This is the Message Centre for paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3521

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Almonds are really good with squash.
You really know your food combinations,
Lady Scott. smiley - winkeye

Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3522

Lady Scott

The little sticker on the squash suggested trying nuts and cinnamon on it, and since I don't care for walnuts, I figured why not almonds? I may try pecans next time, just to see how they are, but I'm really partial to almonds.

Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3523

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

So am I.

I made cassoulet the other night, and bought
some slivered almonds to add to it.

Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3524

Lady Scott

Sounds good smiley - smiley

I realize you have a pink smiley - bunny that you live with now, but since he's a vegetarian and the recipes I've seen for cassoulet have meat in them how do you cut recipes down enough that you don't end up having to eat the same thing every night for a week?

Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3525

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

smiley - hug Pauly Pun-kin Poo

Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3526

Lady Scott

*wonders where Paul could have gotten to this time*

Paul, don't you realize you're supposed to spend all your time posting on here? If you've gone off and gotten a life instead...

Well, congratulations would be in order! smiley - biggrin

Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3527

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

YAY!!!! smiley - smiley

Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3528

Mistadrong, (Count vonCount.)the last Gog standing

He was in my fang club a minute ago, course he may have decided to nap in one of my luxury coffins for a while.
smiley - vampire

Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3529

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Lady Scott, I think fixing dishes that
make three or four meals is a solution,
not a problem. It means I don't have to
cook very often. Just reheat. smiley - smiley

I know your luxury coffins are very nice,
Mistadrong, but I don't want to disturb
the living dead when they are trying to
get some shuteye. smiley - winkeye

Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3530

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Yeah... that's be terrible!!!!

Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3531

Lady Scott

I guess it works to do reheated meals if you're only cooking for yourself - when you're cooking for a family, suddenly they expect *variety* in their meals. Who ever heard of such a silly thing? Variety? Bah.

Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3532


yay! i finally made it to paul's fan club!!
smiley - hug

after reading all that backlog tho, i feel compelled to tender my resignation as a member of the female gender. i just don't have the ambition for all that.

lady s, did i see somewhere back there that lord s has the mad magazine catalog on cd rom? or did i misunderstand that? (may have just solved christmas present for impossible-to-buy-for father)

Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3533

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat


I could never multi tasksmiley - erm

Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3534

Lady Scott

Bro - yes, look for Totally Mad, which at the time Lord Scott bought it was a 7 CD set.

Sarge - I think female multi-tasking is a talent born of necessity - motherhood does it to us. If we didn't, our kids wouldn't survive because you have to do at least 6 things at once just to keep up with a newborn.

Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3535

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

I guess. Maybe I'll manage it one daysmiley - smiley

Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3536

Lady Scott

You'll be fine, really... you learn very quickly to do what needs done - and how to manage. It's amazing what you can do while carring a baby in one arm.

Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3537

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

smiley - ghost A Men!!!!

Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3538

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

smiley - hug Pauly


Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3539

Mistadrong, (Count vonCount.)the last Gog standing

::Strolls in wearing his::
scrubbing the kitchen floor, cleaning the refrigerator, steaming the carpet, and anticipating what everyone in the house would like for dinner and lunch the next day (as we all know they can't agree on the same thing), plus chauffering the kids to assorted practices, helping with homework and coordinating the cable repairman's service call with the plumber's service call, while nursing the colicky baby, all while remaining serene and endeavoring to stay as handsome as the day you got married
:tee shirt::
smiley - whistle
smiley - vampire

Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3540

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde


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