuked Sweet Dumpling Squash with cinnamon and almonds (while I was posting of course), and now I'm off to do more errands.

smiley - run


Ok, I'll go ahead and say it so you won't have to - I'm *always* off.

smiley - runs again

Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3519

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

What is sweet dumpling squash?
If you serve it with corn, is it a good meal for
squashbuckling buckanears?

Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3520

Lady Scott

smiley - laugh

All punning aside, I'd never seen these little squashes before, and when the directions on them said they were sweet enough that you didn't need to sweeten them and gave microwave directions, I said to myself "Self, that looks like lunch." And so it was.

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